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王坤 史宗谦 石元杰 赵志刚 张董



王坤, 史宗谦, 石元杰, 赵志刚, 张董

Characteristics of electrical explosion of single wire in a vacuum and in the air

Wang Kun, Shi Zong-Qian, Shi Yuan-Jie, Zhao Zhi-Gang, Zhang Dong
  • 开展了铝丝在真空和空气环境中的电爆炸特性研究.从金属丝电爆炸的电压、电流波形得到了金属丝内的沉积能量,并基于以上电参数特征分析了电爆炸产物的状态,获得了空气中铝丝电爆炸电流暂停时间随初级储能电容充电电压的变化规律.真空和空气中铝丝电爆炸在电压击穿时刻的沉积能量分别为2.8和6 eV/atom.采用波长为532 nm、亚纳秒激光探针对金属丝电爆炸物理过程开展了高时空分辨率的阴影和纹影诊断.阴影图像清晰地展示了不同气氛环境中高密度电爆炸产物的膨胀过程,根据光学诊断图像分析了高密度丝核沉积能量的结构和空气中铝丝电爆炸产生的激波的膨胀轨迹.真空和空气环境中高密度电爆炸产物的平均膨胀速度分别为1.9和3 km/s.基于实验数据和输运参数模型,估算了金属丝在电压击穿时刻的温度.
    The characteristics of the electrical explosion of aluminum wire in a vacuum and in the air are investigated.The process of energy deposition is derived from the typical voltage and current waveforms.The energy deposited into the aluminum wire at the instant of voltage breakdown is very important for estimating the state of the metal wire.Energy of~2.8 eV/atom is deposited into the aluminum wire in a vacuum at the instant of voltage breakdown.However,the current flowing through the load for the electrical explosion of aluminum wire in the air decreases to zero gradually after the onset of the phase explosion,coming into the dwell stage.Energy of about 6 eV/atom is deposited into the wire at the instant of voltage breakdown for exploding aluminum wire in the air.Temperatures of 0.9 eV and 0.4 eV are estimated for exploding aluminum wires in a vacuum and in the air according to the experimental data combined with the transport coefficient model.The dwell stage is a significant feature for exploding aluminum wires in the air.The dependence of the dwell time on the initial charging voltage of the primary energy-storage capacitor is derived.The dwell time decreases from 95 ns to 17 ns with the increase of the initial voltage from 13 kV to 17 kV.The optical diagnostic equipment with high spatial and temporal resolution is constructed by a 532 nm,30 ps laser probe.The shadowgram demonstrates the expansion trajectories of the high-density products in different media.The expansion velocities of the high-density core for exploding aluminum wire in a vacuum and in the air are 1.9 km/s and 3 km/s,respectively.The energy deposition into the aluminum wire near the electrode region is slightly higher than in the middle region due to the polarity effect, which is analyzed by the distribution of the radial electric field on the wire surface.Because the explosive emission of the electrons is suppressed substantially by the air,the structure of the energy deposition for exploding aluminum wire in the air is more homogeneous.The structures of the energy deposition and the expansion trajectory of the shock wave are analyzed.The schlieren diagnostic is used to translate the exploding products with different refractivities.The schlieren images for exploding aluminum wire in a vacuum show that the metal wire is exploded into two-phase structure,i.e.,the low-density high-temperature corona plasma surrounding the high-density low-temperature core.However,the schlieren images for exploding aluminum wire in the air demonstrate that in addition to the core-corona structure,the channels of shock wave and compressed air layer are formed.The expansion trajectory of the shockwave front is derived according to the optical diagnostics.
      通信作者: 史宗谦, zqshi@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:51322706,51237006,51325705)和河北省高等学校青年拔尖人才(批准号:BJ2017038)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Shi Zong-Qian, zqshi@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51322706, 51237006, 51325705) and the Program for the Top Young and Middle-aged Innovative Talents of Higher Learning Institutions of Hebei, China (Grant No. BJ2017038).

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    Beilis I I, Baksht B R, Oreshkin V I, Russkikh A G, Chaikovskii S A, Labetskii A, Ratakhin N A, Shishlov A V 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 013501


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    Wu J, Li X W, Wang K, Li Z, Yang Z, Shi Q Z, Jia S L, Qiu A C 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 112708


    Wang K, Shi Z Q, Shi Y J, Bai J, Li Y, Wu Z Q, Qiu A C, Jia S L 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 015203(in Chinese)[王坤, 史宗谦, 石元杰, 白骏, 李阳, 武子骞, 邱爱慈, 贾申利2016物理学报 65 015203]


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  • [1]

    Zou X B, Mao Z G, Wang X X, Jiang W H 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 045206


    Clérouin J, Noiret P, Blottiau P, Recoules V, Siberchicot B, Renaudin P, Blancard C, Faussurier G, Holst B, Starrett C E 2012 Phys. Plasmas 19 082702


    Zhang Y M, Qiu A C, Zhou H B, Liu Q Y, Tang J P, Liu M J 2016 High Voltage Eng. 42 1009(in Chinese)[张永民, 邱爱慈, 周海滨, 刘巧珏, 汤俊萍, 刘美娟2016高电压技术 42 1009]


    Haines M G 2011 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 53 093001


    Sarkisov G S, Rosenthal S E, Cochrane K W, Struve K, Deeney C, McDaniel D 2005 Phys. Rev. E 71 046404


    Shi Z Q, Shi Y J, Wang K, Jia S L 2016 Phys. Plasmas 23 032707


    Duselis P U, Kusse B R 2003 Phys. Plasmas 10 565


    Shi Z Q, Wang K, Shi Y J, Wu J, Han R Y 2015 J. Appl. Phys. 118 243302


    Sarkisov G S, Sasorov P, Struve K, McDaniel D, Gribov A, Oleinik G 2002 Phys. Rev. E 66 046413


    Wang K 2017 Phys. Plasmas 24 022702


    Li Y, Sheng L, Wu J, Li X, Zhao J, Zhang M, Yuan Y, Peng B 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 102513


    Shi Y J, Shi Z Q, Wang K, Wu Z Q, Jia S L 2017 Phys. Plasmas 24 012706


    Beilis I I, Baksht B R, Oreshkin V I, Russkikh A G, Chaikovskii S A, Labetskii A, Ratakhin N A, Shishlov A V 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 013501


    Shi H T, Zou X B, Wang X X 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 134105


    Wu J, Li X W, Wang K, Li Z, Yang Z, Shi Q Z, Jia S L, Qiu A C 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 112708


    Wang K, Shi Z Q, Shi Y J, Bai J, Li Y, Wu Z Q, Qiu A C, Jia S L 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 015203(in Chinese)[王坤, 史宗谦, 石元杰, 白骏, 李阳, 武子骞, 邱爱慈, 贾申利2016物理学报 65 015203]


    Wang K, Shi Z Q, Shi Y J, Bai J, Wu J, Jia S L 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 062709


    Tkachenkon S I, Gasilov V, Ol'khovskaya O 2011 Math. Models Comput. Simul. 3 575


    Chase Jr M W 1998 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data Monograph 9


    Desjarlais M P 2001 Contrib. Plasma Phys. 41 267


    Hu M, Kusse B R 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 1145

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  • 收稿日期:  2017-05-03
  • 修回日期:  2017-06-24
  • 刊出日期:  2017-09-05

