研究流体/多孔介质界面Scholte波的传播特性对于水下勘探、地震工程等领域具有重要意义.本文基于Biot理论和等效流体模型,采用势函数方法,推导了描述有限厚度流体/准饱和多孔半空间远场界面波的特征方程和位移、孔压计算公式.在此基础上,分别以砂岩和松散沉积土为例,研究了流体/硬多孔介质和流体/软多孔介质两种情况下,可压缩流体层厚度和多孔介质饱和度对伪Scholte波传播特性的影响.结果表明:多孔介质软硬程度显著影响界面波的种类、相速度、位移和水压力分布;有限厚度流体/饱和多孔半空间界面处伪Scholte波相速度与界面波波长和流体厚度的比值有关;孔隙水中溶解的少量气体对剪切波的相速度的影响不大,对压缩波相速度、伪Scholte波相速度和孔隙水压力分布影响显著.The propagation of interface waves at the interface between a fluid-saturated porous medium and a fluid has been extensively investigated in the last three decades due to its various and wide applications in several fields including earthquake engineering and materials testing. Although the sea floor is usually covered with porous marine sediment, the previous interface wave theories are rarely used for submarine acoustic problems for the following reasons. 1) In addition to hard porous media, unconsolidated soft porous media exist widely in the seabed, which are seldom considered in previous studies. 2) The depth of seawater is limited, and in many cases it cannot be regarded as a half-space. 3) The fluid-saturated porous medium model cannot describe the effect of a small number of bubbles caused by decomposition of organic matter in the sediment. Hence, the present paper focuses on the low-frequency pseudo-Scholte waves at the interface between an overlying fluid layer of finite thickness and a quasi-saturated porous half-space. The overlying fluid is assumed to be ideal compressible water and the quasi-saturated porous media are assumed to be sandstone and unconsolidated sediment and modeled by Biot theory. A fluid equivalent model is used to analyze the effects of the bubbles in the pores. Based on the boundary conditions, the closed-form dispersion equations of far-field interface waves are derived by using classical potential function method. The velocity and attenuation of pseudo-Scholte wave are determined by Newton iteration in a reasonable rooting interval. The analytical expressions of the displacement field and fluid pressure distribution caused by pseudo-Scholte waves are also derived. Then, based on the derived theoretical formulation, the numerical examples of calculations are presented. Our calculation results show that the stiffness of porous medium significantly affects the mode, phase velocity, displacement and fluid pressure distribution of interface waves; the phase velocity of the pseudo-Scholte wave in the finite-thickness fluid/fluid-saturated porous half-space is related to the ratio of the wavelength to the thickness of the fluid layer; the phase velocity of the shear wave is insensitive to a small number of bubbles dissolved in the pores, but the existence of bubbles has a significant influence on the phase velocity of the compressional wave and the pseudo-Scholte wave. Furthermore, the existence of bubbles can significantly affect the distribution of the pore pressure.
- porous media /
- interface wave /
- wave velocity ratio /
- displacement distribution /
- propagation characteristics
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[1] Han Q B, Qian M L, Zhu C P 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 313 (in Chinese)[韩庆邦, 钱梦騄, 朱昌平 2007 物理学报 56 313]
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[12] Han Q B, Xu S, Xie Z F, Ge R, Wang Q, Zhao S Y 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 194301 (in Chinese)[韩庆邦, 徐杉, 谢祖峰, 葛蕤, 王茜, 赵胜永 2013 物理学报 62 194301]
[13] Feng S, Johnson D L 1983 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 74 906
[14] Allard, J F, Henry M, Glorieux C, Petillon S, Lauriks W 2003 J. Appl. Phys. 93 1298
[15] Allard J F, Henry M, Glorieux C, Lauriks W, Petillon S 2004 J. Appl. Phys. 95 528
[16] van Dalen K N, Drijkoningen G G, Smeulders D M 2011 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129 2912
[17] Wang F, Huang Y W, Sun Q H 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 194302 (in Chinese)[王飞, 黄益旺, 孙启航 2017 物理学报 66 194302]
[18] Wang J T, Jin F, Zhang C H 2013 Ocean Eng. 63 8
[19] Yang J 2005 Acta Geotech. 55 409
[20] Verruijt A 1969 Flow Through Porous Media (New York: Academic Press) pp331-376
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