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电子温度各向异性对螺旋波m = 1角向模功率沉积特性的影响

李文秋 唐彦娜 刘雅琳 王刚


电子温度各向异性对螺旋波m = 1角向模功率沉积特性的影响

李文秋, 唐彦娜, 刘雅琳, 王刚

Influence of electron temperature anisotropy on the m = 1 helicon mode power deposition characteristic

Li Wen-Qiu, Tang Yan-Na, Liu Ya-Lin, Wang Gang
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 采用一般的径向密度非均匀分布假设, 借助温等离子体介电张量模型, 利用磁化等离子体中电磁波的一般色散关系, 在高密度峰值、低磁场、低气压典型参量条件下, 重点分析了电子温度各向异性对螺旋波m = 1角向模功率沉积特性的影响. 研究结果表明: 在典型螺旋波等离子体电子温度范围(3, 8) eV内, 电子有限拉莫尔半径效应应当予以考虑, 而离子有限拉莫尔半径效应可以忽略. 低磁场条件下$|n| > 1 $ 次回旋谐波对介电张量元素的贡献可以忽略. 碰撞阻尼在功率沉积中占据主导地位, 功率沉积在偏离等离子体柱中心轴的某一径向位置出现峰值, 随着轴向电子温度Te, z的增大, 功率沉积强度逐渐增强. 相比等离子体温度各向同性情形, 等离子体温度各向异性显著改变了螺旋波m = 1角向模的功率沉积特性, 电子温度各向异性因子χ = Te,⊥/Te, z的增大或减小均导致功率沉积强度发生剧烈改变.
    As a core phenomenon in helicon discharge, the plasma temperature anisotropy may play a crucial role in helicon wave power deposition. Under radially inhomogeneous plasma circumstances, by employing the warm plasma dielectric tensor model and considering the finite Larmor radius (FLR) effect and plasma temperature anisotropy effect, under the typical helicon discharge parameter conditions, the helicon wave and Trivelpiece-Gould (TG) wave mode coupling characteristic and influence of electron temperature anisotropy on the helicon wave power deposition induced by collisional and Landau damping mechanism are theoretically investigated. Detailed analysis shows that for typical helicon plasma electron temperature Te = 3 eV and low magnetic field B0 = 48 G, the electron FLR effect should be considered, while the ion FLR effect can be ignored due to its large inertia effect; compared with the $| n | < 2 $ cyclotron harmonics, the contribution of the $| n | > 1 $ harmonics in the calculation of plasma dielectric tensor elements can be ignored due to low magnetic field conditions. For the propagation constant, detailed investigation indicates that the phase constant has a maximum value at a certain radial position, near the same position mode coupling between helicon wave and TG wave happens. Full analysis shows that the power deposition of the m = 1 helicon mode peaks at a certain radial position and increases gradually with the increase of the axial electron temperature. Besides, compared with the Landau damping, the collisional damping plays a dominant role in the power deposition under current parameter conditions; importantly, the electron temperature anisotropy exerts a significant influence on the power deposition characteristic, both the increase and decrease of electron temperature anisotropy factor (χ = Te,/Te,z) can lead the power deposition intensity to change drastically. All these conclusions are very important for us to understand the discharge mechanism of helicon plasma.
      通信作者: 李文秋, beiste@163.com
    • 基金项目: 中国科学院空天信息创新研究院高功率微波源与技术重点实验室(批准号: E1HM130403)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Li Wen-Qiu, beiste@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the Key Laboratory of High Power Microwave Sources and Technology, Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Grant No. E1HM130403).

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  • 图 1  螺旋波放电产生等离子体柱横向截面示意图

    Fig. 1.  Cross section of helicon wave discharge plasma column.

    图 2  碰撞阻尼频率与朗道阻尼频率随电子温度的变化

    Fig. 2.  Dependence of the collisional frequency and Landau frequency on the electron temperature.

    图 3  有限拉莫尔半径效应因子随轴向静磁场的变化

    Fig. 3.  Dependence of the FLR effects on the axial static magnetic field.

    图 4  |n|≤3次回旋谐波对应的色散函数宗量随电子温度的变化

    Fig. 4.  Dependence of the argument of the plasma dispersion function on electron temperature for the |n| ≤ 3 cyclotron harmonics.

    图 5  高斯型等离子体密度及电子-绝缘壁碰撞频率的径向分布

    Fig. 5.  Radial profile of the plasma density distribution and electron-wall collisional frequency.

    图 6  相位常数和衰减常数随归一化半径的变化特性

    Fig. 6.  Amplitude of phase and attenuation constants varies with normalized radial position.

    图 7  螺旋波和TG波的径向模式耦合特性

    Fig. 7.  Mode coupling characteristic of helicon and TG waves on the normalized radial position.

    图 8  归一化功率沉积Pabs/max<Pabs>在(r, Te, z)参量空间的分布 (a) n0 = 1×1013 cm–3; (b) n0 = 1.2×1013 cm–3

    Fig. 8.  Distribution of normalized power deposition Pabs/max<Pabs> in the (r, Te, z) parameter space: (a) n0 = 1×1013 cm–3; (b) n0 = 1.2×1013 cm–3.

    图 9  朗道阻尼(a)和碰撞阻尼(b)引起的功率沉积在(r, Te, z)参量空间的分布

    Fig. 9.  Landau damping (a) and collisional damping (b) induced power deposition in the (r, Te, z) parameter space.

    图 10  (二维)条件下归一化功率沉积Pabs, CD/max<Pabs, CD>在 (r, χ) 参量空间的分布 (a) ${B_0} = 32{\text{ G}}$; (b) ${B_0} = 40{\text{ G}}$; (c) ${B_0} = 48{\text{ G}}$; (d) ${B_0} = 48{\text{ G}}$

    Fig. 10.  Distribution of normalized power deposition Pabs, CD/max<Pabs, CD> in the (r, χ) parameter space (two dimensional): (a) ${B_0} = 32{\text{ G}}$; (b) ${B_0} = 40{\text{ G}}$; (c) ${B_0} = 48{\text{ G}}$; (d) ${B_0} = 48{\text{ G}}$.

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    赵高, 熊玉卿, 马超, 刘忠伟, 陈强 2014 物理学报 63 235202Google Scholar

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    Swanson D G 1989 Plasma Waves (New York: Academic Press) p155


    Huba J D 2016 NRL Plasma Formulary (Washington: Naval Research Laboratory) p34


    Kamenski I V, Borg G G A 1998 Comput. Phys. Commun. 113 10Google Scholar


    Mouzouris Y, Scharer J E 1998 Phys. Plasmas 5 4253Google Scholar


    Fried B D, Conte S D 2015 The Plasma Dispersion Function: The Hilbert Transform of the Gaussian (New York: Academic Press) p1


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    Shamrai K P, Shinohara S 2001 Phys. Plasmas 8 4659Google Scholar


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  • 收稿日期:  2023-11-06
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