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肖懿鑫 朱天翔 梁澎军 王奕洋 周宗权 李传锋



肖懿鑫, 朱天翔, 梁澎军, 王奕洋, 周宗权, 李传锋

Optical and Hyperfine Spectroscopic Investigations on Europium Ions Doped in Yttrium Orthosilicate Waveguides Fabricated by Focused Ion Beam Milling

Xiao Yi-Xin, Zhu Tian-Xiang, Liang Peng-Jun, Wang Yi-Yang, Zhou Zong-Quan, Li Chuan-Feng
  • 量子存储是大尺度量子网络的重要组成部分,基于波导等微纳结构的可集成量子存储可以提供更好的可扩展性并实现更低的光电能耗。在众多量子存储候选介质中,151Eu3+:Y2SiO5晶体具有长达6小时的自旋相干寿命和1小时的相干光存储时间,成为长寿命存储的优异候选材料。我们通过聚焦离子束在151Eu3+:Y2SiO5晶体表面加工出三角形悬梁臂波导,波导截面的边长为2 μm,长度为20 μm。本文对三角形悬梁臂波导中的151Eu3+离子的7F0-5D0光学跃迁以及7F0基态的超精细跃迁开展了研究。结果显示,在2 μm尺度的悬梁臂波导中151Eu3+离子基本保持了和块状晶体中151Eu3+离子一致的跃迁展宽及相干寿命,可以支持量子存储任务的实现。该工作为实现纳米尺度的151Eu3+离子可集成量子存储器以及单个151Eu3+离子的探测打下基础。
    Quantum memory is a crucial element in large-scale quantum networks. Integrated quantum memories based on micro-/-nano structures, such as waveguides, could significantly enhance the scalability and reduce the consumption of optical and electrical power. 151Eu3+:Y2SiO5 stands out as an exceptional candidate material for quantum memory, because it possesses a spin coherence lifetime of 6 hours and an optical storage lifetime of 1 hour. Here we employ focused ion beam technology to fabricate a triangular nanobeam on the surface of a Y2SiO5 crystal. The width and length of the nanobeam are 2 μm and 20 μm, respectively. The optical lifetime and inhomogeneous broadening of 151Eu3+ in the triangular nanobeam are measured by fluorescence spectroscopy. The optical lifetime is 1.9 ±0.1 ms and the optical inhomogeneous broadening is 1.58 ±0.05 GHz at a doping level of 0.07% for 151Eu3+. The hyperfine transition spectra are measured using optically detected magnetic resonance and a spin inhomogeneous broadening of 19 ±3 kHz is obtained. Furthermore, we analyze the coherence property of optical and hyperfine transitions separately via transient spectral hole burning and spin echo measurement. We obtain a optical homogeneous linewidth down to 22 ±3 kHz which is still limited by the instantaneous spectral diffusion and a spin coherence lifetime of 5.1 ±0.6 ms at the geomagnetic field. The results demonstrate that 151Eu3+ embedded within the 2 μm triangular nanobeam essentially retain the same optical and hyperfine transition properties as those observed in bulk crystals. Consequently, this research establishes a foundation for integrated quantum memories based on 151Eu3+ ensembles and the detection of the single 151Eu3+ ion based on the focused ion beam technique.
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