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裴思辉 宋子旋 林星 方伟



裴思辉, 宋子旋, 林星, 方伟

Interaction between light and single quantum-emitter in open Fabry-Perot microcavity

Pei Si-Hui, Song Zi-Xuan, Lin Xing, Fang Wei
  • 光与物质相互作用的过程具有丰富的物理内涵, 不仅有助于理解光的本质, 更可以提供一种有效操控物质的手段. 开放式光学微腔具有光场强局域性、频率域和空间域的可调谐性以及光纤可集成性等特点, 为研究微腔内的光与物质相互作用提供了一个理想平台. 本文首先介绍基于开放式法布里-珀罗微腔的腔量子电动力学系统的基本特性, 然后介绍开放式法布里-珀罗微腔结构的制备方法, 进而从弱耦合、强耦合和差发射体三方面着重介绍近年来开放式微腔与固态单量子系统相互作用的研究工作, 最后进行了总结与展望.
    The interaction between light and matter has attracted much attention not only for fundamental research but also for applications. The open Fabry-Perot cavity provides an excellent platform for such a study due to strong optical confinement, spectral and spatial and tunability, and the feasibility of optical fiber integration. In this review, first, the basic properties of open Fabry-Perot cavities and the fabrication techniques are introduced. Then recent progress of weak coupling, strong coupling and bad emitter regimes is discussed. Finally, the challenges to and perspectives in this respect are presented.
      通信作者: 林星, lxing@zju.edu.cn ; 方伟, wfang08@zju.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(批准号: 2018YFB2200404)、国家自然科学基金(批准号: 62035013, 61635009, 62075192)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(批准号: 2021QNA5006).
      Corresponding author: Lin Xing, lxing@zju.edu.cn ; Fang Wei, wfang08@zju.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2018YFB2200404), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 62035013, 61635009, 62075192), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (Grant No. 2021QNA5006).

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  • 图 1  腔与TLS耦合的原理图. 该系统可通过3个参数进行描述: $ g, \kappa $$ \gamma $, 它们分别量化了TLS与腔的耦合、腔损耗速率以及TLS的非共振自发辐射

    Fig. 1.  Schematic diagram of the operational principle for TLS coupling to the cavity. The system is described by three parameters:$ g $, $ \kappa $, and$ \gamma $ which quantify the cavity-TLS coupling, the photon decay from the cavity, and the non-resonant spontaneous emission of the TLS, respectively.

    图 2  JC模型下腔与TLS耦合前后的能级示意图. 当TLS与腔内光子共振时, 该系统的能级发生劈裂, 且劈裂量会随着腔内光子数的增大而增大

    Fig. 2.  States of the cavity-two level system coupled system described by JC model. When the TLS comes into resonance with optical modes of the cavity, a generated energy level of the system will split into two with an energy difference. The magnitude of the splitting increases with the number of photons stored in the cavity.

    图 3  开放式FP微腔的基本结构 (a), (b) 基于光纤端面的开放式FP微腔, 其中(a)光纤-光纤型[17], (b)光纤-芯片型[25]; (c)基于芯片的开放式FP微腔[26]

    Fig. 3.  Basic structure of open FP microcavity. (a), (b) Open FP microcavity based on fiber end face: (a) Fiber-fiber type[17]; (b) fiber-chip type[25]. (c) chip-based open FP microcavity[26].

    图 4  早期的开放式FP微腔结构 (a)利用湿法刻蚀制备的第一个光纤-芯片型开放式FP微腔[36]; (b)利用气泡法制备光滑凹面结构[37]; (c) 利用转移技术制备的光纤型开放式FP微腔[38]; (d) 利用乳胶球辅助电化学沉积技术制备的凹面尺寸可控的微腔[39]

    Fig. 4.  Early open FP microcavity structures: (a) The first fiber-chip type open FP microcavity fabricated by wet etching[36] ; (b) preparation of smooth concave structure by bubble method[37]; (c) fiber type FP microcavity fabricated by transfer technique[38]; (d) microcavity with controllable concave size prepared by latex ball assisted electrochemical deposition technique[39].

    图 5  早期利用CO2激光烧蚀法构建光纤型FP腔的工作[17] (a)微腔结构示意图; (b) CO2激光脉冲处理后光纤端面的扫描电子显微镜图; (c) 利用干涉显微镜得到的曲面形貌(实线)与理想高斯形貌(虚线)的差别

    Fig. 5.  Early fiber-type FP microcavity made by CO2 laser ablation method[17]: (a) Schematic diagram of cavity structure; (b) scanning electron microscope image of fiber endface after CO2 laser pulse treatment; (c) surface topography (solid line) obtained by interference microscope and an ideal Gaussian profile (dotted line).

    图 6  最早利用FIB刻蚀法制备芯片型开放式FP微腔的工作[34] (a)腔结构示意图; (b)凹面阵列的扫描电子显微镜照片; (c)原子力显微镜得到的曲面面型(蓝线)以及拟合的光滑曲面(绿线), 面型粗糙度约0.7 nm

    Fig. 6.  The earliest chip-type FP microcavity made by FIB etching technique[34]: (a) Schematic diagram of cavity structure; (b) scanning electron microscope image of the processed concave mirror array; (c) surface profile (blue line) obtained by atomic force microscope and the fitting curve (green line). The surface roughness is 0.7 nm.

    图 7  可实现强耦合的典型量子点-腔系统[80] (a)量子点-腔系统结构; (b)为了控制量子点的电荷, 量子点层下面的n掺杂GaAs层与其上面的p掺杂GaAs层一起形成p-i-n二极管结构; (c)通过调节腔长优化量子点和腔之间的耦合, 基于该平台得到了具有反交叉特征的共振透射光谱

    Fig. 7.  Typical quantum dot (QD)-cavity system in which the strong coupling could be observed[80]: (a) Setup of the QD-cavity system; (b) the n-doped GaAs layer below the QD layer and the p-doped GaAs layer above forming a p-i-n diode structure, which is used to control the charge state of the QDs; (c) the cavity length is adjusted to optimize the coupling between the QD and the cavity, an anti-crossing in resonant transmission spectroscopy is observed.

    图 8  差发射体区域Purcell因子与模式体积的关系[14], 其中离散点为实验数据, 实线是将有效$ Q $值代入(14)式计算得到

    Fig. 8.  Purcell enhancement as a function of mode volume in bad emitter regime[14]. The discrete points are derived from the experimental data, and the solid line is calculated by substituting the effective Q value into Eq.(14).

    表 1  开放式FP微腔的性能比较

    Table 1.  Performance comparison of open FP microcavities.

    制备方法反射膜层结构年份$\mathit{L}/\text{μm }$$\mathit{R}/\text{μm }$$ \mathit{F} $文献
    湿法刻蚀Au光纤型2005$ 20—200 $$ 185 $$ ~100 $[36]
    气泡法DBR芯片型2006$ 40—60 $$ 40—100 $$ 200 $[37]
    转移法DBR光纤型2006$ 27 $$ 1000 $$ 1050 $[38]
    电化学沉积Au芯片型2007$ 6.5—9.7 $$ 10 $$ ~15 $[39]
    CO2激光烧蚀DBR光纤型2007$ 38.6 $$ 150 $$ 37000 $[46]
    DBR光纤型2010$ 20—60 $$ 40—2000 $$ 38600 $[17]
    DBR光纤型2012$ 20—2000 $$ 20—2000 $$ 100000 $[47]
    DBR光纤型2013$ 206 $$ 209 $$ 45000 $[48]
    DBR芯片型2014$ 1.34 $$ 10 $$ 15000 $[26]
    DBR芯片型2017$ 1.33 $$ ~5 $$ 25000 $[49]
    DBR光纤型2017$ 100 $$ 200—360 $$ 1300 $[29]
    DBR光纤型2018$ 20 $$ 66 $$ 40000 $[50]
    DBR光纤型2019$ 4 $$ 43 $$ ~60 $[25]
    FIB刻蚀DBR芯片型2010$ 3—13 $$ 5—25 $$ 460 $[34]
    DBR芯片型2012$ 1.6 $$ 7 $$ ~1280 $[14]
    DBR光纤型2014$ 5.6 $$ 14.1 $$ 3600 $[51]*
    DBR芯片型2015$ 1.55 $$ 4.3 $$ ~1000 $[33]
    DBR芯片型2016$ 3 $$ 6 $$ ~1000 $[32]
    DBR芯片型2018$ 2.2 $$ ~10 $[52]
    DBR芯片型20211$ 2500 $[53]
    注: 1)所选取微腔参数范围是对应文献典型微腔的参数, 并非涉及文献中所有微腔; 2)部分文献未直接给出F的值, 这里根据(3)式和(4)式进行换算; 3)带*标注是指文献[51]引用参数对应微腔一个端镜由FIB刻蚀产生, 另一个由CO2激光烧蚀产生; 4)这里R指的是微腔两面端镜的曲率半径中较小的.
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    表 2  开放式FP微腔在弱耦合中的典型应用

    Table 2.  Typical applications of open FP microcavity in weak coupling regime.

    年份结构加工方法量子体系$ {F}_{\mu } $文献
    注: 针对NV色心零声子线辐射速率的增强倍率.
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    表 3  开放式FP微腔在强耦合中的典型应用

    Table 3.  Typical applications of open FP microcavity in strong coupling regime.

    年份结构加工方法量子体系$ \mathrm{协}\mathrm{同}\mathrm{参}\mathrm{数}C $$ Q $文献
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    Purcell E 1946 Phys. Rev. 69 681


    Wang H, He Y M, Chung T H, Hu H, Yu Y, Chen S, Ding X, Chen M C, Qin J, Yang X, Liu R Z, Duan Z C, Li J P, Gerhardt S, Winkler K, Jurkat J, Wang L J, Gregersen N, Huo Y H, Dai Q, Yu S, Höfling S, Lu C Y, Pan J W 2019 Nat. Photonics 13 770Google Scholar


    Tomm N, Javadi A, Antoniadis N O, Najer D, Lobl M C, Korsch A R, Schott R, Valentin S R, Wieck A D, Ludwig A, Warburton R J 2021 Nat. Nanotechnol. 16 399Google Scholar


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    Gerry C C, Knight P L 2005 Introductory Quantum Optics (New York: Cambridge University Press)


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