采用实验和大涡模拟对喷嘴出口雷诺数(Re= U0 hρ/μ, 其中 U0为出口平均速度, h为平面喷嘴出口狭缝高度, ρ和 μ分别为流体的密度与动力黏度)为25–10000, 喷嘴间距 L为4h–40h范围内的平面撞击流偏斜振荡特性进行了研究. 通过对平面撞击流模拟和实验的结果进行比较, 验证了数值模拟的可靠性, 并对平面撞击流发生偏斜振荡的无因次参数(喷嘴间距 L/h与出口雷诺数 Re)范围进行划分, 重点考察了湍流平面撞击流的偏斜振荡周期及速度-压力变化特征. 研究结果表明大涡模拟能对平面撞击流的偏斜振荡进行有效预报; 当平面撞击流发生周期性偏斜振荡时, 特定点的压力与速度也发生周期性变化, 且变化周期与偏斜振荡周期一致, 偏斜振荡本质上是由速度-压力的周期性变化和转换引起的.The deflecting oscillation of planar opposed jets is experimentally studied and numerically simulated by large-eddy simulation (LES) at 25 ≤ Re ≤ 10000 (Re= U0hρ/μ, where U0 is the bulk velocity of the jet at the nozzle exit, h is the height of the slit of the planar nozzle, and ρ and μ are the density and dynamic viscosity of fluid, respectively) and 4h≤ L ≤ 40h, where L is the nozzle separation. The numerical results are validated by comparing with the experimental results of planar opposed jets. Maps of parameter space describing the deflecting oscillation of planar opposed jets at various nozzle separations and exit Reynolds numbers are presented. And the variation features of deflecting oscillation periods and velocity-pressure of turbulent planar opposed jets are primarily investigated. The results of the study show that the LES can effectively predict the deflecting oscillation of planar opposed jets. The velocity and pressure at specific points vary periodically while the deflecting oscillation of planar opposed jets happens. Furthermore, the variation periods of velocity and pressure are in accordance with the periods of the deflecting oscillation. In essence, the deflecting oscillation of planar opposed jets is caused by periodical variation and transformation of the velocity and pressure.
- planar opposed jets /
- deflecting oscillation /
- large-eddy simulation
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[29] Denshchikov V A, Kondrat'ev V N, Romashov A N, Chubarov V M 1983 Fluid Dynamics 18 460
[1] Elperin I T 1961 J. Eng. Phys. 6 62
[2] Goldschmidt V W, Bradshaw P 1973 Phys. Fluids 16 354
[3] Gutmark E, Wygnanski I 1976 J. Fluid Mech. 73 465
[4] Mi J, Nathan G J 2001 14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference Adelaide, Australia, December 10-14, 2001 p817
[5] Fiedler H E, Hibino K, Mensing P 1985 J. Fluid Mech. 150 281
[6] Riese M 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Adelaide, Australia:Adelaide University)
[7] Mi J C, Feng B P, Deo R C, Nathan G J 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 7756 (in Chinese) [米建春, 冯宝平, Deo R C, Nathan G J 2009 物理学报 58 7756]
[8] Mi J C, Feng B P 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 4748 (in Chinese) [米建春, 冯宝平 2010 物理学报 59 4748]
[9] Mi J C, Feng B P 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 074701
[10] Liu Y H, Gan F J, Zhang K 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 4084 (in Chinese) [刘演华, 干富军, 张凯 2010 物理学报 59 4084]
[11] Lu H B, Liu W Q 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 084401
[12] Besbes S, Mhiri H, Palec G L, Bournot P 2003 Heat Mass Transfer. 39 675
[13] Johansson P S, Andersson H I 2005 Phys. Fluids 17 055109
[14] Shi Y N, Qin C S 2007 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 2281
[15] Denshchikov V A, Kondrat'ev V N, Romashov A N 1978 Fluid Dynamics 13 924
[16] Li W F, Yao T L, Liu H F, Wang F C 2011 Aiche J. 57 1413
[17] Sun Z G, Li W F, Liu H F, Yu Z H 2009 CIESC J. 60 338 (in Chinese) [孙志刚, 李伟锋, 刘海峰, 于遵宏2009 化工学报 60 338]
[18] Pawlowski R P, Salinger A G, Shadid J N, Mountziaris T J 2006 J. Fluid Mech. 551 117
[19] Li W F, Sun Z G, Liu H F, Wang F C, Yu Z H 2008 Chem. Eng. J. 138 283
[20] Li W F, Yao T L, Wang F C 2010 Aiche J. 56 2513
[21] Li W F, Sun Z G, Liu H F, Wang F C, Yu Z H 2007 CIESC J. 58 1385 (in Chinese) [李伟锋, 孙志刚, 刘海峰, 王辅臣, 于遵宏2007 化工学报 58 1385]
[22] Li W F, Sun Z G, Liu H F, Yu Z H 2008 CIESC J. 59 46 (in Chinese) [李伟锋, 孙志刚, 刘海峰, 王辅臣, 于遵宏2008 化工学报 59 46]
[23] Liu Y, Olsen M G, Fox R O 2009 Lab. Chip. 9 1110
[24] Wang G L, Lu X Y 2012 Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 064704
[25] Mathey F, Cokljat D, Bertoglio J P, Sergent E 2006 Prog. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 6 58
[26] Germano M, Piomelli U, Moin P, Cabot W H 1991 Phys. Fluids 3 1760
[27] Lilly D K 1992 Phys. Fluids 4 633
[28] Dai G C, Chen M H 2005 Fluid Mechanics in Chemical Engineering (2nd Ed.) (Beijing:Chemical Industry Press) p161 (in Chinese) [戴干策, 陈敏恒2005化工流体力学 (第二版) (北京:化学工业出版社) 第161页]
[29] Denshchikov V A, Kondrat'ev V N, Romashov A N, Chubarov V M 1983 Fluid Dynamics 18 460
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