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曾友志 张宁



曾友志, 张宁

Effects of comprehensive information of the nearest following vehicle on traffic flow instability

Zeng You-Zhi, Zhang Ning
  • 基于抑制交通流不稳定性所需的条件,分析司机后视获得的最相邻后车综合信息对交通流不稳定性的影响. 在司机关注前车信息概率大于关注后车信息概率与司机敏感系数大于0的现实条件下,解析分析以及仿真分析得到了以下结论:1)最相邻后车车头距信息减小了交通流的不稳定性,且关注概率越大,减小作用越大;跟驰车与最相邻后车的速度差信息增加了交通流的不稳定性,且关注概率越大,增加作用越大. 2)最相邻后车综合信息对交通流的不稳定性的减小作用大于增加作用,即最相邻后车综合信息减小了交通流的不稳定性. 3)司机距离差敏感系数越大,最相邻后车综合信息对交通流的不稳定性减小作用越大. 4)司机速度差敏感系数越大,最相邻后车综合信息对交通流的不稳定性增加作用越大.
    Based on the condition of inhibiting traffic flow instability, this paper studies the effects of comprehensive information of the nearest following vehicle obtained by drivers' rear view behavior on traffic flow instability. Research shows that in the real practice the probability of paying attention to the information of the preceding vehicle is greater than that of paying attention to the information of the following vehicle, and the drivers' sensitive coefficient is assumed to be greater than 0, many conclusions such as the following can be obtained: 1) the information of the nearest following vehicle headway may reduce traffic flow instability, and the larger the attention probability, the smaller the traffic flow instability; on the contrary, the information of the velocity difference between the vehicle and the nearest following vehicle may increase the traffic flow instability, so the larger the attention probability, the bigger the traffic flow instability; 2) the instability reduction effect due to the comprehensive information from the nearest following vehicle is greater than the increasing effect on the traffic flow instability; 3) the bigger the driver's sensitive coefficient of the distance difference, the bigger the reducing effect of the information of the nearest following vehicle on traffic flow instability; 4) the bigger the driver's sensitive coefficient of the velocity difference, the bigger the increasing effect of the information of the nearest following vehicle on traffic flow instability.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:70971003)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 70971003).

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    Zhao X M, Gao Z Y 2005 Eur Phys J B. 47 145


    Xie D F, Gao Z Y, Zhao X M 2008 Commun Comput Phys. 3 899


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    Ye J J, Li K P, Jin X M 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 070202 (in Chinese) [叶晶晶, 李克平, 金新民 2014 物理学报 63 070202]


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  • 收稿日期:  2014-05-26
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