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黄海漩 徐平 阮双琛 杨拓 袁霞 黄燕燕



黄海漩, 徐平, 阮双琛, 杨拓, 袁霞, 黄燕燕

Design of a terahertz even splitter and its tolerance analysis

Huang Hai-Xuan, Xu Ping, Ruan Shuang-Chen, Yang Tuo, Yuan Xia, Huang Yan-Yan
  • 本文运用二元光学矢量理论设计了一种硅基太赫兹偶数分束器, 实现高衍射效率、高均匀性、有效抑制零级的偶数分束, 突破传统标量方法设计局限性, 给出了分束器脊宽、槽宽、槽深、占空比、基底厚度等结构参数的最优设计值, 并进行了公差分析, 得到分束器各结构参数的加工允许偏差范围, 对器件的设计和制作具有指导意义.
    A novel method is presented in this paper to realize terahertz even beam splitting by using a subwavelength binary simple periodic rectangular structure, for making comprehensive application of both the RCWA (Rigorous Couple-Wave Analysis) and the GA (Genetic Algorithm). By applying RCWA, the efficiency of each diffraction order can be numerically solved by using the structure parameters. To design an even beam splitter with a subwavelength structure is to find the optimal duty cycle f, period d, the grating depth h1 and the substrate thickness h2 to approach the minimum zero-order diffraction efficiency, the maximum sum of each non-zero-order diffraction efficiency, and the uniform distribution. Considering the three goals above, an evaluation function is established. GA is applied to optimize the evaluation function F, and then the optimal parameters of the splitter are obtained. When its period, groove depth, substrate thickness and duty ratio respectively equal to 269.7 μm, 175.2 μm, 18.1 μm and 0.409, the normal-incident TE-polarized terahertz plane wave with its frequency equal to 2.52 THz is divided evenly into the diffraction orders±1 and±2. It has a total efficiency up to 92.23% with a preferable result of reducing zero-order diffraction efficiency to 0.192% and an error of uniformity down to 6.51×10- 6, indicating an excellent performance of diffraction efficiency, uniformity and zero-order suppression as a terahertz even splitter. These results break the limitation of realizing even beam splitting in which the traditional scalar theory applies. In addition, this paper exposes the law of influence of the structure parameters, including ridge width, groove width, groove depth, duty ratio and substrate thickness, on the diffraction efficiency and its uniformity. It is found that only a small deviation of the structure parameters, corresponding to a deviation of ridge width a, groove width b, groove depth h1, and substrate thickness h2, less than 1 μm from the optimum design values, the element maintains good beam splitting performance. P0 is permitted to suppress to less than 2%, the error of uniformity U is better than 19.60%, and the diffraction efficiency maintains higher than 79.10%. With a substantial deviation from the design values of the structure parameters, the performance of the splitter will severely degrade and need to be redesigned.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61275167, 60878036, 60178023)和深圳市基础研究计划项目(批准号: JCYJ20140418095735591, JCYJ20130329103020637, JCYJ20120613112628842, JC201005280533A) 资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61275167, 60878036, 60178023), and the Basic Research Project of Shenzhen, China (Grant Nos. JCYJ20140418095735591, JCYJ20130329103020637, JCYJ20120613112628842, JC201005280533A).

    Li J Z 2010 Handbook of Optics (Xi’an: Shanxi science and Technology Press of China) pp1070 (in Chinese) [李景镇 2010 光学手册(西安: 陕西科学技术出版社)第1070页]


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    Xu P, Tan J Y, Guo L R, Guo Y K, Yang J F, Jiang N Y, Li Z, Du C L 1996 Acta Optica Sinica (Chinese) 16 1796


    Yan S H 2011 Design of diffraction microoptics (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press of China) chap. 12. (in Chinese) [ 颜树华, 2011 衍射微光学设计, (北京: 国防工业出版社)第 12 章]


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    Li J Z 2010 Handbook of Optics (Xi’an: Shanxi science and Technology Press of China) pp1070 (in Chinese) [李景镇 2010 光学手册(西安: 陕西科学技术出版社)第1070页]


    Philippe L, Jerome H, Pierre C, Edmond C, Huguette L 1999 J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 1 215


    Zheng J J, Zhou C H, Feng J J, Cao H C, Lu P 2009 , Opt. Commun. 282 3069


    Wang B, Chen L, Lei L, Zhou J Y 2013 Optoelectron. Adv. Mat. 7 813


    Guan X W, Wu H, Shi Y C, Dai D X 2014 Opt. Lett. 39 259


    Wen F J, Chung P S 2011 Appl. Opt. 50 3187


    Wu J, Zhou C H, Cao H C, Hu A D, Yu J J, Sun W M, Jia W 2011 J. Opt. 13 115703


    Guo L W, Ma J Y 2014 Optik 125 232


    Hsu J H, Lee C H, Chen R S 2014 Microelectron. Eng. 113 74


    Feng J J, Zhou C H, Wang B, Zheng J J, Jia W, Cao H C, Lv P 2008 Appl. Opt. 47 6638


    Zhang J, Yan S H, Zhou C L, Shen S W, Li E, Tong H P 2008 Laser Journal 29 12 (in Chinese) [ 张军, 颜树华, 周春雷, 沈少伟, 李锷, 童慧鹏 2008 激光杂志 29 12]


    Huang H X, Ruan S C, Yang T, Xu P 2015 Nano-Micro Lett. 7 (in press)


    Xu P, Huang Y Y, Su Z J, Zhang X L, Luo T Z, Peng W D 2015 Opt. Express 23 4887


    Xu P, Zhang X L, Huang J F, Li B B, Ye E, Duan S F, Su Z J 2013 Opt. Express 21 20159


    Xu P, Huang H X, Wang K, Ruan S C, Yang J, Wan L L, Chen X X, Liu J Y 2007 Opt. Express 15 809


    Xu P, Huang Y Y, Su Z J, Zhang X L 2014 Appl. Opt. 53 1322


    Xu P, Hong C Q, Sun Z L, Han F, Cheng G X 2014 Opt. Commun. 315 97


    Xu P, Li J Z 2002 Science In China (Series E) 45 1


    Xu P, Zhou X, Zhang X C, Guo Y K, Guo L R, Tang H, Wu S D, Yang L X, Chen Y 1995 Opt. Rev. 2 362


    Huang H X, Xu P, Yang J, Gong X D, Wan L L, Wang K, Zheng Y Y, Han X 2009 Opt. Commun. 282 4198


    Xu P, Tan J Y, Guo L R, Guo Y K, Yang J F, Jiang N Y, Li Z, Du C L 1996 Acta Optica Sinica (Chinese) 16 1796


    Yan S H 2011 Design of diffraction microoptics (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press of China) chap. 12. (in Chinese) [ 颜树华, 2011 衍射微光学设计, (北京: 国防工业出版社)第 12 章]


    Marciante J R, Farmiga N O, Hirsh J I, Evans M S, Hieu T T 2003 Appl. Opt. 42 3234


    Moharam M G, Grann E B, Pommet D A, Gaylord T K 1995 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 12 1068


    Cormier G, Boudreau R, Thériault S 2001 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 18 1771


    Goldberg E 1987 Genetic Algorithm in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning(New York : Addison-Wesley Publishing Company).

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  • 收稿日期:  2015-01-19
  • 修回日期:  2015-03-03
  • 刊出日期:  2015-08-05

