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赵国荣 黄婧丽 苏艳琴 孙聪



赵国荣, 黄婧丽, 苏艳琴, 孙聪

Attitude estimation and three-axis magnetometer on-line calibration based on moving horizon estimation

Zhao Guo-Rong, Huang Jing-Li, Su Yan-Qin, Sun Cong
  • 针对飞行器姿态估计以及三轴磁强计在线校正问题, 提出了一种实时滚动时域估计算法. 首先, 为了解决在卡尔曼滤波框架下系统约束不能显式求解的问题, 设计了滚动时域估计滤波算法. 该算法将飞行器姿态估计问题转化为优化问题, 显式求解四元数归一化性质, 缩小搜索空间的同时提高了搜索效率和精度. 其次, 滤波时域窗内应用高斯-牛顿迭代法求解最优状态估计值, 满足了实时性要求. 最后, 在没有增加系统状态维数的情况下, 在线求解了三轴磁强计校正参数, 保证了磁强计量测值以矢量形式输入系统. 仿真结果表明, 由于合理地利用了历史信息, 该方法精度较高, 且对初始误差、系统误差均不敏感, 具有一定鲁棒性.
    According to the attitude estimation and three-axis magnetometer on-line calibration, a real time moving horizon estimation algorithm is presented in this paper. First, moving horizon estimation filter is designed since system constraints existing in most practical cases cannot be solved analytically in the framework of Kalman filter. Taking advantage of the optimal problem in dealing with constraints, the presented method converts the attitude estimation problem into an optimal one by which the quaternion normalization property can be solved analytically in smaller searching space with better efficiency and accuracy. Second, through a series of linearization of system equations, Gauss-Newton iterative method is applied in the horizon window composed of finite history information to obtain the best state estimation and meet the real time requirement at the same time. Once the newest best state estimation value is obtained, it will be sacked into the horizon window and the oldest one discarded. By this way, the filter is moving forward. Finally, based on the proposed method, the three-axis magnetometer parameter on-line calibration combined with attitude estimation is solved without adding any system state dimension, which can also make sure that the measurements with three-axis magnetometer are in the form of vector as its obvious benefits in the sense of ensuring information quantity. On considering the extreme environment such as great temperature gradient, mechanical pressure and complex electromagnetic fields, different from that of the off-line calibration, the calibration parameter is changed definitely. So the on-line calibration is necessary though neglected by most papers. Simulation results show that under the condition of small initial errors, the difference of accuracy among EKF, UKF and moving horizon estimation is small. But the computational burden of the last one is relatively large. The advantage of the described method is not so obvious in this case. But when the initial errors are large, the moving horizon estimation still can get the precise results no matter how great are the EKF (extended Kalman filter) and UKF (unscented Kalman filter) deviated from the true values. Thus the proposed method has its high accuracy and poor sensitivity of the initial and systematic errors along with fast convergence, all of which are vital in most actual environments.
      通信作者: 黄婧丽, huangjingli_hy@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61372027, 61473306)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Huang Jing-Li, huangjingli_hy@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61372027, 61473306).

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    Goldenberg F 2006 Proceedings of IEEE/ION PLANS San Diego, Canada, April 25-27, 2001 p684


    BarI I Y, Harman R R 1997 Gu. Contr. Dyn. 20 208


    Markley F 1989 Acta Astro. S. 37 41


    Chen W D, Liu Y L, Zhu Q G, Chen Y 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 17 105 (in Chinese) [陈卫东, 刘要龙, 朱奇光, 陈颖 2013 物理学报 17 105]


    Sheng Z 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 11 820 (in Chinese) [盛峥 2011 物理学报 11 820]


    Zhao L 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 10 231 (in Chinese) [赵龙 2012 物理学报 10 231]


    Huang X Y, Wang J M 2014 IEEE Veh. Techn. 63 4221


    Wu X D, Song Z H 2008 Chin. Phys. B 17 3241


    Liu Y, Wang H, Hou C H 2013 IEEE Sign. Proc. 61 4988


    Zu T Z, Jia S Z 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 104601


    Canale M, Fagiano L, Novara C 2014 IEEE Contr. Syst. Techn. 22 2048


    Tor A J, Dan S, Roar N 2013 IEEE Contr. Syst. Techn. 21 2114


    Rao C V, Rawlings J B, Mayne D Q 2003 IEEE Aut. Contr. 48 246


    Jyh C J, Yung F T, Chiu T T 2012 Aero. Sci. Techn. 21 47


    Inamori T, Nakasuka S, Sako N 2009 Proceedings of AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference Chicago, USA, August 10-13, 2009 p1


    John C S, James W C 2012 IEEE Gu. Contr. Dyn. 35 1080


    John L C, Kok L L 2005 IEEE Gu. Contr. Dyn. 28 115


    Vasconcelos J F, Elkaim G, Silvestre C 2011 IEEE Aero. El. Syst. 47 1293


    Wu Z W, Yao M L, Ma H G 2013 IEEE Veh. Techn. 62 1084


    Wertz J R 2012 Spacecraft attitude determination and control (Vol. 73) (Berlin: Springer Science & Business Media) p342-345


    Marsden J E, West M 2001 Acta Num. 10 357


    Zhao H Y 2007 Ph. D. Dissertation (Changchun: Jilin University) (in Chinese) [赵海燕 2007 博士学位论文(长春: 吉林大学)]


    Pang H, Li J, Chen D 2013 Measurement 46 1600


    Alonso R, Shuster M D 2002 IEEE Astro. S. 50 477


    Rao C V, Rawlings J B 2002 IEEE Aich. E. 48 97

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