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闫孝鲁 张晓萍 李阳梅



闫孝鲁, 张晓萍, 李阳梅

Particle-in-cell simulation of a new X-band low-impedance high power microwave source

Yan Xiao-Lu, Zhang Xiao-Ping, Li Yang-Mei
  • 提出了一种新型低阻抗高功率微波源, 能在单个器件内产生两束锁相的相干高功率微波, 对两束相干微波进行功率合成有望在单个高功率微波器件中实现更高的功率输出. 粒子模拟结果显示, 在电压687 kV、磁场0.8 T时, 该微波源整体阻抗36 , 两束微波的频率都为9.72 GHz, 输出功率分别为1.20 GW和2.58 GW, 功率效率分别为28%和30%; 两束输出微波之间频率抖动小于 3 MHz, 相位差抖动小于 3.
    High power microwave (HPM) source is attractive in generating gigawatt (GW) class microwaves based on the beam-wave interaction. Generally, HPM source with a high beam-wave conversion efficiency has a higher impedance. To improve the single-tube output power of HPM source, reducing the impedance of the device and increasing its power capacity are necessary. In this paper, a new low-impedance HPM source is proposed and proved to be capable of generating two phase-locked high power microwaves, which makes it promising to realize a higher combined power in a single HPM device.The new low-impedance HPM device consists of a two-cavity TKA (denoting the outer sub-source in the following) and a multiwave Cerenkov generator (referring to the inner sub-source below) inserted in the TKA inner conductor. These two sub-sources are connected in parallel and share a common magnetic field. A dual-concentric annular cathode is used in this microwave source, which is capable of emitting two concentric annular electron beams and driving the internal and external sub-source simultaneously. The advantages of this device are reducing the impedance and improving the injection electric power. When a voltage pulse is applied to the diode, part of microwaves generated in the inner subsource will leak into the outer sub-source (i.e., TKA) through the A-K gap. By amplifying the leakage microwaves, the TKA will be easily locked by the inner sub-source. Considering the fact that the microwave source consists of two sub-sources, the power capacity will also be greatly improved.As a result, particle-in-cell simulation indicates that when the diode voltage is 687 kV and the axial magnetic field is 0.8 T, two microwave beams that have a nearly identical frequency of 9.72 GHz and output powers of 1.20 GW and 2.58 GW respectively, are generated. The corresponding power conversion efficiencies are 28% and 30%, respectively. The frequency difference between these two microwaves fluctuates within 3 MHz and their phase difference is not in excess of 3. When the diode voltage changes from 665 kV to 709 kV, frequency difference between the two sub-sources fluctuates within 3 MHz and their phase difference fluctuation is within 5 in one voltage burst; the phase difference changes 10 in this voltage range. The impedance of this HPM source is as low as 36 .To sum up, the new HPM source proposed in this paper has a lower impedance and higher power capacity. The phase difference between the inner sub-source and the outer sub-source is very stable and favorable for the coherent power combination, which indicates that the new HPM source promises to realize a higher output power in a single-tube device.
      通信作者: 张晓萍, zhangxiaoping@nudt.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家高技术研究发展计划(批准号: 2015AA8037074A)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Xiao-Ping, zhangxiaoping@nudt.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2015AA8037074A).

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    He J T, Zhong H H, Liu Y G 2004 Chin. Phys. Lett. 21 1111


    Zhang X P 2004 Ph. D. Dissertation (Changsha: National University of Defense Technology)


    Arman M J 1994 Proc of the 7th National Conference on HPM Technology, Monterey CA 1999 p251


    Arman M J 1995 Proc of SPIE, San Diego CA, July 9 1995 p21


    Arman M J 1996 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 24 964


    Yang W Y, Ding W 2005 Phys. Plasmas 12 063105


    Yang W Y, Ding W 2002 Phys. Plasma 9 622


    Cao Y B, Zhang J D, He J T 2009 Phys. Plasmas 16 083102


    Cao Y B, He J T, Zhang J D, Zhang Q, Ling J P 2012 Phys. Plasmas 19 072106


    Ives L, Miram G, Read M, Mizuhara M, Borchard P, Falce L, Gunther K 2003 Proceedings of the Particle Accelerator Conference, Saratoga CA, May 12-16 2003 p1116


    Varia, K R 1978 IEEE, MTTS, Int. Microwave Symp. Dig. 1978 p344


    Li Y M, Zhang X P, Qi Z M, Dang F C, Qian B L 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 053302


    Li Y M, Zhang X P, Zhang J D, Dang F C, Yan X L 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 103302


    Bai X C 2007 Ph. D. Dissertation (Changsha: National University of Defense Technology)


    Qi Z M 2015 (Changsha: National University of Defense Technology)


    Qi Z M, Zhang J, Zhong H H, Zhang Q, Zhu D N 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 073103


    Qi Z M, Zhang J, Zhong H H, Zhu D N, Qiu Y F 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 013107

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  • 收稿日期:  2016-03-04
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