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张兴刚 戴丹



张兴刚, 戴丹

Lattice model for pressure problems in two-dimensional granular columns

Zhang Xing-Gang, Dai Dan
  • 为了便于从理论上探究粮仓效应产生的机理,处理筒仓中颗粒介质的应力分布等问题,将二维颗粒堆积简化为格点系统,并且以随机堆积为物理背景提出了一个由吸收系数p及侧向传递系数q决定的力传递模型.给出了矩阵形式的力传递方程,提出基于二阶差分方程的方法同时求解传递系数矩阵的特征值和特征向量,从理论上导出了一种典型情况下容器底部压力分布与顶部压力分布的关系式.对有效质量随总质量变化关系的理论分析表明,该模型可以给出与Janssen模型类似的结果.对无负载情况下的底部应力分布进行了理论计算,结果表明容器底部中央应力最大,离中央越远应力越小.运用数值计算讨论了p与q对容器底部压力随堆积高度变化曲线的影响.
    In order to make it easier to investigate some problems such as the mechanism of Janssen effect and the stress distribution in granular medium, we simplify a granular column into a lattice system, in which a lattice point represents a small lump of granular medium and only neighbor interactions are considered. To study the disordered granular columns, a force propagation lattice model determined by the absorption coefficient p and the lateral transfer coefficient q is proposed, and this model is analyzed from the theoretical view. Firstly, the equation of force propagation in the matrix form is given, and this equation is determined by a tridiagonal matrix A(p,q) that is called transfer coefficient matrix. Based on the force transfer equation, the bottom force distribution varying with the top force distribution and the layer of lattice system is deduced, and its analytical solution refers to the similarity diagonalization of matrix A(p, q). Then, a method based on the second order difference equations is proposed to obtain the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the transfer coefficient matrix. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A(p, q) can be rigorously deduced for a typical case, and with these results the pressure distribution relationship between the top and the bottom of the container is given. Based on these theoretical expressions, the relationship between the effective mass and the total mass of granular medium is deduced, and it means that the force propagation model and the Janssen model can lead to similar results. Moreover, the bottom stress distribution is calculated without the top load. Calculations show that the stress distribution reaches a maximum at the center bottom and drops down to either side. Finally, numerical calculations are performed to investigate the effects of parameters p and q on the relation between bottom pressure and packing height. Numerical results show that the saturated value of pressure decreases while parameter p or q increases.
      通信作者: 张兴刚, xgzhang@gzu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 贵州省科技合作计划(批准号:20157641)、贵州大学引进人才科研基金(批准号:201334)和贵州大学教育教学改革研究项目(批准号:JGYB201517)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Xing-Gang, xgzhang@gzu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Science and Technology Cooperation Project of Guizhou Province, China (Grant No. 20157641), the Scientific Research Foundation for Talents of Guizhou University, China (Grant No. 201334), and the Education and Teaching Reform Project of Guizhou University, China (Grant No. JGYB201517).

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