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郑香脂 张爱兵 关燚炳 刘超 孙越强 王文静 田峥 孔令高 丁建京



郑香脂, 张爱兵, 关燚炳, 刘超, 孙越强, 王文静, 田峥, 孔令高, 丁建京

Ion drift meter aboard China seismo-electromagnetic satellite

Zheng Xiang-Zhi, Zhang Ai-Bing, Guan Yi-Bing, Liu Chao, Sun Yue-Qiang, Wang Wen-Jing, Tian Zheng, Kong Ling-Gao, Ding Jian-Jing
  • 为了保证长距离多站点间的高精度时间同步,在利用双向时间比对法实现高精度长距离时间同步的基础上,提出了一种利用一个波长信道同时对1 PPS (pluse per second)信号、时码信号以及10 MHz信号进行传递,并使用时分多址和净化再生的方式实现多站点高精度光纤时间同步的方法.以自行研制的工程样机在长度约550 km的实验室光纤链路以及871.6 km的实地光纤链路上进行了实验验证.在实验室光纤链路上,同时在50,300,550 km处测量得到的时间同步标准差分别为16.7,16.8,18.4 ps,时间稳定度分别为1.78 ps@1000 s,2.09 ps@1000 s,2.92 ps@1000 s.在实地光纤链路上,实现了光纤链路沿途11个站点的时间同步,测得871.6 km传递链路的时间同步标准差为29.8 ps,时间稳定度为3.85 ps@1000 s,不确定度为25.4 ps.
    A lot of electromagnetic anomalies observed by satellites before earthquakes indicate that there is interrelation between earthquake and ionosphere.China seismo-electromagnetic satellite (CSES) is the first Chinese space-based platform of three-dimensional earthquake monitoring system.The scientific payload of plasma analyzing package (PAP) aboard CSES is designed to study the possible influence of the seismic activity on the ionospheric plasma and thereby to monitor the earthquakes from space.The PAP is made up of three sensors,retarding potential analyzer (RPA),ion drift meter (IDM),and ion capture meter (ICM).The main objective of IDM is to detect the ion bulk velocity from-3 to 3 km/s with a precision better than 20 m/s,perpendicular to the sensor-look direction. The IDM sensor consists of six-layer grids and a collector.The grid is made of beryllium copper,plated with gold.Polyimide is used to achieve electrical insulation between grids.The grid transmission rate of signal layer is designed to be 82.64%,and total transmission rate of six layers is 31.85%.To ensure the performance of IDM,the side length of the square aperture and the depth of the sensor are designed to be 40 and 20 mm,respectively.The radius of segmented planar collector is 50 mm.The arrival angle of the ions is determined by measuring the ratio between the currents from the different electrically isolated collector segments.Accordingly,velocity perpendicular to the sensor-look direction is calculated,based on arrival angle and ion velocity parallel to the sensor-look direction which is measured by the RPA. In addition,a wide-range and high-precision current measurement circuit is designed to measure the current of IDM.The preamplifier circuit has three measurement ranges,providing different amplification factors.The right measurement range is chosen automatically by the field programmable gate array (FPGA).The test results show that the circuit provides a total measuring dynamic range from 20 pA to 6A with an accuracy better than 0.4%. Finally,the method of testing in the plasma environment and the measurement results are discussed.The plasma environment test of the IDM flight model is carried out in the Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology,National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF-IAPS).Since the plasma source is fixed to a large volume vacuum tank,the arrival angle of the plasma with respect to the sensor-look direction is changed by horizontally or vertically mounted IDM on the rotating platform in the vacuum tank.As the platform rotates,the performance of IDM is proved by testing different ion arrival angles in vacuum tank.The ion velocities along the Y and Z axes of the spacecraft are validated by testing the horizontal arrival angle and the vertical arrival angle respectively.The IDM test data are consistent with those obtained under the setting angle of the rotating platform.The experimental results show that the detector has good performance and will fulfill the mission goal of monitoring the bulk velocity of ion,perpendicular to the sensor-look direction.
      通信作者: 郑香脂, zxz@nssc.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家科技重大专项(批准号:Y26604AG90)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zheng Xiang-Zhi, zxz@nssc.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Science and Technology Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. Y26604AG90).

    Liu J, Huang J P, Zhang X M, Shen X H 2013 Acta Seismol. Sin. 35 72 (in Chinese)[刘静, 黄建平, 张学民, 申旭辉2013地震学报35 72]


    Yan R, Wang L W, Hu Z, Liu D P, Zhang X G, Zhang Y 2013 Acta Seismol. Sin. 35 498 (in Chinese)[颜蕊, 王兰炜, 胡哲, 刘大鹏, 张兴国, 张宇2013地震学报35 498]


    Sarkar S, Choudhary S, Sonakia A, Vishwakarma A, Gwal A K 2012 Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 12 671


    Yao L 2011 Postdoctoral Research Report (Beijing:Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration) (in Chinese)[姚丽2011博士后研究工作报告(北京:中国地震局地球物理研究所)]


    Zhang X M, Liu J, Shen X H, Parrot M, Qian J D, Ouyang X Y, Zhao S F, Huang J P 2010 Chinese J. Geophys. 53 567


    Jiao Q S, Yan R, Zhang J F 2011 Earthquake 31 68 (in Chinese)[焦其松, 颜蕊, 张景发2011地震31 68]


    Zhu R 2007 M.S. Thesis (Beijing:Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration) (in Chinese)[朱荣2007硕士学位论文(北京:中国地震局地球物理研究所)]


    Yan X X, Shan X J, Cao J B, Tang J 2014 Chinese J. Geophys. 57 364 (in Chinese)[闫相相, 单新建, 曹晋滨, 汤吉2014地球物理学报57 364]


    Liu J, Wan W X 2014 Chinese J. Geophys. 57 2181 (in Chinese)[刘静, 万卫星2014地球物理学报57 2181]


    Ding J H, Shen X H, Pan W Y, Zhang J, Yu S R, Li G, Guan H P 2006 Chin. J. Radio Sci. 21 791 (in Chinese)[丁鉴海, 申旭辉, 潘威炎, 张晶, 余素荣, 李纲, 关华平2006电波科学学报21 791]


    Nilupar T, Zhang Y X 2012 Earthquake 32 103 (in Chinese)[尼鲁帕尔买买吐孙, 张永仙2012地震32 103]


    Zhao G Z, Chen X B, Cai J T 2007 Progress in Geophysics 22 667 (in Chinese)[赵国泽, 陈小斌, 蔡军涛2007地球物理学进展22 667]


    Wang L W, Shen X H, Zhang Y, Zhang X G, Hu Z, Yan R, Yuan S G, Zhu X H 2016 Acta Seismol. Sin. 38 376 (in Chinese)[王兰炜, 申旭辉, 张宇, 张兴国, 胡哲, 颜蕊, 袁仕耿, 朱兴鸿2016地震学报38 376]


    Zheng X Z, Zhang A B, Guan Y B, Liu C, Wang W J, Tian Z, Kong L G, Sun Y Q 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 079401 (in Chinese)[郑香脂, 张爱兵, 关燚炳, 刘超, 王文静, 田峥, 孔令高, 孙悦强2017物理学报66 079401]


    Berthelier J J, Godefroy M, Leblanc F 2006 Planet. Space Sci. 54 487


    Rich F J 1994 Research Report of Massachusetts:Air Force Phillips Hanscom AFB 1994-06


    Feng Y B 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing:University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese)[冯宇波2011博士学位论文(北京:中国科学院大学)]


    Stoneback R A, Davidson R L, Heelis R A 2012 J. Geophys. Res. 117 A08323


    Heelis R A, Hanson W B 1998 Measur. Tech. Space Plasmas Geophys. Monogr. Ser. 102 61


    Heelis R A, Hanson W B, Lippincott C R, Zuccaro D R 1982 Research Report of Space Science Instrumentation NASA-CR-166795


    Vannaroni G, Michele D S, Giammaria F, Bruno R, Parisi M 2010 Research Report of INAF/IFSI INAF/IFSI-2010-6


    Vannaroni G, Bruno R, Giammaria F, Pietropaolo E, Parisi M 2009 Research Report of INAF/IFSI INAF/IFSI-2009-18

  • [1]

    Liu J, Huang J P, Zhang X M, Shen X H 2013 Acta Seismol. Sin. 35 72 (in Chinese)[刘静, 黄建平, 张学民, 申旭辉2013地震学报35 72]


    Yan R, Wang L W, Hu Z, Liu D P, Zhang X G, Zhang Y 2013 Acta Seismol. Sin. 35 498 (in Chinese)[颜蕊, 王兰炜, 胡哲, 刘大鹏, 张兴国, 张宇2013地震学报35 498]


    Sarkar S, Choudhary S, Sonakia A, Vishwakarma A, Gwal A K 2012 Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 12 671


    Yao L 2011 Postdoctoral Research Report (Beijing:Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration) (in Chinese)[姚丽2011博士后研究工作报告(北京:中国地震局地球物理研究所)]


    Zhang X M, Liu J, Shen X H, Parrot M, Qian J D, Ouyang X Y, Zhao S F, Huang J P 2010 Chinese J. Geophys. 53 567


    Jiao Q S, Yan R, Zhang J F 2011 Earthquake 31 68 (in Chinese)[焦其松, 颜蕊, 张景发2011地震31 68]


    Zhu R 2007 M.S. Thesis (Beijing:Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration) (in Chinese)[朱荣2007硕士学位论文(北京:中国地震局地球物理研究所)]


    Yan X X, Shan X J, Cao J B, Tang J 2014 Chinese J. Geophys. 57 364 (in Chinese)[闫相相, 单新建, 曹晋滨, 汤吉2014地球物理学报57 364]


    Liu J, Wan W X 2014 Chinese J. Geophys. 57 2181 (in Chinese)[刘静, 万卫星2014地球物理学报57 2181]


    Ding J H, Shen X H, Pan W Y, Zhang J, Yu S R, Li G, Guan H P 2006 Chin. J. Radio Sci. 21 791 (in Chinese)[丁鉴海, 申旭辉, 潘威炎, 张晶, 余素荣, 李纲, 关华平2006电波科学学报21 791]


    Nilupar T, Zhang Y X 2012 Earthquake 32 103 (in Chinese)[尼鲁帕尔买买吐孙, 张永仙2012地震32 103]


    Zhao G Z, Chen X B, Cai J T 2007 Progress in Geophysics 22 667 (in Chinese)[赵国泽, 陈小斌, 蔡军涛2007地球物理学进展22 667]


    Wang L W, Shen X H, Zhang Y, Zhang X G, Hu Z, Yan R, Yuan S G, Zhu X H 2016 Acta Seismol. Sin. 38 376 (in Chinese)[王兰炜, 申旭辉, 张宇, 张兴国, 胡哲, 颜蕊, 袁仕耿, 朱兴鸿2016地震学报38 376]


    Zheng X Z, Zhang A B, Guan Y B, Liu C, Wang W J, Tian Z, Kong L G, Sun Y Q 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 079401 (in Chinese)[郑香脂, 张爱兵, 关燚炳, 刘超, 王文静, 田峥, 孔令高, 孙悦强2017物理学报66 079401]


    Berthelier J J, Godefroy M, Leblanc F 2006 Planet. Space Sci. 54 487


    Rich F J 1994 Research Report of Massachusetts:Air Force Phillips Hanscom AFB 1994-06


    Feng Y B 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing:University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese)[冯宇波2011博士学位论文(北京:中国科学院大学)]


    Stoneback R A, Davidson R L, Heelis R A 2012 J. Geophys. Res. 117 A08323


    Heelis R A, Hanson W B 1998 Measur. Tech. Space Plasmas Geophys. Monogr. Ser. 102 61


    Heelis R A, Hanson W B, Lippincott C R, Zuccaro D R 1982 Research Report of Space Science Instrumentation NASA-CR-166795


    Vannaroni G, Michele D S, Giammaria F, Bruno R, Parisi M 2010 Research Report of INAF/IFSI INAF/IFSI-2010-6


    Vannaroni G, Bruno R, Giammaria F, Pietropaolo E, Parisi M 2009 Research Report of INAF/IFSI INAF/IFSI-2009-18

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  • 收稿日期:  2017-05-02
  • 修回日期:  2017-06-07
  • 刊出日期:  2017-10-05

