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段焰辉 吴文华 范召林 罗佳奇



段焰辉, 吴文华, 范召林, 罗佳奇

Proper orthogonal decomposition-based data mining of aerodynamic shape for design optimization

Duan Yan-Hui, Wu Wen-Hua, Fan Zhao-Lin, Luo Jia-Qi
  • 气动外形的全局优化设计会产生大量的过程数据,其中隐含的设计知识具有较高的挖掘价值.数据挖掘有助于获取直观、可定性描述的设计知识.本文采用基于本征正交分解的数据挖掘方法从气动优化设计的过程数据中获取设计知识,数据挖掘对象为跨音速压气机转子叶片NASA Rotor 37的优化过程数据,该数据由基于粒子群方法的绝热效率最大化优化设计产生.结果表明:基于本文数据挖掘方法获取的设计知识能够直接反映气动外形的变化规律,为叶片的气动外形设计提供参考;数据挖掘的设计知识成功地验证了优化设计结果的有效性.
    Global optimization methods are becoming more and more important in aerodynamic shape optimization. A large number of proceeding data will be generated during design optimization, from which the implicit but valuable design knowledge can be extracted. The design knowledge can then be used to help the designers to acquire the effects of geometric variations on the aerodynamic performance changes. In this paper, we strive to extract the implicit design knowledge from proceeding data by a data mining method based on proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), by which the design knowledge more enriched and more visualized than those obtained from other data mining methods can be obtained. Proceeding data for data mining are ingathered from aerodynamic shape optimization of a transonic compressor rotor blade, NASA Rotor 37. The design optimization attempts to maximize the adiabatic efficiency of Rotor 37 under the operation condition near peak efficiency with the constrains of mass flow rate and total pressure ratio. The parallel synchronous particle swarm optimization method is employed to search for the optimization in the design space. The particles with improved adiabatic efficiency, while within the optimization constrain tolerances are picked up from the design optimization, which are then used for data mining. The geometric coordinates of the aerodynamic shape with respect to the ingathered particles are regarded as the snapshots. Then the POD modes of the aerodynamic shape can be obtained by singular value decomposition on the snapshots. The results show that the universal rules of geometry variations for the optimization maximizing the adiabatic efficiency of Rotor 37 can be directly visualized by the design knowledge extracted from the proceeding data by POD-based data mining technique. Furthermore, the optimization results are also verified by the design knowledge extracted by data mining.
      Corresponding author: Duan Yan-Hui, duanyanhui@foxmail.com;jiaqil@pku.edu.cn ; Luo Jia-Qi, duanyanhui@foxmail.com;jiaqil@pku.edu.cn
    • Funds: Projects supported by The National Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51676003, 51206003).

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    Jeong S, Shimoyama K 2011 Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part G: J. Aerosp. Eng. 225 469


    Jeong S, Chiba K, Obayashi S 2005 J. Aeros. Comp. Inf. Com. 2 452


    Chiba K, Obayashi S 2008 J. Spacecraft Rockets 45 975


    Oyama A, Nonomura T, Fujii K 2010 J. Aircraft 47 1756


    Oyama A, Verburg P, Nonomura T, Harry W M, Fujii K Holmes P, Lumley J L, Berkooz G 1997 Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc. 123 2500


    Holmes P, Lumley J L, Berkooz G 1997 Q. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc. 123 2500


    Guo Z D, Song L M, Li J, Li G J, Feng Z P (in Chinese) [郭振东, 宋立明, 李军, 李国君, 丰镇平 2015 推进技术 36 207]


    Wang W, Mo R, Zhang Y 2013 Comput. Eng. Appl. 49 11 (in Chinese) [汪伟, 莫蓉, 张岩 2013 计算机工程与应用 49 11]


    Sirvoich L, Kirby M 1987 Quart. Appl. Math. 45 561


    Duan Y H, Cai J S, Li Y Z 2012 AIAA J. 50 968


    LeGresley P, Alonso J Toal D J J, Bressloff N W, Keane A J, Holden C M E 2010 AIAA J. 48 916


    Toal D J J, Bressloff N W, Keane A J, Holden C M E 2010 AIAA J. 48 916


    Ghoman S, Wang Z, Chen P, Kapania K Luo J, Duan Y, Tang X, Liu F Luo J Q, Duan Y H, Xia Z H 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 124702 (in Chinese) [罗佳奇, 段焰辉, 夏振华 2016 物理学报 65 124702]


    Luo J, Duan Y, Tang X, Liu F 2015 ASME Paper 2015 42876


    Luo J Q, Duan Y H, Xia Z H 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 124702 (in Chinese) [罗佳奇, 段焰辉, 夏振华 2016 物理学报 65 124702]


    Duan Y H, Wu W H, Fan Z L, Chen T Venter G, Sobieszczanski-Sobieski J 2003 AIAA J. 41 1583


    Venter G, Sobieszczanski-Sobieski J 2003 AIAA J. 41 1583


    Hicks R M, Henne P A 1987 J. Aircraft 15 407


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    Denton J D 1998 J. Therm. Sci. 6 1

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