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傅聪 叶梦浩 赵晖 陈宇光 鄢永红



傅聪, 叶梦浩, 赵晖, 陈宇光, 鄢永红

Effects of intrachain disorder on photoexcitation in conjugated polymer chains

Fu Cong, Ye Meng-Hao, Zhao Hui, Chen Yu-Guang, Yan Yong-Hong
  • 应用包含链内无序和电子关联的Su-Schriffer-Heeger模型, 研究了共轭聚合物链中无序效应在光激发演化过程中的作用, 尤其是对激子产率的影响. 采用multi-configurational time-dependent Hartree–Fock方法处理电子部分的含时Schrödinger方程, 而晶格部分的运动则由经典的牛顿方程决定. 研究发现, 加入无序后, 光激发弛豫后的产物与纯净聚合物链中有着定性的不同. 相比于纯净聚合物中光激发下会有一定的概率直接生成极化子对, 考虑无序效应后则更趋向于生成激子, 并且激子的产率很大程度上依赖于无序的类型和强度. 另外还研究了电子-电子相互作用和共轭链长度对激子产率的影响.
    The luminescence efficiency of conjugated polymers has been a central topic in the study of light emitting. The effect of disorder plays an important role in generating excitons after the conjugated polymers have been excited by photons. In this paper, by using the Su-Schriffer-Heeger model, which has been modified to include intrachain disorder and electron correlation, we investigate the effects of disorder on the photoexcitation, especially on the yield of excitons in a conjugated polymer chain. We adopt the multi-configurational time-dependent Hartree–Fock method to solve the multi-electron time-dependent Schrödinger equation and the Newtonian equation of motion for the lattice vibration. The results show that after the photoexcitation relaxation process, the products of the disordered polymer chain are qualitatively distinct from those of the pure polymer chain. While the pairs of polarons can be generated directly after the photoexcitation in a pure polymer chain, the disorder favors excitons as the products of the photoexcitation, and the yield of excitons depends crucially on the kind and strength of the disorder. Furthermore, the influences of the electron correlation and the conjugation length on the yield of excitons are also discussed. Specifically, we find that in the case of diagonal disorder, when the conjugation length is short and the diagonal disorder is weak, the excitons are mainly generated by the recombination of two lattice defects with a high yield of excitons which will be reduced as the conjugation length increases. The excitons tend to be generated directly with a low yield of excitons which is enlarged as the disorder gets stronger when the conjugation length is long or the diagonal disorder is strong. The on-site Coulomb repulsion favors the generation of excitons as well. The case of off-diagonal disorder is similar to that of diagonal disorder except that the on-site Coulomb potential favors the generation of excitons in the weak disorder regime but depresses the generation of excitons in the strong disorder regime. When both diagonal and off-diagonal disorders are considered, the yield of excitons is dominated by the off-diagonal disorder. We hope that our investigations can provide useful guidance and help for designing organic photoelectric materials and devices.
      通信作者: 赵晖, zhaoh@fudan.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11474218, 11575116)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Zhao Hui, zhaoh@fudan.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11474218, 11575116)

    Shirakawa H, Louis E J, MacDiarmid A G, Chiang C K, Heeger A J 1977 J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. 16 578


    Heeger A J 2001 Rev. Mod. Phys. 73 681Google Scholar


    Friend R H, Gymer R W, Holmes A B, Burroughes J H, Marks R N, Taliani C, Dos Bradley D C, Santos D A D, Brédas J L, Lögdlund M, Salaneck W R 1999 Nature 397 121Google Scholar


    Dodabalapur A, Katz H E, Torsi L, Haddon R C 1995 Science 269 1560Google Scholar


    Yu G, Gao J, Hummelen J C, Wudl F, Heeger A J 1995 Science 270 1789Google Scholar


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    Graupner W, Cerullo G, Lanzani G, Nisoli M, List E J W, Leising G, De Silvestri S 1998 Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 3259Google Scholar


    Clarke T M, Durrant J R 2010 Chem. Rev. 110 6736Google Scholar


    Sariciftci N S 1998 Primary Photoexcitations in Conjugated Polymers: Molecular Exciton Versus Semiconductor Band Model (Singapore: World Scientific) pp20−50


    Moses D, Okumoto H, Lee C H, Heeger A J, Ohnishi T, Noguchi T 1996 Phys. Rev. B 54 4748


    Moses D, Dogariu A, Heeger A J 2000 Chem. Phys. Lett. 316 356Google Scholar


    Ruseckas A, Theander M, Andersson M R, Svensson M, Prato M, Inganäs O, Sundström V 2000 Chem. Phys. Lett. 322 136Google Scholar


    Miranda P B, Moses D, Heeger A J 2001 Phys. Rev. B 64 081201(RGoogle Scholar


    Moses D, Dogariu A, Heeger A J 2000 Phys. Rev. B 61 9373Google Scholar


    De Sio A, Troiani F, Maiuri M, Réhault J, Sommer E, Lim J, Huelga S F, Plenio M B, Rozzi C A, Cerullo G, Molinari E, Lienau C 2016 Nat. Comm. 7 13742Google Scholar


    Wang R, Yao Y, Zhang C F, Zhang Y D, Bin H J, Xue L W, Zhang Z G, Xie X Y, Ma H B, Wang X Y, Li Y F, Xiao M 2019 Nat. Commun. 10 398Google Scholar


    Dong Y F, Nikolis V C, Talnack F, Chin Y C, Benduhn J, Londi G, Kublitski J, Zheng X J, Mannsfeld S C B, Spoltore D, Muccioli L, Li J, Blase X, Beljonne D, Kim J S, Bakulin A A, D′Avino G, Durrant J R, Vandewal K 2020 Nat. Commun. 11 4617Google Scholar


    An Z, Wu C Q, Sun X 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 216407Google Scholar


    Jaiswal M, Menon R 2006 Polym. Int. 55 1371Google Scholar


    Coropceanu V, Cornil J, da Silva Filho D A, Olivier Y, Silbey R, Brédas J L 2007 Chem. Rev. 107 926Google Scholar


    Shinar J, Shinar R 2008 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 133001Google Scholar


    Wang Y D, Zhang X G, Meng Y, Di B, Zhang Y L, An Z 2017 Org. Electron. 49 286Google Scholar


    Sun Z, Li S, Xie S J, An Z 2019 J. Chem. Phys. C 123 21336Google Scholar


    Menon A, Dong H P, Niazimbetova Z I, Rothberg L J, Galvin M E 2002 Chem. Mater. 14 3668Google Scholar


    Konezny S J, Rothberg L J, Galvin M E, Smith D L 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 143305Google Scholar


    Yuan X J, Dong X F, Li D M, Liu D S 2011 J. Chem. Phys. 134 244901Google Scholar


    Yuan X J, Li D M, Yin S, Gao K, Cui B, Liu D S 2012 Org. Electron. 13 2094Google Scholar


    Sariciftci N S, Heeger A J 1997 Handbook Organic Conductive Molecules Polymers (New York: Wiley) pp413–455


    Li X X, Hou D, Chen G 2018 Org. Electron. 54 245Google Scholar


    Wang Y D, Liu J J, Wang X R, Di B, Meng Y 2018 Europhys. Lett. 123 37003Google Scholar


    Miranda R P, Fisher A J, Stella L, Horsfield A P 2011 J. Chem. Phys. 134 244101Google Scholar


    Miranda R P, Fisher A J, Stella L, Horsfield A P 2011 J. Chem. Phys. 134 244102Google Scholar


    Su W P, Schrieffer J R, Heeger A J 1979 Phys. Rev. Lett. 42 1698Google Scholar


    Su W P, Schrieffer J R, Heeger A J 1980 Phys. Rev. B 22 2099Google Scholar


    Brazovskii S A, Kirova N N 1981 Sov. Phys. JETP Lett. 33 4


    Heeger A J, Kivelson S, Schrieffer J R, Su W P 1988 Rev. Mod. Phys. 60 781Google Scholar


    Meng Y, Liu X J, Di B, An Z 2009 J. Chem. Phys. 131 244502Google Scholar


    Sun Z, Li Y, Xie S J, An Z, Liu D S 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 201310(RGoogle Scholar


    Sun Z, Li Y, Gao K, Liu D S, An Z, Xie S J 2010 Org. Electron. 11 279Google Scholar

  • 图 1  加入对角无序后, 电子$ \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c} $激发后晶格交错序参量$ \delta_i = (-1)^i(u_{i+1}-u_i)/2 $随时间的演化 (a) $ L = 64, \; \sigma_\varepsilon = 0.01 $ eV; (b) $ L = 128, \; \sigma_\varepsilon = 0.10 $ eV, 插图显示了$ \varepsilon_2^{\rm v} $上一个电子激发到导带$ \varepsilon_2^{\rm c} $后, 电子初始占据状态的示意图

    Fig. 1.  Dynamical evolution of the staggered bond order parameter $ \delta_{i} = (-1)^{i}(u_{i+1}-u_{i})/2 $ with time for photoexcitation $ \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c} $: (a) $ L = 64, \; \sigma_\varepsilon = 0.01 $ eV; (b) $ L = 128, \; \sigma_\varepsilon = 0.10 $ eV. The inset shows the initial electronic levels for a photoexcitation process of $ \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c} $.

    图 2  激子的产率在不同链长和电子关联下随着对角无序强度的变化 (a) $ L = 64, \; \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c} $; (b) $ L = 96, \; \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c} $; (c) $L = $$ 128, \; \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c}$; (d) $ L = 64, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c} $; (e) $ L = 96, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c} $; (f) $ L = 128, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c} $

    Fig. 2.  Dependence of the yield of the exciton on the strength of diagonal disorder: (a) $ L = 64, \; \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c} $; (b) $ L = 96, \; \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c} $; (c) $ L = 128, \; \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c} $; (d) $ L = 64, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c} $; (e) $ L = 96, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c} $; (f) $ L = 128, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c} $.

    图 3  激子的产率在不同链长和电子关联下随着非对角无序强度的变化 (a) $ L = 64, \; \varepsilon_2^{\upsilon}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^c $; (b) $ L = 96, \; \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c} $; (c) $L = 128, $$ \; \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c}$; (d) $ L = 64, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c} $; (e) $ L = 96, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c} $; (f) $ L = 128, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c} $

    Fig. 3.  Dependence of the yield of the exciton on the strength of off-diagonal disorder: (a) $ L = 64, \; \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c} $; (b) $L = $$ 96, \; \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c}$; (c) $ L = 128, \; \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c} $; (d) $ L = 64, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c} $; (e) $ L = 96, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c} $; (f) $ L = 128, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c} $.

    图 4  两种无序同时存在时, 激子的产率在不同链长和电子关联下随着无序强度的变化 (a) $ L = 64, \; \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c} $; (b) $L = 96, $$ \; \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c}$; (c) $ L = 128, \; \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c} $; (d) $ L = 64, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c} $; (e) $ L = 96, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c} $; (f) $ L = 128, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c} $

    Fig. 4.  Dependence of the yield of the exciton on the strength of both diagonal and off-diagonal disorder: (a) $ L = 64, \; \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c} $; (b) $ L = 96, \; \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c} $; (c) $ L = 128, \; \varepsilon_2^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_2^{\rm c} $; (d) $ L = 64, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c} $; (e) $ L = 96, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c} $; (f) $L = 128, \; \varepsilon_4^{\rm v}\rightarrow\varepsilon_4^{\rm c}$.

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    Shirakawa H, Louis E J, MacDiarmid A G, Chiang C K, Heeger A J 1977 J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. 16 578


    Heeger A J 2001 Rev. Mod. Phys. 73 681Google Scholar


    Friend R H, Gymer R W, Holmes A B, Burroughes J H, Marks R N, Taliani C, Dos Bradley D C, Santos D A D, Brédas J L, Lögdlund M, Salaneck W R 1999 Nature 397 121Google Scholar


    Dodabalapur A, Katz H E, Torsi L, Haddon R C 1995 Science 269 1560Google Scholar


    Yu G, Gao J, Hummelen J C, Wudl F, Heeger A J 1995 Science 270 1789Google Scholar


    Onsager L 1938 Phys. Rev. 54 554Google Scholar


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    Kersting R, Lemmer U, Deussen M, Bakker H J, Mahrt R F, Kurz H, Arkhipov V I, Bässler H, Göbel E O 1994 Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 1440Google Scholar


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    Graupner W, Cerullo G, Lanzani G, Nisoli M, List E J W, Leising G, De Silvestri S 1998 Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 3259Google Scholar


    Clarke T M, Durrant J R 2010 Chem. Rev. 110 6736Google Scholar


    Sariciftci N S 1998 Primary Photoexcitations in Conjugated Polymers: Molecular Exciton Versus Semiconductor Band Model (Singapore: World Scientific) pp20−50


    Moses D, Okumoto H, Lee C H, Heeger A J, Ohnishi T, Noguchi T 1996 Phys. Rev. B 54 4748


    Moses D, Dogariu A, Heeger A J 2000 Chem. Phys. Lett. 316 356Google Scholar


    Ruseckas A, Theander M, Andersson M R, Svensson M, Prato M, Inganäs O, Sundström V 2000 Chem. Phys. Lett. 322 136Google Scholar


    Miranda P B, Moses D, Heeger A J 2001 Phys. Rev. B 64 081201(RGoogle Scholar


    Moses D, Dogariu A, Heeger A J 2000 Phys. Rev. B 61 9373Google Scholar


    De Sio A, Troiani F, Maiuri M, Réhault J, Sommer E, Lim J, Huelga S F, Plenio M B, Rozzi C A, Cerullo G, Molinari E, Lienau C 2016 Nat. Comm. 7 13742Google Scholar


    Wang R, Yao Y, Zhang C F, Zhang Y D, Bin H J, Xue L W, Zhang Z G, Xie X Y, Ma H B, Wang X Y, Li Y F, Xiao M 2019 Nat. Commun. 10 398Google Scholar


    Dong Y F, Nikolis V C, Talnack F, Chin Y C, Benduhn J, Londi G, Kublitski J, Zheng X J, Mannsfeld S C B, Spoltore D, Muccioli L, Li J, Blase X, Beljonne D, Kim J S, Bakulin A A, D′Avino G, Durrant J R, Vandewal K 2020 Nat. Commun. 11 4617Google Scholar


    An Z, Wu C Q, Sun X 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 216407Google Scholar


    Jaiswal M, Menon R 2006 Polym. Int. 55 1371Google Scholar


    Coropceanu V, Cornil J, da Silva Filho D A, Olivier Y, Silbey R, Brédas J L 2007 Chem. Rev. 107 926Google Scholar


    Shinar J, Shinar R 2008 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 133001Google Scholar


    Wang Y D, Zhang X G, Meng Y, Di B, Zhang Y L, An Z 2017 Org. Electron. 49 286Google Scholar


    Sun Z, Li S, Xie S J, An Z 2019 J. Chem. Phys. C 123 21336Google Scholar


    Menon A, Dong H P, Niazimbetova Z I, Rothberg L J, Galvin M E 2002 Chem. Mater. 14 3668Google Scholar


    Konezny S J, Rothberg L J, Galvin M E, Smith D L 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 143305Google Scholar


    Yuan X J, Dong X F, Li D M, Liu D S 2011 J. Chem. Phys. 134 244901Google Scholar


    Yuan X J, Li D M, Yin S, Gao K, Cui B, Liu D S 2012 Org. Electron. 13 2094Google Scholar


    Sariciftci N S, Heeger A J 1997 Handbook Organic Conductive Molecules Polymers (New York: Wiley) pp413–455


    Li X X, Hou D, Chen G 2018 Org. Electron. 54 245Google Scholar


    Wang Y D, Liu J J, Wang X R, Di B, Meng Y 2018 Europhys. Lett. 123 37003Google Scholar


    Miranda R P, Fisher A J, Stella L, Horsfield A P 2011 J. Chem. Phys. 134 244101Google Scholar


    Miranda R P, Fisher A J, Stella L, Horsfield A P 2011 J. Chem. Phys. 134 244102Google Scholar


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    Su W P, Schrieffer J R, Heeger A J 1980 Phys. Rev. B 22 2099Google Scholar


    Brazovskii S A, Kirova N N 1981 Sov. Phys. JETP Lett. 33 4


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    Sun Z, Li Y, Xie S J, An Z, Liu D S 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 201310(RGoogle Scholar


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