采用分子动力学方法模拟介孔尺度和结构对混合硝酸盐热输运特性的影响. 使用Material Studio软件分别建立不同尺度、两种结构的混合硝酸盐模型以及达到共晶状态的不同比例的NaNO3-KNO3模型, 通过对模型进行运算并整理计算结果, 对纳米尺度下混合硝酸盐热输运特性的微观机理进行分析. 结果表明: 太阳盐的相变温度随着纳米孔尺度的增大呈现先增加后减小的趋势, 最终与宏观尺度下的熔点一致; 阳离子的比例对混合硝酸盐的相变温度有很大的影响, 且纳米线结构也会改变硝酸盐的相变温度. 硝酸盐的体热膨胀系数随着介孔尺度的增大而减小, 随着NaNO3含量的增加而增大, 随着介孔结构的改变而改变. 离子之间的相互作用的增强会使导热率增大, 但对定压比热容没有太大影响.Molecular dynamics method is used to simulate the influence of the mesopore size and structure on the heat transport characteristics of the mixed nitrate. The Material Studio software is used to establish the mixed nitrate models of different scales and two structures, and the NaNO3-KNO3 models of different proportions that reach the eutectic state. By calculating the models and sorting out the calculation results, the phase transition of mixed nitrates on a nanometer scale is calculated and the micro-mechanism of heat transport characteristics is analyzed. The results show that the phase transition temperature of the solar salt first increases and then decreases with the increase of the nanopore size, and finally is consistent with the melting point on a macro scale. The proportion of cations has a great influence on the phase transition temperature of mixed nitrate, and the nanowire structures also change the phase transition temperature of nitrate. The bulk thermal expansion coefficient of nitrate decreases with the increase of mesoporous size, increases with the increase of NaNO3 content, and changes with the mesoporous structure. The enhancement of the interaction between ions will increase the thermal conductivity, but it will not have much effect on the specific heat capacity at a constant pressure.
- mixed nitrate /
- scale /
- structure /
- heat transport characteristics
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图 2 混合硝酸盐模型 (a) w (NaNO3)∶w (KNO3) = 4∶6混合硝酸盐; (b) w (NaNO3) ∶w (KNO3) = 5∶5混合硝酸盐; (c) w (NaNO3) ∶w (KNO3) = 9∶1混合硝酸盐; (d) w (NaNO3)∶w (KNO3) = 6∶4太阳盐; (e) w(NaNO3)∶w (KNO3) = 6∶4异结构太阳盐
Fig. 2. Mixed nitrate model: (a) w (NaNO3)∶w (KNO3) = 4∶6 mixed nitrate; (b) w (NaNO3)∶w (KNO3) = 5∶5 mixed nitrate; (c) w (NaNO3)∶w (KNO3) = 9∶1 mixed nitrate; (d) w (NaNO3)∶w (KNO3) = 6∶4 solar salt; (e) w (NaNO3)∶w (KNO3) = 6∶4 heterogeneous solar salts.
表 1 太阳盐(
$w({\rm NaNO_3}): w({\rm KNO_3}) = 6:4$ )中NaNO3和KNO3的离子数Table 1. Ion numbers of NaNO3 and KNO3 in solar salts (
$w({\rm NaNO_3}): w({\rm KNO_3}) = 6: 4$ )离子数 种类 Model size/nm Na+ K+ N– O2– 460 60 32 92 276 5 920 120 64 184 552 5 1380 180 96 276 828 8 1840 240 128 368 1104 8 2300 300 160 460 1380 10 2760 360 192 552 1656 10 表 2 混合硝酸盐中NaNO3和KNO3的离子数(总离子数为460)
Table 2. Ion numbers of NaNO3 and KNO3 in mixed nitrate (total number of ions is 460).
$w({\rm NaNO_3}): w({\rm KNO_3})$ 种类 Model
size/nmNa+ K+ N– O2– 4∶6 41 51 92 276 5 5∶5 49 43 92 276 5 6∶4 60 32 92 276 5 9∶1 84 8 92 276 5 表 3 不同尺度下太阳盐的相变温度
Table 3. Phase transition temperature of solar salts at different scales.
离子数 460 920 1380 1840 2300 2760 5520 温度/K 493 493 503 518 508 492 493 表 4 不同比例的混合硝酸盐的相变温度
Table 4. Phase transition temperature of mixed nitrates at different proportions
w(NaNO3)∶w(KNO3) 4∶6 5∶5 6∶4 9∶1 温度/K 493 488 493 548 表 5 纳米线结构太阳盐的相变温度
Table 5. Phase transition temperature of nanostructured solar salts.
离子数 460 920 温度/K 528 548 表 6 两种结构下太阳盐导热率
Table 6. Thermal conductivity of solar salts at two structures.
离子数 460-
纳米线导热率/(W·m–1·K–1) 0.46 0.63 0.99 1.98 -
[1] Kannan N, Vakeesan D 2016 Renew. Sust. Energy Rev. 62 1092
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Feng Y H, Feng D L, Zhang X X 2019 Phase Transition and Thermal Transport Properties of Mesoporous Composite (Beijing: Science Press) pp5−138 (in Chinese)
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Wang C B 2013 M. S. Thesis (Beijing: Beijing University of Technology) (in Chinese)
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