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郭义丰 王智彬 贾莉斯 莫松平 陈颖



郭义丰, 王智彬, 贾莉斯, 莫松平, 陈颖

Numerical simulation of inhibition characteristics of wall temperature rise of phase change microcapsule in liquid-cooled microchannel

Guo Yi-Feng, Wang Zhi-Bin, Jia Li-Si, Mo Song-Ping, Chen Ying
  • 相变微胶囊悬浮液是一种新型的蓄热-传热功能流体, 目前对相变微胶囊与基液流固传递作用认识的欠缺, 导致宏观上对悬浮液流动传热性能的研究结果存在较大的差异. 为此, 本文采用任意拉格朗日-欧拉方法模拟相变微胶囊在液冷微通道内流固作用下的流动传热特性, 对比普通颗粒及相变胶囊对液冷微通道壁面温升的抑制作用, 考察胶囊位置、形状及数量对壁面温升抑制的影响. 结果表明: 胶囊及颗粒均对它们上游区域的壁面温升产生抑制作用, 而胶囊的相变使得抑制效果更加明显; 胶囊越靠近壁面自旋运动越快, 越有利于流体与壁面的换热, 对壁面温升抑制效果越强, 尤其是靠近受热面时; 相比椭圆形胶囊, 圆形胶囊自旋运动更激烈, 对壁面温升抑制效果更优; 随着加热区内胶囊数的增加, 最大抑制效果在逐渐提升.
    Phase change microcapsule suspension is a new type of heat-storage and heat-transfer functional fluid. Owing to the lack of understanding of flow-solid interaction, there exists a difference in research result of the heat transfer performance of suspension fluid. Therefore, the arbitrary Lagrangian-Euler method is used to simulate the flow-solid transfer characteristics of phase-change microcapsules in the liquid-cooled microchannel. Furthermore, the comparison of heat-transfer between particle and phase-change capsules is conducted. The influences of the position, shape, and number of capsules on the inhibition of the wall temperature rise are investigated. The results show that the wall-temperature-rise inhibition mainly occurs in the upstream area of the capsules. The phase change of capsules can reduce the wall temperature rise. On the other hand, the spin movement is faster when the capsule is closer to the wall, and the heat transfer is enhanced. As a result, the inhibitory effect on the wall temperature rise becomes stronger, especially near the heating surface. The circular capsules spin movement is faster and the inhibition performance is better than the ellipse. With the capsules number increasing, the wall temperature inhibition effect also gradually strengthens.
      通信作者: 王智彬, wangzhibin@gdut.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: U20A201020)和广东省自然科学基金(批准号: 2019A1515012119)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Wang Zhi-Bin, wangzhibin@gdut.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. U20A201020) and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China (Grant No. 2019A1515012119).

    Zhang Y, Ding B, Zhao D Y, Zhao S, Gong L 2023 Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 201 123566Google Scholar


    Xiu L 2019 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine 11 39Google Scholar


    Zhang Q, Deng K, Wilkens L, Reith H, Nielsch K 2022 Nat. Electron. 5 333Google Scholar


    Ding B, Feng W C, Fang J, Li S Z, Gong L 2022 Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 184 122272Google Scholar


    Ding B, Feng W C, Mu M F, Gong L, Li L 2023 Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 203 123773Google Scholar


    黄豪杰, 钱吉裕, 魏涛 2022 中国电子科学研究院学报 17 842Google Scholar

    Huang H J, Qian J Y, Wei T 2022 J. Chin. Acad. Electron. Sci. 17 842Google Scholar


    Vinoth R, Sachuthananthan B 2021 Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transf. 123 105194Google Scholar


    Hou T, Chen Y 2020 Chem. Eng. Process 153 107931Google Scholar


    Zhang F, Wu B, Du B 2022 Int. J. Therm. Sci. 172 107357Google Scholar


    Alnaimat F, Varghese D, Mathew B 2022 Int. J. Thermo. fluids 16 100213Google Scholar


    Roumpea E, Kovalchuk N M, Chinaud M, Nowak E, Simmons M J H, Angeli P 2019 Chem. Eng. Sci. 195 507Google Scholar


    Liang C P, Ture F, Dai Y J, Wang R Z, Ge T S 2021 Energy Build. 231 110622Google Scholar


    Chen Z, Qian P, Huang Z, Zhang W, Liu M 2023 Int. J. Therm. Sci. 183 107840Google Scholar


    Sarafraz M M, Arjomandi M 2018 Appl. Therm. Eng. 137 700Google Scholar


    Martínez V A, Vasco D A, García-Herrera C M, Ortega-Aguilera R 2019 Appl. Therm. Eng. 161 114130Google Scholar


    刘中淼, 孙其诚, 宋世雄, 史庆藩 2014 物理学报 63 034702Google Scholar

    Liu Z M, Sun Q C, Song S X, Shi Q P 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 034702Google Scholar


    Hetsroni G, Mosyak A, Pogrebnyak E 2002 Int. J. Multiph. Flow 28 1873Google Scholar


    Hashemi Z, Abouali O, Kamali R 2013 Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 65 235Google Scholar


    Liu C, Tang S, Dong Y 2017 Appl. Math Mech. Engl. 38 1149Google Scholar


    段总样, 赵云华, 徐璋 2021 力学学报 53 2656Google Scholar

    Duan Z Y, Zhao Y H, Xu Z 2021 Chin. J. Theor. Appl. Mech. 53 2656Google Scholar


    赵维维 2019 硕士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学)

    Zhao W W 2019 M. S. Thesis (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology) (in Chinese)


    崔智文, 王泽, 蒋新宇, 赵立豪 2022 力学进展 52 623Google Scholar

    Cui Z W, Wang Z, Jiang X Y, Zhao L H 2022 Adv. Mech. 52 623Google Scholar


    Rao Y, Dammel F, Stephan P, Lin G 2007 Heat Mass Transf. 44 175Google Scholar


    杨杰, 王艳 2020 农业装备与车辆工程 58 141Google Scholar

    Yang J, Wang Y 2020 Agric. Equip. Veh. Eng. 58 141Google Scholar

  • 图 1  计算模型示意图

    Fig. 1.  Schematics of computational model.

    图 2  网格示意图

    Fig. 2.  Grid diagram.

    图 3  网格独立性验证 (a)平均Nu数; (b)局部Nu

    Fig. 3.  Grid sensitivity tests: (a) Average Nu number; (b) local Nu number.

    图 4  模型验证

    Fig. 4.  Validation of numerical model.

    图 5  水、普通颗粒和相变胶囊的对比 (a) 温度云图; (b) 速度云图

    Fig. 5.  Comparison in water, particle and phase change capsules: (a) Temperature field; (b) velocity field.

    图 6  (a) 颗粒迁移及自旋; (b) 流体温度及壁面温度; (c) 流体温度局部放大图; (d) 壁面温度局部放大图

    Fig. 6.  (a) Particle migration and spin; (b) temperature of fluid and wall; (c) local temperature of wall; (d) local temperature of fluid

    图 7  颗粒在不同时刻的$ \Delta {T}_{{\rm{w}}} $$ \Delta {T}_{{\rm{f}}} $ (a) 1.7 ms; (b) 2.7 ms; (c) 6.6 ms

    Fig. 7.  Temperature difference in different time: (a) 1.7 ms; (b) 2.7 ms; (c) 6.6 ms.

    图 8  相变胶囊的相变过程 (a) 1.85 ms; (b) 2.37 ms; (c) 2.92 ms; (d) 3.45 ms; (e) 3.99 ms; (f) 5.07 ms; (g) 6.43 ms; (h) 7.24 ms

    Fig. 8.  Phase change process of the phase change capsule: (a) 1.85 ms; (b) 2.37 ms; (c) 2.92 ms; (d) 3.45 ms; (e) 3.99 ms; (f) 5.07 ms; (g) 6.43 ms; (h) 7.24 ms.

    图 9  Re对胶囊迁移和自旋的影响 (a) 迁移轨迹; (b) 自旋周期

    Fig. 9.  Effect of Re on capsule migration and spin: (a) Migration trajectory; (b) period of spin.

    图 10  不同Re$ \Delta {T}_{{\rm{w}}} $的影响 (a) 1.7 ms时$ \Delta {T}_{{\rm{w}}} $; (b) 2.7 ms时$ \Delta {T}_{{\rm{w}}} $; (c) 6.6 ms时$ \Delta {T}_{{\rm{w}}} $

    Fig. 10.  Effect of different Re on $ \Delta {T}_{{\rm{w}}} $: (a) $ \Delta $Tw in 1.7 ms; (b) $ \Delta $Tw in 2.7 ms; (c) $ \Delta $Tw in 6.6 ms.

    图 11  胶囊不同时刻的温度云图

    Fig. 11.  Temperature cloud map of capsules at different times.

    图 12  胶囊位置的影响 (a) 胶囊在1.7 ms时$ \Delta {T}_{{\rm{w}}} $; (b) 胶囊在2.7 ms时$ \Delta {T}_{{\rm{w}}} $; (c) 胶囊在6.6 ms时$ \Delta {T}_{{\rm{w}}} $; (d) 胶囊迁移及自旋

    Fig. 12.  Effect of microcapsule position: (a) $ \Delta $Tw in 1.7 ms; (b) $ {\Delta } $Tw in 2.7 ms; (c) $ \Delta $Tw in 6.6 ms; (d) phase change microcapsule migration and spin.

    图 13  不同长径比胶囊的温度云图

    Fig. 13.  Temperature fields of microcapsule with different draw ratio.

    图 14  胶囊形状的影响 (a) 最大影响温度$ \Delta {T}_{{\rm{w}}} $; (b) 最大影响范围s

    Fig. 14.  Effect of capsule shape: (a) Maximum influenced of $ \Delta {T}_{{\rm{w}}} $; (b) maximum influenced of s

    图 15  不同长径比胶囊的迁移及自旋 (a) 迁移及自旋轨迹; (b) 自旋周期

    Fig. 15.  Migration and spin of capsules with different aspect ratios: (a) Migration and spin trajectories; (b) period of spin.

    图 16  不同数量胶囊初始位置及在4.1 ms时的分布

    Fig. 16.  Initial location and distribution in 4.1 ms of multiple microcapsules.

    图 17  多胶囊的最大影响温度$ \Delta {T}_{{\rm{w}}} $(a)和影响范围s (b)

    Fig. 17.  Maximum influenced of $ \Delta {T}_{{\rm{w}}} $ (a) and maximum influenced length s (b) for multicapsules.

    表 1  基液及相变胶囊、普通颗粒的物性参数

    Table 1.  Thermophysical properties of the base fluid and particle.

    材料ρ/(kg·m–3)Cp/(J·kg–1·K–1)k/(W·m–1·K–1)μ/(103 Pa·s)hsf/(kJ·kg–1)
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    Zhang Y, Ding B, Zhao D Y, Zhao S, Gong L 2023 Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 201 123566Google Scholar


    Xiu L 2019 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine 11 39Google Scholar


    Zhang Q, Deng K, Wilkens L, Reith H, Nielsch K 2022 Nat. Electron. 5 333Google Scholar


    Ding B, Feng W C, Fang J, Li S Z, Gong L 2022 Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 184 122272Google Scholar


    Ding B, Feng W C, Mu M F, Gong L, Li L 2023 Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 203 123773Google Scholar


    黄豪杰, 钱吉裕, 魏涛 2022 中国电子科学研究院学报 17 842Google Scholar

    Huang H J, Qian J Y, Wei T 2022 J. Chin. Acad. Electron. Sci. 17 842Google Scholar


    Vinoth R, Sachuthananthan B 2021 Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transf. 123 105194Google Scholar


    Hou T, Chen Y 2020 Chem. Eng. Process 153 107931Google Scholar


    Zhang F, Wu B, Du B 2022 Int. J. Therm. Sci. 172 107357Google Scholar


    Alnaimat F, Varghese D, Mathew B 2022 Int. J. Thermo. fluids 16 100213Google Scholar


    Roumpea E, Kovalchuk N M, Chinaud M, Nowak E, Simmons M J H, Angeli P 2019 Chem. Eng. Sci. 195 507Google Scholar


    Liang C P, Ture F, Dai Y J, Wang R Z, Ge T S 2021 Energy Build. 231 110622Google Scholar


    Chen Z, Qian P, Huang Z, Zhang W, Liu M 2023 Int. J. Therm. Sci. 183 107840Google Scholar


    Sarafraz M M, Arjomandi M 2018 Appl. Therm. Eng. 137 700Google Scholar


    Martínez V A, Vasco D A, García-Herrera C M, Ortega-Aguilera R 2019 Appl. Therm. Eng. 161 114130Google Scholar


    刘中淼, 孙其诚, 宋世雄, 史庆藩 2014 物理学报 63 034702Google Scholar

    Liu Z M, Sun Q C, Song S X, Shi Q P 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 034702Google Scholar


    Hetsroni G, Mosyak A, Pogrebnyak E 2002 Int. J. Multiph. Flow 28 1873Google Scholar


    Hashemi Z, Abouali O, Kamali R 2013 Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 65 235Google Scholar


    Liu C, Tang S, Dong Y 2017 Appl. Math Mech. Engl. 38 1149Google Scholar


    段总样, 赵云华, 徐璋 2021 力学学报 53 2656Google Scholar

    Duan Z Y, Zhao Y H, Xu Z 2021 Chin. J. Theor. Appl. Mech. 53 2656Google Scholar


    赵维维 2019 硕士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工业大学)

    Zhao W W 2019 M. S. Thesis (Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology) (in Chinese)


    崔智文, 王泽, 蒋新宇, 赵立豪 2022 力学进展 52 623Google Scholar

    Cui Z W, Wang Z, Jiang X Y, Zhao L H 2022 Adv. Mech. 52 623Google Scholar


    Rao Y, Dammel F, Stephan P, Lin G 2007 Heat Mass Transf. 44 175Google Scholar


    杨杰, 王艳 2020 农业装备与车辆工程 58 141Google Scholar

    Yang J, Wang Y 2020 Agric. Equip. Veh. Eng. 58 141Google Scholar

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