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刘希望 张宏丹 贲帅 杨士栋 任鑫 宋晓红 杨玮枫



刘希望, 张宏丹, 贲帅, 杨士栋, 任鑫, 宋晓红, 杨玮枫

Feynman path-integral strong-field dynamics calculation method

Liu Xi-Wang, Zhang Hong-Dan, Ben Shuai, Yang Shi-Dong, Ren Xin, Song Xiao-Hong, Yang Wei-Feng
  • 超快超强激光及阿秒测量技术的诞生和发展, 使人们在阿秒时间和原子空间尺度内观测及控制电子的运动成为可能. 日益精密的实验测量技术对理论计算方法的精确性提出了更高的要求, 如何使用理论模型从实验结果中分辨提取超快时空动力学时间和空间信息面临极大的挑战. 相比于精确求解含时薛定谔方程, 费曼路径积分强场动力学计算方法模型简单计算效率更高, 电子波包被看作具有不同初始状态的粒子, 通过解析粒子的运动状态便能厘清各种强场非线性物理现象的产生原因. 本文从强场近似理论模型出发介绍了强场动力学计算中的鞍点近似, 进一步详细介绍了库仑修正强场近似、基于轨迹的库仑修正强场近似与库仑量子轨迹强场近似等方法. 本综述旨在为强场动力学理论计算的研究提供相关方法与文献参考, 为进一步开展新型算法提供思路.
    The emergence and development of ultrafast intense lasers and attosecond measurement techniques have made it possible to observe and control the motions of electrons on a timescale of attoseconds and a spatial scale of atoms. With the improvement of experimental measurement accuracy, higher requirements are put forward for the accuracy of theoretical calculation methods. Extracting temporal and spatial information about ultrafast dynamics from experimental results through using theoretical models presents a significant challenge. Compared with the exact solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, the Feynman path-integral method for strong-field dynamics calculations offers a simpler model and higher computational efficiency. The electronic wave packet is regarded as a particle with different initial states, and by analyzing the motion of the particle, the causes of various nonlinear physical phenomena in strong fields can be clarified. This work introduces the saddle point approximation into strong field dynamics calculations based on the strong field approximation theory. Furthermore, the Coulomb-corrected strong field approximation method, trajectory-based Coulomb-corrected strong field approximation method, and Coulomb quantum trajectory strong field approximation method are presented in detail. This review aims to provide relevant methods and literature references for studying strong field dynamics theoretical calculations and also to present some ideas for developing new algorithms.
      通信作者: 宋晓红, song_xiaohong@hainanu.edu.cn ; 杨玮枫, wfyang@hainanu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 12074240, 12374260, 12204135, 12264013, 12204136)、海南省自然科学基金(批准号: 122CXTD504, 123MS002, 123QN179, 123QN180, 122QN217)和中德合作交流项目(批准号: M-0031)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Song Xiao-Hong, song_xiaohong@hainanu.edu.cn ; Yang Wei-Feng, wfyang@hainanu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12074240, 12374260, 12204135, 12264013, 12204136), the Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province, China (Grant Nos. 122CXTD504, 123MS002, 123QN179, 123QN180, 122QN217), and the Sino-German Mobility Programme, China (Grant No. M-0031).

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    Song X, Lin C, Sheng Z H, Liu P, Chen Z J, Yang W F, Hu S L, Lin C D, Chen J 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 28392Google Scholar


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    Song X H, Shi G L, Zhang G J, Xu J W, Lin C, Chen J, Yang W F 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 103201Google Scholar


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    Trabert D, Brennecke S, Fehre K, Anders N, Geyer A, Grundmann S, Schöffler M S, Schmidt L Ph H, Jahnke T, Dörner R, Kunitski M, Eckart S 2021 Nat. Commun. 12 1697Google Scholar


    Torlina L, Morales F, Kaushal J, Ivanov I, Kheifets A, Zielinski A, Scrinzi A, Muller H G, Sukiasyan S, Ivanov M Smirnova O 2015 Nat. Phys. 11 503Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  遗传算法流程图

    Fig. 1.  Flowchart of genetic algorithm.

    图 2  牛顿迭代法图示. 蓝色曲线为方程$ f\left(x\right) $的解, 红色直线为蓝色曲线在自变量$ x $处的切线, $ {x}_{*} $为方程$ f\left(x\right)=0 $时需寻找的解

    Fig. 2.  Illustration of Newton’s method. Blue curve represents value of function $ f\left(x\right) $, and red lines represent tangent to blue curve at independent variable $ x $, which is solution $ {x}_{*} $ when $ f\left(x\right)=0 $.

    图 3  4个样本的$ \left|f\right| $随迭代次数的变化. 蓝线、橙线、黄线和紫线分别代表初始试探解为$ ({t}_{{\rm{r}}}=20.1, {t}_{{\rm{i}}}=80.1) $$ ({t}_{{\rm{r}}}= $$ 40.1, {t}_{{\rm{i}}}=80.1) $, $ ({t}_{{\rm{r}}}=60.1, {t}_{{\rm{i}}}=80.1) $$ ({t}_{{\rm{r}}}=120.1, {t}_{{\rm{i}}}= $$ 80.1) $时, 随迭代次数增加函数值$ \left|f\right| $的变化.

    Fig. 3.  Variation of $ \left|f\right| $ with the number of iterations n for four samples. The blue, orange, yellow, and purple lines represent the changes in function values $ \left|f\right| $ with increasing iteration times when the initial trial solutions are $ ({t}_{{\rm{r}}}=20.1, {t}_{{\rm{i}}}=80.1) $, $ ({t}_{{\rm{r}}}=40.1, {t}_{{\rm{i}}}=80.1) $, $ ({t}_{{\rm{r}}}=60.1, $$ {t}_{{\rm{i}}}= 80.1) $ and $ ({t}_{{\rm{r}}}=120.1, {t}_{{\rm{i}}}=80.1) $, respectively.

    图 4  复平面的路径积分. $ {I}_{1} $ 描述了沿虚时间轴的积分, 步长为 $ {\rm{i}}\Delta \tau $. $ {I}_{2} $ 描述了沿实时间轴的积分, 步长为$ \Delta \tau $

    Fig. 4.  Path integral on complex plane. $ {I}_{1} $ describes integration along imaginary time axis with a step size of $ {\rm{i}}\Delta \tau $, and $ {I}_{2} $ describes the integration along real time axis with a step size of $ \Delta \tau $.

    图 5  费曼路径积分思想示意图. AB分别为粒子的初始点与末点, 绿色虚线为粒子的可能路径 (a) 两个位置之间存在一个挡板双缝; (b) 两个位置间存在两个多缝挡板; (c) 两个位置存在无数个狭缝, 此时粒子可以从A点经历任意位置到达B

    Fig. 5.  Schematic diagram of Feynman’s path integral concept. A and B represent initial and final points of a particle, and the green dashed line represents the possible paths of particle: (a) There is a double-slit barrier between two positions; (b) there are multiple slit barriers between two positions; (c) there are infinite slits between two positions, and particle can reach point B from point A through any intermediate position.

    图 6  $ {p}_{z} $-$ {p}_{x} $平面内光电子动量分布图[24] (a) TDSE, (b) SFA, (c) TCSFA不考虑势垒下作用量; (d) TCSFA 考虑势垒下作用量

    Fig. 6.  Logarithmically scaled photoelectron momentum distribution in $ {p}_{z} $-$ {p}_{x} $ plane[24]: (a) TDSE, (b) SFA and (c) TCSFA without sub-CC; (d) TCSFA with sub-CC.

    图 7  氢原子二维光电子角度分布[26] (a) CQSFA; (b) SFA; (c) TDSE

    Fig. 7.  Two-dimensional photoelectron angular distributions of hydrogen atom[26]: (a) CQSFA; (b) SFA; (c) TDSE.

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    Song X, Lin C, Sheng Z H, Liu P, Chen Z J, Yang W F, Hu S L, Lin C D, Chen J 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 28392Google Scholar


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    Song X H, Shi G L, Zhang G J, Xu J W, Lin C, Chen J, Yang W F 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 103201Google Scholar


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    Trabert D, Brennecke S, Fehre K, Anders N, Geyer A, Grundmann S, Schöffler M S, Schmidt L Ph H, Jahnke T, Dörner R, Kunitski M, Eckart S 2021 Nat. Commun. 12 1697Google Scholar


    Torlina L, Morales F, Kaushal J, Ivanov I, Kheifets A, Zielinski A, Scrinzi A, Muller H G, Sukiasyan S, Ivanov M Smirnova O 2015 Nat. Phys. 11 503Google Scholar


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  • 收稿日期:  2023-03-25
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  • 上网日期:  2023-06-20
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