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Nuclear structure effects to atomic Lamb shift and hyperfine splitting

Ji Chen
  • 精密原子光谱实验和理论在测量基本物理常数和检验量子电动力学理论中起着关键作用,同时为研究原子核内部结构和发展高精度核结构理论提供重要观测平台。许多原子光谱实验中,核结构效应如电荷分布、磁矩分布和核极化度已被精确测定,大大提高了核结构检测的精度。本文系统论述了关于轻质量电子原子与缪子原子兰姆位移和超精细结构中的双光子交换效应的理论框架与研究发展。着重介绍了先进的核力模型和核结构第一性原理计算方法在上述问题中的应用。轻质量原子中双光子交换效应的理论研究对于从原子光谱测量中确定核电荷半径和Zemach半径具有重要作用。这些研究结果不仅能加深对原子核内部结构以及核子-核子相互作用的理解,还为未来实验提供重要的理论指导,推进对质子半径难题以及其他轻核半径测量问题的理解。
    The development of precision atomic spectroscopy experiments and theoretical advancements plays a crucial role in measuring fundamental physical constants and testing Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) theories. It also provides a significant platform for studying the internal structure of atomic nuclei and developing high-precision nuclear structure theories. Nuclear structure effects such as charge distribution, magnetic moment distribution, and nuclear polarizability have been accurately determined in many atomic spectroscopy experiments, significantly enhancing the precision of nuclear structure detection.
    This paper systematically reviews the theoretical research and developments on the corrections of two-photon exchange (TPE) effects on the Lamb shift and hyperfine structure (HFS) in light ordinary and muonic atoms. Advanced nuclear force models and ab initio methods are employed to analyze the TPE nuclear structure corrections to the Lamb shift in a series of light muonic atoms. The paper compares the calculation of TPE effects from various nuclear models and evaluates the model dependencies and theoretical uncertainties of TPE effect predictions.
    Furthermore, the paper discusses the significant impact of TPE theory on explaining the discrepancies between experimental measurements and QED theoretical predictions in atomic hyperfine structures, resolving the accuracy difficulties in traditional theories. Detailed analyses of TPE effects on HFS in electronic and muonic deuterium using pionless effective field theory show good agreement with experimental measurements, validating the accuracy of theoretical predictions.
    The theoretical studies of TPE effects in light atoms are instrumental for determining nuclear charge radii and Zemach radii from spectroscopy measurements. These results not only enhance the understanding of nuclear structure and nuclear interactions but also offer crucial theoretical guidance for future experiments, thereby advancing the understanding of the proton radius puzzle and related studies.
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