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TM011 MPT等离子体和电场特征分析与调谐实验

杨涓 孙江宏 王雨轩 罗凌峰 张岩 康小录 贾晴晴


TM011 MPT等离子体和电场特征分析与调谐实验

杨涓, 孙江宏, 王雨轩, 罗凌峰, 张岩, 康小录, 贾晴晴
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241118

Analysis on plasma and electric field property of TM011 mode MPT and its tuning experiment

YANG Juan, SUN Jianghong, WANG Yuxuan, LUO Lingfeng, ZHANG Yan, KANG Xiaolu, JIA Qingqing
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241118
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 微波等离子体推力器(microwave plasma thruster, MPT)属于电热型推力器, 其圆柱腔内等离子体过程、微波场分布与TM011模谐振状态是影响性能的重要因素. 针对前人研究的可连续调节谐振状态的千瓦级MPT, 需要开展结构固定的MPT研究, 使其调谐过程简单、谐振状态良好, 为深入研究奠定基础. 本文对结构固定的千瓦级MPT圆柱腔内等离子体过程进行分析, 探寻最佳放电条件. 计算腔体内TM011模谐振状态下的微波电场和功率密度分布, 分析其影响因素. 对圆柱腔进行精细调谐实验, 研究圆柱腔尺度和微波耦合探针尺度对谐振状态的影响. 理论分析和数值计算结果发现489 Pa压强条件下氦气放电消耗功率最低, 长径比大于1的圆柱腔内电场分布规律有利于气体放电. 调谐实验结果发现长度和半径适中的球形探针使最短圆柱腔TM011谐振状态最佳、谐振频率最接近工作频率2.45 GHz. 实验证明该腔体及匹配的探针使微波功率利用率高、氦气易放电, 其结构方案具有正确性和可靠性.
    Microwave plasma thruster (MPT) is a kind of electrothermal thruster. Inside its cylindrical cavity, the plasma process, microwave electric field distribution, and TM011 mode resonant state are important factors affecting the performance of MPT seriously. According to previous MPT formed through continuous regulation in the resonant sate of cylindrical cavity, the research is needed on a newly fixed and simple MPT, which will simplify the resonant state regulation and lays an important foundation for further study. Therefore the plasma process is analyzed to find the optimal gas discharge condition, and the microwave electric field intensity and power density distribution inside the cavity running in TM011 resonant sate are calculated to analyse how the parameters are influenced by the cavity dimensions. The resonant state is finely regulated to study how it is influenced by the dimensions of cylindrical cavity and microwave coupling probe with ball and half ball structure. The results of theoretical analysis and calculation show that the discharge power of helium gas is the lowest under the condition of 489 Pa and when the ratio of length to diameter is greater than 1, the microwave electric density distribution inside the cavity is beneficial. Owing to the appropriate length and radius of microwave coupling ball probe, the experiment on resonant state regulation shows that the shortest cylinder cavity is in the optimal resonant sate, with a resonance frequency very close to 2.45 GHz. The helium discharge experiment proves that the cavity and matching ball probe enable high microwave utilization and easy helium gas discharge, and the structure scheme is correct and reliable.
      通信作者: 杨涓, yangjuan@nwpu.edu.cn
      Corresponding author: YANG Juan, yangjuan@nwpu.edu.cn

    毛根旺, 何洪庆, 杨涓, 史韶莉 2012 推进技术 19 21

    Mao G W, He H Q, Yang J, Shi S L 2012 J. Propul. Technol. 19 21


    杭观荣, 李诗凝, 康小录, 金逸舟, 孙雯熙 2023 推进技术 44 38Google Scholar

    Hang G R, Li S N, Kang X L, Jin Y Z, Sun W X 2023 J. Propul. Technol. 44 38Google Scholar


    Herlin M A, Brown S C 1948 Phys. Rev. B 74 1650Google Scholar


    Brown S C, MacDonald A D 1949 Phys. Rev. B 76 1629Google Scholar


    Whitehair S, Asmussen J, Nakanishi S 1987 J. Propuls. Power 3 136Google Scholar


    Sullivan D, Micci M 1994 30th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit Indianapolis, June 27–29, 1994 p3127


    Yildiz M S, Celik M 2015 51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference Orlando, July 27–29, 2015 p3926


    Mehmet S Y, Murat C 2015 51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference Orlando, FL, July 27–29, 2015


    Ivanov S, Kolev S, Kiss’ovski Z 2021 Contrib. Plasm. Phys. 61 e202100017Google Scholar


    Tsubasa O, Suk H, Hideaki O 2023 AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, National Harbor, MD, Februray 10, 2003


    韩先伟, 毛根旺, 何洪庆 2002 固体火箭技术 25 21

    Han X W, Mao G W, He H Q 2002 Sol. Roc. Technol. 25 21


    韩先伟, 何洪庆, 唐金兰, 毛根旺 2002 上海航天 19 1Google Scholar

    Han X W, He H Q, Tang J L, Mao G W 2002 Aerospace Shanghai 19 1Google Scholar


    唐金兰, 何洪庆, 毛根旺, 万伟 2002 固体火箭技术 25 31

    Tang J L, He H Q, Mao G W, Wan W 2002 Solis Rocket Tech. 25 31


    Yang J, He H Q, Mao G W, Han X W 2004 J. Spacecraft Rockets 41 126Google Scholar


    杨涓, 毛根旺, 何洪庆, 唐金兰, 宋军, 苏纬仪 2004 物理学报 53 4282Google Scholar

    Yang J, Mao G W, He H Q, Tang J L, Song J, Su W Y 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 4282Google Scholar


    杨涓, 苏纬仪, 毛根旺, 夏广庆 2006 物理学报 55 6494Google Scholar

    Yang J, Su W Y, Mao G W, Xia G Q 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 6494Google Scholar


    Yang J, Xu Y Q, Tang J L, Mao G W, Yang T L 2008 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79 083503Google Scholar


    Yang J, Xu Y Q, Meng Z Q, Yang T L 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 023503Google Scholar


    唐金兰, 何洪庆, 韩先伟, 毛根旺, 杨涓, 万伟 2002 推进技术 23 303Google Scholar

    Tang J L, He H Q, Han X W, Mao G W, Yang J, Wan W 2002 J. Propul. Technol. 23 303Google Scholar


    孙安邦, 毛根旺, 夏广庆, 陈茂林, 邢鹏涛 2012 推进技术 33 138Google Scholar

    Sun A B, Mao G W, Xia G Q, Chen M L, Xing P T 2012 J. Propul. Technol. 33 138Google Scholar


    陈泽煜, 彭玉彬, 王瑞, 贺永宁, 崔万照 2022 物理学报 71 240702Google Scholar

    Chen Z Y, Peng Y B, Wang R, He Y N, Cui W Z 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 240702Google Scholar


    高海燕, 杨欣达, 周波, 贺青, 韦联福 2022 物理学报 71 064202Google Scholar

    Gao H Y, Yang X D, Zhou B, He Q, Wei L F 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 064202Google Scholar


    罗思J R 著 (吴坚强 等 译) 1998 工业等离子体工程·第Ⅰ卷·基本原理 (北京: 科学出版社)

    Roth J R (translated by Wu J Q) 1998 Industrial Plasma Engineering·Volume I·Basic Principles (Beijing: Science Press

  • 图 1  MPT地面实验系统

    Fig. 1.  Ground experiment system of MPT.

    图 2  圆柱腔结构尺度与谐振波模的关系

    Fig. 2.  Relation between the cavity dimension and cylindrical cavity resonance mode.

    图 3  谐振模波形因数$ {Q}_{0}^{}\delta ∕\lambda $与D/LP的关系

    Fig. 3.  Relation between resonant mode factor $ {Q}_{0}^{}\delta ∕\lambda $ and D/LP.

    图 4  MPT圆柱腔内氦气击穿电场强度随压强变化规律

    Fig. 4.  Relation between electric field intensity of helium discharge and pressure.

    图 5  不同长径比TM011模圆柱谐振腔功率密度分布 (a) LP/D = 1.56; (b) LP/D = 1; (c) LP/D = 0.5

    Fig. 5.  Energy density distribution inside of cylindrical cavity at TM011 mode and with different LP/D: (a) LP/D = 1.56; (b) LP/D = 1; (c) LP/D = 0.5.

    图 6  不同长径比TM011模圆柱谐振腔电场强度及其矢量分布 (a) LP/D = 1.56; (b) LP/D = 1; (c) LP/D = 0.5

    Fig. 6.  Electric field intensity and vector distribution inside of cylindrical cavity at TM011 mode and different LP/D: (a) LP/D = 1.56; (b) LP/D = 1; (c) LP/D = 0.5.

    图 7  推力器圆柱腔

    Fig. 7.  Thruster cavity.

    图 8  微波耦合探针

    Fig. 8.  Microwave coupling probe.

    图 9  调谐实验系统

    Fig. 9.  Tuning experiment system.

    图 10  圆柱腔回波损耗曲线

    Fig. 10.  Return loss curve.

    图 11  不同探针与长腔体长度对∆FreqLm的影响

    Fig. 11.  Influence of probe type and long cavity length on ∆Freq and Lm.

    图 12  LP/LF =146 mm/72.25 mm条件下探针结构及尺度对∆FreqLm的影响 (a)长4.5 mm、半径4.0—8.0 mm半球形探针; (b)半径3.5 mm、长3.0—6.0 mm球形探针和半径4.0 mm、长6.0—7.5 mm半球形探针

    Fig. 12.  Influence of structure and dimension of probe on ∆Freq and Lm as LP/LF = 146 mm/72.25 mm: (a) 4.5 mm length and 4.0–8.0 mm radius of half ball; (b) 3.5 mm radius and 3.0–6.0 mm length of ball, 4.0 mm radius and 6.0–7.5 mm length of half ball.

    图 13  LP/LF = 138 mm/65.5 mm腔体∆FreqLm随天线半径的变化规律 (a)球形与半球形天线长4.5 mm; (b)球形与半球形天线长3 mm

    Fig. 13.  Freq and Lm of the cavity at LP/LF = 138 mm/65.5 mm varying with probe radius: (a) Ball and half ball probe length of 4.5 mm; (b) ball and half ball probe length of 3 mm.

    图 14  3.5 mm球形探针半径及LP/LF = 135 mm/62.4 mm和131.5 mm/58 mm条件下∆FreqLm随探针长度的变化规律

    Fig. 14.  Variation of ∆Freq and Lm with the ball probe length at the condition of Rr = 3.5 mm and LP/LF = 135 mm/62.4 mm, 131.5 mm/58 mm.

    图 15  短腔体MPT氦气等离子体 (a) 内部等离子体; (b) 等离子体引出

    Fig. 15.  Helium plasma of MPT with the short cavity: (a) Plasma inside of cavity; (b) plasma extraction.

    图 16  短腔体MPT氦气放电实验参数随流量$ \dot{m} $变化规律(a)功率; (b) 压强

    Fig. 16.  Experiment parameter variation of He discharge in shorter cylinder cavity of MPT with flowrate $ \dot{m} $: (a) Power; (b) pressure.

  • [1]

    毛根旺, 何洪庆, 杨涓, 史韶莉 2012 推进技术 19 21

    Mao G W, He H Q, Yang J, Shi S L 2012 J. Propul. Technol. 19 21


    杭观荣, 李诗凝, 康小录, 金逸舟, 孙雯熙 2023 推进技术 44 38Google Scholar

    Hang G R, Li S N, Kang X L, Jin Y Z, Sun W X 2023 J. Propul. Technol. 44 38Google Scholar


    Herlin M A, Brown S C 1948 Phys. Rev. B 74 1650Google Scholar


    Brown S C, MacDonald A D 1949 Phys. Rev. B 76 1629Google Scholar


    Whitehair S, Asmussen J, Nakanishi S 1987 J. Propuls. Power 3 136Google Scholar


    Sullivan D, Micci M 1994 30th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit Indianapolis, June 27–29, 1994 p3127


    Yildiz M S, Celik M 2015 51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference Orlando, July 27–29, 2015 p3926


    Mehmet S Y, Murat C 2015 51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference Orlando, FL, July 27–29, 2015


    Ivanov S, Kolev S, Kiss’ovski Z 2021 Contrib. Plasm. Phys. 61 e202100017Google Scholar


    Tsubasa O, Suk H, Hideaki O 2023 AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, National Harbor, MD, Februray 10, 2003


    韩先伟, 毛根旺, 何洪庆 2002 固体火箭技术 25 21

    Han X W, Mao G W, He H Q 2002 Sol. Roc. Technol. 25 21


    韩先伟, 何洪庆, 唐金兰, 毛根旺 2002 上海航天 19 1Google Scholar

    Han X W, He H Q, Tang J L, Mao G W 2002 Aerospace Shanghai 19 1Google Scholar


    唐金兰, 何洪庆, 毛根旺, 万伟 2002 固体火箭技术 25 31

    Tang J L, He H Q, Mao G W, Wan W 2002 Solis Rocket Tech. 25 31


    Yang J, He H Q, Mao G W, Han X W 2004 J. Spacecraft Rockets 41 126Google Scholar


    杨涓, 毛根旺, 何洪庆, 唐金兰, 宋军, 苏纬仪 2004 物理学报 53 4282Google Scholar

    Yang J, Mao G W, He H Q, Tang J L, Song J, Su W Y 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 4282Google Scholar


    杨涓, 苏纬仪, 毛根旺, 夏广庆 2006 物理学报 55 6494Google Scholar

    Yang J, Su W Y, Mao G W, Xia G Q 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 6494Google Scholar


    Yang J, Xu Y Q, Tang J L, Mao G W, Yang T L 2008 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79 083503Google Scholar


    Yang J, Xu Y Q, Meng Z Q, Yang T L 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 023503Google Scholar


    唐金兰, 何洪庆, 韩先伟, 毛根旺, 杨涓, 万伟 2002 推进技术 23 303Google Scholar

    Tang J L, He H Q, Han X W, Mao G W, Yang J, Wan W 2002 J. Propul. Technol. 23 303Google Scholar


    孙安邦, 毛根旺, 夏广庆, 陈茂林, 邢鹏涛 2012 推进技术 33 138Google Scholar

    Sun A B, Mao G W, Xia G Q, Chen M L, Xing P T 2012 J. Propul. Technol. 33 138Google Scholar


    陈泽煜, 彭玉彬, 王瑞, 贺永宁, 崔万照 2022 物理学报 71 240702Google Scholar

    Chen Z Y, Peng Y B, Wang R, He Y N, Cui W Z 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 240702Google Scholar


    高海燕, 杨欣达, 周波, 贺青, 韦联福 2022 物理学报 71 064202Google Scholar

    Gao H Y, Yang X D, Zhou B, He Q, Wei L F 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 064202Google Scholar


    罗思J R 著 (吴坚强 等 译) 1998 工业等离子体工程·第Ⅰ卷·基本原理 (北京: 科学出版社)

    Roth J R (translated by Wu J Q) 1998 Industrial Plasma Engineering·Volume I·Basic Principles (Beijing: Science Press

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  • 收稿日期:  2024-08-10
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