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仲沛霖 姜月千 资明 李翔城 赵娜 邓彦卿 吴桐 余润洲 张国博 杨晓虎 马燕云



仲沛霖, 姜月千, 资明, 李翔城, 赵娜, 邓彦卿, 吴桐, 余润洲, 张国博, 杨晓虎, 马燕云
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241639

Laser driven electron acceleration from dual-plane composite targets for space radiation applications

ZHONG Peilin, JIANG Yueqian, ZI Ming, LI Xiangcheng, ZHAO Na, DENG Yanqing, WU Tong, YU Runzhou, ZHANG Guobo, YANG Xiaohu, MA Yanyun
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20241639
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 激光驱动的电子束在空间辐射环境模拟领域具有重要的应用价值. 然而, 由于激光直接辐照高密度固体靶所产生的电子束存在能谱可调谐性差、激光能量高等缺点, 限制了其广泛应用. 本文提出了利用激光驱动双平面复合靶电子加速模拟近地空间轨道电子辐射的方案. 研究结果表明, 高密度固体靶能够提供大量低能电子, 其前表面放置的垂直平面靶则提供少量高能电子, 使得所产生的电子束能谱与空间辐射电子能谱非常接近. 为了评价本方案所产生能谱与空间辐射能谱的相似程度, 本文提出一种评价能谱相似程度的评价方法, 该方法可以对两种能谱给出定量评价. 随着垂直平面靶密度增大, 电子加速机制由有质动力加速逐渐过渡到表面有质动力加速, 电子束能谱被有效地调制. 同时, 通过贝叶斯优化给出了最优的靶参数条件, 可以获得与空间辐射能谱更加接近的电子束. 研究结果为激光驱动电子束模拟不同轨道空间辐射环境实验研究提供了理论参考.
    Laser driven electron beam has important application value in the field of space radiation environment simulation. However, due to the shortcomings of poor spectrum tunability and high laser energy of the electron beam generated by laser direct irradiation of high-density solid targets, its wide application is limited. In this work, a scheme is proposed to simulate the orbital electron radiation in near-Earth space by using laser driven dual-plane composite target electron acceleration. It is found that the high-density solid target II can provide a large number of low energy electrons, while the vertical plane target I located in the front surface of target II can provide a small number of high energy electrons, which makes the electron energy spectrum very close to that of the space radiation environment. In order to evaluate the similarity between the generated energy spectrum and the space radiation spectrum, a method of evaluating the similarity of energy spectra is proposed, which can describe the local similarity and the global similarity of the energy spectra. For vertical plane target I with low density, the electron acceleration is dominated by the laser ponderomotive acceleration that generates a half-wavelength oscillation. As the density increases, the electron acceleration gradually transitions from the laser ponderomotive acceleration to the surface ponderomotive acceleration, and the electron beam energy spectrum is modulated effectively. Meanwhile, the electron temperature of the generated electron beam is linearly related to the length and density of the target I, and the optimal target parameters are obtained by the Bayesian optimization, and the generated electron beam is much better matched to the space radiation environment. Compared with the scheme of laser driven single-plane target electron acceleration, the proposed scheme has better tunability of energy spectrum and lower requirement of laser intensity. The results provide a theoretical reference for the experimental study of simulating space radiation environments in different orbitals by using laser-driven electron beams.
      通信作者: 张国博, zgb830@163.com ; 杨晓虎, xhyang@nudt.edu.cn ; 马燕云, yanyunma@126.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 12475252, 12175309)、国防科技大学自主创新科学基金(批准号: 22-ZZCX-068)、中国科学院战略先导专项(批准号: XDA25050200)、湖南省教育厅科学研究项目(批准号: 22B0655)和湖南省自然科学基金(批准号: 2024JJ6184)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: ZHANG Guobo, zgb830@163.com ; YANG Xiaohu, xhyang@nudt.edu.cn ; MA Yanyun, yanyunma@126.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12475252, 12175309), the Fund of National University of Defense Technology, China (Grant No. 22-ZZCX-068), the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDA25050200), the Scientific Research Foundation of Education Bureau of Hunan Province, China (Grant No. 22B0655), and the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province, China (Grant No. 2024JJ6184).

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    Carbajo S, Nanni E A, Wong L J, Moriena G, Keathley P D, Laurent G, Miller R J D, Kärtner F X 2016 Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams. 19 021303Google Scholar


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    Chopimeau L, Leblanc, Blaclard, Denoeud A, Thévenet M, Vay J L, Bonnaud G, Martin Ph, Vincenti H, Quéré F 2019 Phys. Rev. X. 9 011050Google Scholar


    Haines M G, Wei M S, Beg F N, Stephens R B 2009 Phy. Rev. Lett. 102 045008Google Scholar


    Ma W J, Kim Jong, Yu J Q, Choi W I, Singh P K, Lee Hwang W L, Sung J H, Seong K L, Lin C, Liao Q, Zhu J G, Lu H Y, Liu B, Wang H Y, Xu R F, He X T, Chen J E, Zepf M, Schreiber J, Yan X Q, Nam C H 2019 Phy. Rev. Lett. 122 014803Google Scholar


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    Shen X F, Pukhov A, Qiao B 2023 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 65 034005Google Scholar


    Yang X H, Dieckmann M E, Sarri G, Borghesi M 2012 Phys. Plasmas 19 113110Google Scholar


    Zhang G B, Ma Y Y, Han X, Nasr A M, Yang X H, Chen M, Yu T P, Zou D B, Liu J X, Yan J F, Zhuo H B, Gan L F, Tian L C, Shao F Q, Yin Y, Kawata S 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 0831110Google Scholar


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    Hodson T O 2022 Geosci Model Dev. 15 5481Google Scholar


    Staerk C, Klinkhammer Hannah, Wistuba T, Maj C Mayr A 2024 BMC Med Genomics. 17 132Google Scholar


    Ma Y Y, Sheng Z S, Li Y T, Chang W W, Yuan X H, Chen M, Wu H C, Zheng J, Zhang J 2006 Phys. Plasmas 13 110702Google Scholar


    Marini S, Grech M, Kleij P S, Raynaud M, Riconda C 2023 Phys. Rev. Res. 5 013115Google Scholar


    Vladisavlevici I M, Vizman D, d'Humières E 2023 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 65 045012Google Scholar


    Box G E P 1953 Biometrika 40 318Google Scholar


    Diessner M, O’Connor J, Wynn A, Laizet S, Guan Y, Wilson K, Whalley R D 2022 Front. Appl. Math. Stat. 08 1076296Google Scholar


    Liu J W, Xiao Y K, Duan X J, Chen X, Wang Z M, Liu Z C 2024 Eng. Optim DOI: 10.1080/0305215X.2024.2328788

  • 图 1  激光驱动双平面复合靶电子加速示意图

    Fig. 1.  Schematic of laser driven electron acceleration from dual-plane composite target.

    图 2  (a) $t = 48\;{T_{0}}$时, 不同密度垂直平面靶Ⅰ情况和典型轨道的电子能谱分布; (b) 靶Ⅰ密度为$0.1\;{n_{\text{c}}}$时, 利用R和RNS方法评价模拟结果与GPS轨道电子能谱匹配程度的结果(RNS评价值大于0.8的点标记为红色)

    Fig. 2.  (a) Electron energy spectrum distributions of typical orbit and the perpendicular plane target Ⅰ with different densities at $t = 48\;{T_{0}}$; (b) the evaluation results obtained by R and RNS method between simulation results and the GPS orbital electron flux when the density of target Ⅰ is $0.1\;{n_{\text{c}}}$ (dots with RNS greater than 0.8 are marked in red).

    图 3  $ t = 18{T_0} $(第1行)和$t = 34{T_0}$(第2行)时刻, 不同密度垂直平面靶Ⅰ的电子密度空间分布 (a), (b) $0.05{n_{\text{c}}}$; (c), (d) $0.1{n_{\text{c}}}$; (e), (f) $10{n_{\text{c}}}$

    Fig. 3.  Spatial distributions of the electron density of the perpendicular plane target I with $0.05{n_{\text{c}}}$ (a), (b); $0.1{n_{\text{c}}}$ (c), (d); $10{n_{\text{c}}}$ (e), (f) at $ t = 18{T_0} $ (the first row) and $t = 34{T_0}$ (the second row) .

    图 4  $t = 48\;{T_{0}}$时刻, 高能端电子温度(蓝线)与电子最大能量(红线)随靶Ⅰ密度的演化(l = 3 μm)

    Fig. 4.  Evolution of electron temperature (blue line) and the maximum electron energy (red line) for different densities of target Ⅰ at $t = 48\;{T_{0}}$ (l = 3 μm).

    图 5  $t = 48\;{T_{0}}$时刻, 不同密度靶Ⅰ的高能端电子温度(蓝线)与电子最大能量(红线)随靶Ⅰ长度的演化 (a) ne1 = 0.05nc; (b) ne1 = 0.1nc; (c) ne1 = 0.3nc; (d) ne1 = 0.5nc

    Fig. 5.  Evolution of the electron temperature (blue line) and the maximum electron energy (red line) for different lengths of target I at $t = 48\;{T_{0}}$: (a) ne1 = 0.05nc; (b) ne1 = 0.1nc; (c) ne1 = 0.3nc; (d) ne1 = 0.5nc.

    图 6  电子束能谱的低能端电子温度Te1和高能端电子温度Te2随(a), (c)靶Ⅰ密度${n_{{\text{e}}1}}$和(b), (d)长度$l$演化, 蓝色散点为靶Ⅰ密度分别为0.05nc, 0.1nc, 0.3nc, 0.5nc, 1nc与长度分别为$1\;{\text{μm}}$, $3\;{\text{μm}}$, $5\;{\text{μm}}$, $8\;{\text{μm}}$时每种情况的20组数据, 红线为拟合线性方程

    Fig. 6.  Evolution of the electron temperature Te1 at the low energy and Te2 at the high energy evolve with the density (a), (c) and length (b), (d) of the target I. The blue scatter dots represent 20 sets of data with target I densities of 0.05nc, 0.1nc, 0.3nc, 0.5nc, 1nc and lengths of $1\;{\text{μm}}$, $3\;{\text{μm}}$, $5\;{\text{μm}}$, $8\;{\text{μm}}$, respectively, and the red line represents the fitted linear equation.

    图 7  贝叶斯优化参数后的电子束能谱及RNS和R评价方法结果

    Fig. 7.  Electron beam energy spectrum and the evaluation results of RNS and R after Bayesian optimization.

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    Bengtson M T, Hooper C T, Hoffmann R C, Engelhart D P, Murray V J, Ferguson D C 2022 J Astronaut Sci. 69 149Google Scholar


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    Jing G L, Yu W, Li Y J, Zhao S H, Qian L J, Tian Y W, Liu B C 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3475Google Scholar


    Grimes M K, Rundquist A R, Lee Y S, Downer M C 1999 Phy. Rev. Lett. 82 4010Google Scholar


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    Chopimeau L, Leblanc, Blaclard, Denoeud A, Thévenet M, Vay J L, Bonnaud G, Martin Ph, Vincenti H, Quéré F 2019 Phys. Rev. X. 9 011050Google Scholar


    Haines M G, Wei M S, Beg F N, Stephens R B 2009 Phy. Rev. Lett. 102 045008Google Scholar


    Ma W J, Kim Jong, Yu J Q, Choi W I, Singh P K, Lee Hwang W L, Sung J H, Seong K L, Lin C, Liao Q, Zhu J G, Lu H Y, Liu B, Wang H Y, Xu R F, He X T, Chen J E, Zepf M, Schreiber J, Yan X Q, Nam C H 2019 Phy. Rev. Lett. 122 014803Google Scholar


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    Shen X F, Pukhov A, Qiao B 2023 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 65 034005Google Scholar


    Yang X H, Dieckmann M E, Sarri G, Borghesi M 2012 Phys. Plasmas 19 113110Google Scholar


    Zhang G B, Ma Y Y, Han X, Nasr A M, Yang X H, Chen M, Yu T P, Zou D B, Liu J X, Yan J F, Zhuo H B, Gan L F, Tian L C, Shao F Q, Yin Y, Kawata S 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 0831110Google Scholar


    Zhou L, Yang Z B, Yang J, Wu Y G, Wei D S 2017 Chem. Phys. Lett. 677 7Google Scholar


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    Staerk C, Klinkhammer Hannah, Wistuba T, Maj C Mayr A 2024 BMC Med Genomics. 17 132Google Scholar


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  • 收稿日期:  2024-11-26
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