Variable optical delays have wide application in scientific research and optical communications.In this paper two different schemes to realize a variable optical delay are proposed,one based on polarization and the other on interference.A phase modulator is employed to restrict the signal pulse within an optical loop,and to release it when required.The delay time can be varied by adjusting the length of the loop and the number of cycles the pulse travels around it.Both types of delays are suitable for fiber systems,and can be made into a small package by means of integrated optics technology.The polarization scheme is also convenient for optical delays in free space.
- optical delay /
- variable /
- polarization /
- interference
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[1] [1]Li O, Wu J X 1999 J. China Inst. of Communications 20 91 (in Chinese) [李鸥,邬江兴 1999 通信学报 20 91]
[2] [2]Zhang J G, Picchi G 1993 Electron. Lett. 29 1211
[3] [3]Huang D, Swanson E A, Lin C P, Schuman J S, Stinson W G, Chang W, Hee M R, Flotte T, Gregory K, Puliafito C A, Fujimoto J G 1991 Science 254 1178
[4] [4]Tearney G J, Bouma B E, Fujimoto J G 1997 Opt. Lett. 22 1811
[5] [5]Rosa C C, Rogers J, Podoleanu A G 2005 Opt. Lett. 30 3263
[6] [6]Langenhorst R, Eiselt M, Pieper W, Grosskopf G, Ludwing R, Kuller L, Dietrich E, Weber H G 1996 J. Lightwave Technology 14 324
[7] [7]Ma H Q, Li Y L, Zhao H, Wu L A 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 5014 (in Chinese) [马海强、李亚玲、赵环、吴令安 2005 物理学报 54 5014]
[8] [8]Yan L S, Lin L, Belisle A, Wey S, Yao X Steve 2007 J. Opt. Networking 6 13
[9] [9]Yang T T, Wang T, Liu D M, Huang D X 2001 J. Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech. 29 12 (in Chinese) [杨滔滔、王涛、刘德明、黄德修 2001 华中科技大学学报 29 12]
[10] ]Tsuchida H 1990 Opt. Lett. 15 640
[11] ]Raz O, Rotman R, Tur M 2005 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 17 2 1076
[12] ]Soref R A 1984 Appl. Opt. 23 3736
[13] ]Goutzoulis A P, Davies D K, Zomp J M 1989 Opt. Eng. 28 1193
[14] ]Italia V, Pisco M, Campopiano S, Cusano A, and Cutolo A 2005 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 11 408
[15] ]Yoffe G W, Arkwright J W 1998 Electronics Lett. 34 1688
[16] ]Corral J L, Marti J, Regidor S, Foster J M, Laming R, and Cole M J 1997 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 45 1531
[17] ]Hyundai P, John P M, Daniel J B, John E B 2008 Opt. Express 16 11124
[18] ]Chandan D, Ulrich G 1998 U. S. Patent No. 5703708
[19] ]Fang N, Huang Z M 2003 China Patent No. 200310109273.1 (in Chinese) [方捻、黄肇名 2003 中国发明专利申请号 200310109273.1]
[20] ]Zhao J L, Wu L A 2009 China Patent No. 200910081894.0 (in Chinese) [赵建领、吴令安 2009 中国发明专利申请号 200910081894.0]
[21] ]Zhao J L, Wu L A 2009 China Patent No. 200910082400.0 (in Chinese) [赵建领、吴令安 2009 中国发明专利申请号 200910082400.0]
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