One-dimensional tungsten oxide nanowires are synthesized by the solvothermal method. The sensors based on tungsten oxide nanowires/single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) composites are fabricated by introducing SWNT, and their NO2 sensing properties are evaluated at room temperature. X-ray diffraction and field emission scanning electron microscope characterizations indicate that the as-synthesized nanowires are monoclinic W18O49, and SWNTs are embedded within the nanowire matrix in the prepared tungsten oxide nanowires/SWNT composites. The tungsten oxide nanowires/SWNT composites-based sensors show high sensitivity, good selectivity and super fast response to NO2 gas at room temperature. The NO2 sensing properties of the sensors increase with the decrease of SWNT content. The sensing mechanism of the composites-based sensor is discussed and it is thought that the introduction of SWNT induces the formation of a large number of p-n hetero junctions and cross-linked diffusion channels in the structure of the composites, which are responsible for the good NO2 sensing properties at room temperature.
- tungsten oxide nanowires /
- carbon nanotubes /
- gas sensors /
- room temperature sensing properties
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[1] Chaudhari G N, Bende A M, Bodade A B, Patil S S, Sapkal V S2006 Sens. Actuators B 115 297
[2] Liu R L, Xiang Q, Pan Q Y, Cheng Z X, Shi L Y 2006 J. Inorg.Mater. 21 793 (in Chinese) [刘荣利, 向群, 潘庆谊, 程知萱, 施利毅 2006 无机材料学报 21 793]
[3] Timmer B, Olthuis W, Berg A 2005 Sens. Actuators B 107 666
[4] Korotcenkov G, Blinov I, Ivanov M, Stetter J R 2007 Sens. ActuatorsB 120 679
[5] Akiyama M, Tamaki J, Miura N, Yamanoe N 1991 Chem. Lett. 201611
[6] Akiyama M, Zhang Z, Tamaki J, Miura N, Yamanoe N 1993 Sens.Actuators B 14 619
[7] Ponzoni A, Comini E, Sberveglieri G, Zhou J, Deng S Z, Xu N S,Ding Y, Wang Z L 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 203101
[8] Rout C S, Hegde M, Rao C N R 2008 Sens. Actuators B 128 488
[9] Gerlitz R A, Benkstein K D, Lahr D L, Hertz J L, Montgomery CB, Bonevich J E, Semancik S, Tarlov M J 2009 Sens. Actuators B136 257
[10] Xia H, Wang Y, Kong F, Wang S, Zhu B, Guo X, Zhang J, WangY, Wu S 2008 Sens. Actuators B 134 133
[11] Imawan C, Solzbacher F, Steffes H, Obermeier E 2000 Sens.Actuators B 64 193
[12] Qi P F, Vermesh O, Grecu M, Javey A, Wang O, Dai H J, Peng S,Cho K J 2003 Nano Lett. 3 347
[13] Liang J W, Hu H F, Wei J W, Peng P 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 542877 (in Chinese) [梁君武, 胡慧芳, 韦建卫, 彭平 2006 物理学报 54 2877]
[14] Qin Y, Hu M, Zhang J 2010 Sens. Actuators B 150 339
[15] Bittencourt C, Felten A, Espinosa E H, Ionescu R, Llobet E, CorreigX, Pireaux J J 2006 Sens. Actuators B 115 33
[16] Liu Z, Yamazaki T, Shen Y, Kikuta T, Nakatani N 2007 Sens.Actuators B 128 173
[17] Duy N V, Hieu N V, Huy P T, Chien N D, Thamilselvan M, Yi J2008 Physica E 41 258
[18] Zhou X H, Cao Q X, Huang H, Yang P, Hu Y 2003 Mater. Sci.Eng. B 99 44
[19] Franke M E, Koplin T J, Simon U 2006 Small 2 36
[20] Rothschild A, Komem Y 2004 J. Appl. Phys. 95 6374
[21] Liu Y L, Yang H F, Yang Y, Liu Z M, Shen G L, Yu R Q 2006Thin Solid Films 497 355
[22] Safonova O V, Delabouglise G, Chenevier B, Gaskov A M,Labeau M 2002 Mater. Sci. Eng. C 21 105
[23] Sayago I, Gutiérrez J, Arés L, Robla J I, Horrillo M C, Getino J,Agapito J A 1995 Sens. Actuators B 25 512
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