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P-type conductivity and NO2 sensing properties for V-doped W18O49 nanowires at room temperature

Qin Yu-Xiang Liu Kai-Xuan Liu Chang-Yu Sun Xue-Bin


P-type conductivity and NO2 sensing properties for V-doped W18O49 nanowires at room temperature

Qin Yu-Xiang, Liu Kai-Xuan, Liu Chang-Yu, Sun Xue-Bin
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  • Tungsten oxide nanowire has a great potential application to gas sensor with high sensitivity and low power consumption. Its gas-sensing properties can be greatly improved after doping the nanowires. In this paper, vanadium (V)-doped W18O49 nanowires are synthesized by solvothermal method, with WCl6 serving as precursor and NH4VO3 as dopant. The microstructures of the pure and the doped nanowires are characterized by using SEM, TEM, XRD, and XPS techniques, and the NO2-sensing properties are evaluated in a static gas-sensing measurement system. The obtained results indicate that the introduction of V dopant suppresses the growth of one-dimensional nanowires along their axis direction and causes the secondary assembly of nanowires bundles. At room temperature, the V-doped W18O49 nanowires show an abnormal p-type response characteristic upon being exposed to NO2 gas, and a conductivity transition from p-to n-type occurs when operating temperature is raised to about 110 ℃. The doped nanowires-based sensor exhibits obvious sensitivity and good response stability to dilute NO2 gas of 80 ppb at room temperature. The origin for the p-n conductivity transition and the high sensitivity at room temperature for the V-doped W18O49 nanowires are analyzed, and they can be attributed to the strong surface adsorption of oxygen and NO2 molecules due to the large density of unstable surface states.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61274074, 61271070) and the Tianjin Natural Science Foundation, China (Grant No. 11JCZDJC15300).

    Hu M, Liu Q L, Jia D L, Li M D 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 057102 (in Chinese) [胡明, 刘青林, 贾丁立, 李明达 2013 物理学报 62 057102]


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    Safonova O V, Delabouglise G, Chenevier B, Gaskov A M, Labeau M 2002 Mater. Sci. Eng. C 21 105


    Sayago I, Gutiérrez J, Arés L, Robla J I, Horrillo M C, Getino J, Agapito J A 1995 Sens. Actuators B 25 512


    Lee Y C, Chueh Y L, Hsieh C H, Chang M T, Chou L J, Wang Z L, Lan Y W, Chen C D, Kurata H, Isoda S 2007 Small 3 1356


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  • [1]

    Hu M, Liu Q L, Jia D L, Li M D 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 057102 (in Chinese) [胡明, 刘青林, 贾丁立, 李明达 2013 物理学报 62 057102]


    Hieu N V, Vuong H V, Duy N V, Hoa N D 2012 Sens. Actuators B 171-172 760


    Zhao Y M, Zhu Y Q 2009 Sens. Actuators B 137 27


    Wei A, Wang Z, Pan L H, Li W W, Xiong L, Dong X C, Huang W 2011 Chin. Phys. Lett. 28 080702


    Qin Y X, Shen W J, Li X, Hu M 2011 Sens. Actuators B 155 646


    Kim Y S, Ha S C, Kim K, Yang H, Choi S Y, Kim Y T Park J T, Lee C H, Choi J, Paek J, Lee K 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 213105


    Zhao Y M, Zhu Y Q 2009 Sens. Actuators B 137 27


    Vaishampayan M V, Deshmukh R G, Walke P, Mulla I S 2008 Mater. Chem. Phys. 109 230


    Shen Y B, Yamazaki T, Liu Z F, Meng D, Kikuta T, Nakatani N, Saito M, Mori M 2009 Sens. Actuators B 135 524


    Qin Y X, Hu M, Zhang J 2010 Sens. Actuators B 150 339


    Sun S B, Zou Z D, Min G H 2009 Mater. Charact. 60 437


    Li Y H, Zhao Y M, Ma R Z, Zhu Y Q, Fisher N, Jin Y Z, Zhang X P 2006 J. Phys. Chem. B 110 18191


    Yan J F, You T G, Zhang Z Y, Tian J X, Yun J N, Zhao W 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 048102


    P Siciliano 2000 Sens. Actuators B 70 153


    Fardindoost S, Zad A I, Rahimi F, Ghasempour R 2010 Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 35 854


    Cabot A, Diéguez A, Romano-Rodriguez A, Morante J R, Bârsan N 2001 Sens. Actuators B 79 98


    Silversmit G, Depla D, Poelman Hilde, Marin G B, Gryse R D 2004 J. Electron. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 135 167


    Galatsis K, Cukrov L, Wlodarski W, McCormick P, Kalantar-zadeh K, Comini E, Sberveglieri G 2003 Sens. Actuators B 93 562


    Zhang C, Debliquy M, Boudiba A, Liao H L, Coddet C 2010 Sens. Actuators B 144 280


    Williams D E 1999 Sens. Actuators B 57 1


    Liu Y L, Yang H F, Yang Y, Liu Z M, Shen G L, Yu R Q 2006 Thin Solid Films 497 355


    Li M Y, Yu M L, Su Q, Liu X Q, Xie E Q, Zhang X Q 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 236101 (in Chinese) [李明阳, 于明朗, 苏庆, 刘雪芹, 谢二庆, 张晓倩 2012 物理学报 61 236101]


    Safonova O V, Delabouglise G, Chenevier B, Gaskov A M, Labeau M 2002 Mater. Sci. Eng. C 21 105


    Sayago I, Gutiérrez J, Arés L, Robla J I, Horrillo M C, Getino J, Agapito J A 1995 Sens. Actuators B 25 512


    Lee Y C, Chueh Y L, Hsieh C H, Chang M T, Chou L J, Wang Z L, Lan Y W, Chen C D, Kurata H, Isoda S 2007 Small 3 1356


    Viswanathan K, Brandt K, Salje E 1981 J. Solid State Chem. 36 45


    Licznerski B W, Nitsh K, Teterycz H, Wisniewski K 2001 Sens. Actuators B 79 157


    Shieh J, Feng H M, Hon M H, Juang H Y 2002 Sens. Actuators B 86 75


    Xu C N, Tamaki J, Miura N, Yamazoe N 1991 Sens. Actuators B 3 147

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  • Received Date:  31 May 2013
  • Accepted Date:  03 July 2013
  • Published Online:  05 October 2013

