The reduction in size and the increase in speed of microelectronic device make the probability of nonequilibrium electron-phonon phenomena become greater, leading to the increase of thermal resistance in the device. The measurement of electron-phonon coupling factor in material resistance increasingly becomes important for accurate thermal treatment. The femtosecond laser pump and probe method is used for studing the nonequilibrium heat transfer in nano metal films with different thicknesses. Exploring parabolic two-step model (PTS) to fit the experimental data. During the fitting process, we considered the proportional relationship between the changes of electron temperature and phonon temperature, which affects the reflectivity. By studying the different thicknesses of Ni and Al films electron-phonon coupling factors, we find that the electron-phonon coupling factor does not change with film thickness. In addition, the experimental result verifies that the reflectivity of probe laser is affected by electron temperature and phonon temperature at the same time. Through the data analysis, we also get the influence coefficients of electron temperature and phonon temperature on reflectivity.
- nano metal film /
- electron-phonon coupling /
- femtosecond laser /
- thermoreflectance
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[1] Smith A N, Calame J P 2004 Int. J. Thermophysics 25 409
[2] Chen J K, Latham W P, Beraun J E 2005 J. Laser Appl. 17 63
[3] [4] [5] Miura K, Qiu J R, Inouye H 1997 Appl. Phys. Lett. 77 3329
[6] Kaganov M I, Lifshitz I M, Tanatarov L V 1957 Sov. Phys. JETP 4 173
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[10] Paddock C A, Eeslay G L 1986 J. Appl. Phys. 60 285
[11] [12] Qiu T Q, Tian C L 1993 J. Heat Transf. Trans. ASME 115 835
[13] [14] [15] Hostetler J L, Smith A N, Czajkowsky D M, Norris P M 1999 Appl. Optics 38 3614
[16] Hopkins P E, klopf J M, Norris P M 2007 Appl. Optics 46 2076
[17] [18] [19] Hang P, Tang D W, Chen G H, Zhu J, Zhao W 2008 J. Eng. Thermophys. 29 297 (in Chinese) [韩鹏, 唐大伟, 程光华, 祝捷, 赵卫 2008 工程热物理学报 29 297]
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[22] Wang H D, Ma W G, Zhang X, Wang W 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 3856 (in Chinese) [王海东, 马维刚, 张兴, 王玮 2010 物理学报 59 3856]
[23] [24] Ma W G, Wang H D, Zhang X, Wang W 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 064401 (in Chinese) [马维刚, 王海东, 张兴, 王玮 2011 物理学报 60 064401]
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[29] [30] [31] Hohlfeld J, Wellershoff S S, Gdde J, Conrad U, Jhnke V, Matthias E 2000 Chem. Phys. 251 237
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[48] Hostetler J L 2001 Ph.D Dissertation (Virginia: University of Virginia)
[49] [50] Hostetler J L, Smith A N, Norris P M 1997 Microsc Thermophys. Eng. 9 237
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