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Dielectric property of binary phase composite and its interface investigated by electric force microscope

Sun Zhi Wang Xuan Han Bai Song Wei Zhang Dong Guo Xiang-Yu Lei Qing-Quan


Dielectric property of binary phase composite and its interface investigated by electric force microscope

Sun Zhi, Wang Xuan, Han Bai, Song Wei, Zhang Dong, Guo Xiang-Yu, Lei Qing-Quan
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  • Dielectric property of two-phase stack-up sample is studied by electric force microscopy (EFM). Highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG)/polyethylene(PE) and mica/PE are fabricated. The phenomenon that phase shift (Δθ) of conducting probe varys with dielectric constant of material is discovered near the interface between the two materials by using phase detection EFM. The characteristic curves of tan(Δθ) versus tip voltage VEFM are of parabolic type. Quadratic coefficient increases with dielectric constant ε increasing. An approach to the qualitative analysis of the dielectric property near the interface between different material at the micro/nanometer scale, is provided in this paper.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2009CB724505), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 5097702), State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Dielectrics Engineering, China (Grant No. DE2012B07) and Harbin University of Science and Technology Science Foundation for Youths, China (Grant No. 2011YF013).

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    Kao K C, Hwang W 1981 Electrical Transport in Solid (Oxford: Pergamon Press) p168


    Zhang P H, Fan Y, Wang F C, Xie H, Li G, Lei Q Q 2005 Chin. Phys. Lett. 22 1253


    Li S T, Cheng P F, Zhao L, Li J Y 2012 Acta. Phys. Sin. 58 523 (in Chinese) [李盛涛, 成鹏飞, 赵雷, 李建英 2009 物理学报 58 523]


    Cheng P F, Li S T, Li J Y 2012 Acta. Phys. Sin. 61 187302 (in Chinese) [成鹏飞, 李盛涛, 李建英 2012 物理学报 61 187302]


    Holger S, Julius G V 2010 Scanning Force Microscopy of Polymers (Deutschland: Springer Press) p10


    Lei Q Q, Fan Y, Wang X 2006 Trans China Electrotechnical Soc 21 1 (in Chinese) [雷清泉, 范勇, 王暄 2006 电工技术学报 21 1]


    Belaidi S, Girard P, Leveque G 1997 J. Appl. Phys. 81 1023


    Yves M, David W A, Kumar H W 1988 Appl. Phys. Lett. 52 1103


    Paula M V, Yossi R, Angus K 2005 Scanning Probe Microscopy: Characterization, Nanofabrication, and Device Application of Functional Materials (Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers) p289


    Jones J T, Bridger P M, Marsh O J, McGill T C 1999 Appl. Phys. Lett. 75 1326


    Marchi F, Dianoux R, Smilde H J H, Mur P, Comin F, Chevrier J 2008 J. Electrostat. 66 538


    Zhu Y F, Xu C H, Wang B, Woo C H 2005 Comp. Mater. Sci. 33 53


    Jeandupeux O, Marsico V, Acovic A, Fazan P, Brune H 2002 Microelectron Reliab. 42 225


    Okur S, Yakuphanoglu F 2009 Sensor Actuat A Phys. 149 241


    Benstetter G, Biberger R, Liu D P 2009 Thin Solid Films 517 5100


    Doukkali A, Ledain S, Guasch C, Bonnet J 2004 Appl. Sur. Sci. 235 507


    Albrecht V, Janke A, Drechsler, Schubert G, Németh E, Simon F 2006 Progr Colloid Polym. Sci. 132 48


    Riedel C, Arinero R, Tordjeman P 2009 J. Appl. Phys. 106 024315


    Riedel C, Schwartz G A, Arinero R 2010 Ultramicroscopy 110 634


    Krayev A V, Talroze R V 2004 Polymer 45 8195


    Krayev A V, Shandryuk G A, Grigorov L N, Talroze R V 2006 Macromol. Chem. Phys. 207 966


    Lewis T J 1994 IEEE Tran. Dielect. El. In. 1 812


    Lewis T J. 2004 IEEE Tran. Dielect. El. In. 11 739


    Tanaka T, Kozako M, Fuse M, Ohki Y 2004 IEEE Tran. Dielect. El. In. 12 669


    Zhao H B, Han L 2008 Nanotechnology & Precision Engineering 6 89 (in Chinese) [赵慧斌, 韩立 2008 纳米技术与精密工程 6 89]


    Qi G C, Yang Y L, Yan H, Guan L, Li Y B, Qiu X H, Wang C 2009 J. Phys. Chem. C 113 204


    Qi G C, Yan H, Guan L, Yang Y L, Qiu X H, Wang C, Li Y B, Jiang Y P 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 103 114311


    Zhang D D, Wang R, Jiang Y P, Qi G C, Wang C, Qiu X H 2011 Physics 40 573 (in Chinese) [张冬冬, 王锐, 蒋烨平, 戚桂村, 王琛, 裘晓辉 2011 物理 40 573]


    Piarristeguy A A, Ramonda M, Pradel A 2010 J. Non-Cryst. Solids. 356 2402


    Mesa G, Dobado Fuentes E, Sáenz J J 1996 J. Appl. Phys. 79 39


    Kazuya G, Kazuhiro H 1998 J. Appl. Phys. 84 4043

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  • Received Date:  28 August 2012
  • Accepted Date:  13 September 2012
  • Published Online:  05 February 2013

