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Gas-sensing properties at room temperature for the sensors based on tungsten oxide thin films sputtered on n-type ordered porous silicon

Hu Ming Liu Qing-Lin Jia Ding-Li Li Ming-Da


Gas-sensing properties at room temperature for the sensors based on tungsten oxide thin films sputtered on n-type ordered porous silicon

Hu Ming, Liu Qing-Lin, Jia Ding-Li, Li Ming-Da
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  • n-type porous silicons are prepared by the electrochemical corrosion method, on which tungsten oxide thin films with different thickness values are sputtered using DC reactive magnetron sputtering. The structures of ordered porous silicons and tungsten oxide thin films are characterized using field emission scanning electron microscope, which show that the pores are pillared and ordered and the thin films cover the porous layer loosely with many pores open to ambient air. The X-ray diffraction characterization indicates that the lattice structure of tungsten oxide thin film is mainly triclinic polycrystalline. The gas-sensing properties at room temperature for both ordered porous silicon and composite structure are studied, which indicate that the latter is much more sensitive to nitrogen dioxide than the former. And there is a critical spurting time of WO3 thin film, which in our case is 10 min. The sensing mechanism of composite structure is discussed and the probable explanation for the improvement of sensitivity to NO2 is the formation of hetero-junctions between the ordered porous silicon layer and the WO3 thin film. In addition, there exists an inversion layer on the surface of the WO3 thin film, which causes the anomalous resistance to change during the gas sensing measurements.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60771019), and the Tianjin Key Research Program of Application Foundation and Advanced Technology, China (Grant No. 11JCZDJC15300).

    Fine G F, Cavanagh L M, Afonja A, Binions R 2010 Sensors 10 5469


    Kaur J, Roy S C, Bhatnagar M C 2007 Sens. Actuators B 123 1090


    Choi Y J, Hwang I S, Park J G, Choi K J, Park J H, Lee J H 2008 Nanotechnology 19 095508


    Baratto C, Sberveglieri G, Onischuk A, Caruso B, Stasio S D 2004 Sens. Actuators B 100 261


    Cho P S, Kim K W, Lee J H 2006 J. Electroceram 17 975


    Ahn M W, Park K S, Heo J H, Kim D W, Choi K J, Park J G 2009 Sens. Actuators B 138 168


    Shen Y, Yamazaki T, Liu Z, Meng D, Kikuta T, Nakatani N 2009 Thin Solid Films 517 2069


    Tamaki J, Hashishin T, Uno Y, Dao D V, Sugiyama S 2008 Sens. Actuators B 132 234


    Zeng J, Hu M, Wang W, Chen H, Qin Y 2012 Sens. Actuators B 161 447


    Hu M, Wang W D, Zeng J, Qin Y X 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 102101


    Qin Y X, Wang F, Shen W J, Hu M 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 057301 (in Chinese) [秦玉香, 王飞, 沈万江, 胡明 2012 物理学报 61 057301]


    Chen L, Bai S, Zhou G, Li D, Chen A, Liu C C 2008 Sens. Actuators B 134 360


    Zhang C, Boudiba A, Olivier M G, Snyders R, Debliquy M 2011 Procedia Engineering 25 823


    Srivastava S, Jain K, Singh V N, Singh S, Vijayan N, Dilawar N, Gupta G, Senguttuvan T D 2012 Nanotechnology 23 205501


    Shimanoe K, Nishiyama A, Yuasa M, Kida T, Yamazoe N 2009 Procedia Chemistry 1 212


    An S, Park S, Ko H, Lee C 2012 Appl. Phys. A 108 53


    Cao B, Chen J, Tang X, Zhou W 2009 J. Mater. Chem. 19 2323


    Meng D, Shaalan N M, Yamazaki T, Kikuta T 2012 Sens. Actuators B 169 113


    Sun S B, Chang X T, Li Z J 2010 Mater. Res. Bull. 45 1075


    Senguttuvan T D, Srivastava V, Tawal J, Mishra M, Srivastava S, Jain K 2010 Sens. Actuators B 150 384


    Fang F, Kennedy J, Futter J, Hopf T, Markwitz A, Manikandan E, Henshaw G 2011 Nanotechnology 22 335702


    Liu G Y, Tan X W, Yao J C, Wang Z, Xiong Z H 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 514 (in Chinese) [刘光友, 谭兴文, 姚金才, 王振, 熊祖洪 2008 物理学报 57 514]


    Ren P, Liu X B, Shi X H, Liu Y, Liu Y, Ding X M, Hou X Y, Liao T C, Xiong Z H 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 416 (in Chinese) [任鹏, 刘小兵, 史向华, 柳玥, 柳毅, 丁训民, 侯晓远, 廖太长, 熊祖洪 2005 物理学报 54 416]


    Chen H Q, Hu M, Zeng J, Wang W D 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 058201


    Zhang W, Vasconcelos E A, Uchida H, Katsube T, Nakatsubo T, Nishioka Y 2000 Sens. Actuators B 65 154


    Baratto C, Sberveglieri G, Comini E, Faglia G, Benussi G, Ferrara V L, Quercia L, Francia G D, Guidi V, Vincenzi D, Boscarino D, Rigato V 2000 Sens. Actuators B 68 74


    Boarino L, Baratto C, Geobaldo F, Amato G, Comini E, Rossi A M, Faglia G, Lérondel G, Sberveglieri G 2000 Mater. Sci. Eng. B 69 210


    Boarino L, Rocchia M, Baratto C, Rossi A M, Garrone E, Borini S, Geobaldo F, Comini E, Faglia G, Sberveglieri G, Amato G 2000 Phys. Stat. Sol. A 182 465


    Jane A, Dronov R, Hodges A, Voelcker N H 2009 Trends Biotechnol. 27 230


    Anglin E J, Cheng L, Freeman W R, Sailor M J 2008 Adv. Drug Deliver. Rev. 60 1266


    Jalkanen T, Tuura J, Mäkilä E, Salonen J 2010 Sens. Actuators B 147 100


    Chen H Q, Hu M, Zeng J, Wang W D 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 058201


    Ozdemir S, Gole J L 2007 Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci. 11 92


    Blackman C S, Correig X, Katko V, Mozalev A, Parkin I P, Alcubilla R, Trifonov T 2008 Mater. Lett. 62 4582


    Kanungo J, Saha H, Basu S 2010 Sens. Actuators B 147 128


    Dai F P, Lv S Y, Feng B X, Jiang S R, Chen C 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 1003 (in Chinese) [代富平, 吕淑媛, 冯博学, 蒋生蕊, 陈冲 2003 物理学报 52 1003]


    Vallejos S, Khatko V, Calderer J, Gracia I, Cané C, Llobet E, Correig X 2008 Sens. Actuators B 132 209


    Ghimbeu C M, Lumbreras M, Siadat M, Schoonman J 2010 Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 13 1


    Granitzer P, Rumpf K, Pölt P, Reichmann A, Krenn H 2007 Physica E 38 205


    Ouyang H, Christophersen M, Viard R, Miller B L, Fauchet P M 2005 Adv. Funct. Mater. 15 1851


    Sun F Y, Hu M, Sun P, Liu B, Zhang J 2010 Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering 8 156


    Gurlo A, Bârsan N, Oprea A, Sahm M, Sahm T, Weimar U 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 2280


    Qin Y, Sun X, Li X, Hu M 2012 Sens. Actuators B 162 244


    Hao Q, Li L, Yin X, Liu S, Li Q, Wang T 2011 Mater. Sci. Eng. B 176 600


    Oprea A, Bârsan N, Weimar U 2009 Sens. Actuators B 142 470


    Zhang C, Debliquy M, Boudiba A, Liao H, Coddet C 2010 Sens. Actuators B 144 280


    Wang J X, Sun X W, Yang Y, Wu C M L 2009 Nanotechnology 20 465501

  • [1]

    Fine G F, Cavanagh L M, Afonja A, Binions R 2010 Sensors 10 5469


    Kaur J, Roy S C, Bhatnagar M C 2007 Sens. Actuators B 123 1090


    Choi Y J, Hwang I S, Park J G, Choi K J, Park J H, Lee J H 2008 Nanotechnology 19 095508


    Baratto C, Sberveglieri G, Onischuk A, Caruso B, Stasio S D 2004 Sens. Actuators B 100 261


    Cho P S, Kim K W, Lee J H 2006 J. Electroceram 17 975


    Ahn M W, Park K S, Heo J H, Kim D W, Choi K J, Park J G 2009 Sens. Actuators B 138 168


    Shen Y, Yamazaki T, Liu Z, Meng D, Kikuta T, Nakatani N 2009 Thin Solid Films 517 2069


    Tamaki J, Hashishin T, Uno Y, Dao D V, Sugiyama S 2008 Sens. Actuators B 132 234


    Zeng J, Hu M, Wang W, Chen H, Qin Y 2012 Sens. Actuators B 161 447


    Hu M, Wang W D, Zeng J, Qin Y X 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 102101


    Qin Y X, Wang F, Shen W J, Hu M 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 057301 (in Chinese) [秦玉香, 王飞, 沈万江, 胡明 2012 物理学报 61 057301]


    Chen L, Bai S, Zhou G, Li D, Chen A, Liu C C 2008 Sens. Actuators B 134 360


    Zhang C, Boudiba A, Olivier M G, Snyders R, Debliquy M 2011 Procedia Engineering 25 823


    Srivastava S, Jain K, Singh V N, Singh S, Vijayan N, Dilawar N, Gupta G, Senguttuvan T D 2012 Nanotechnology 23 205501


    Shimanoe K, Nishiyama A, Yuasa M, Kida T, Yamazoe N 2009 Procedia Chemistry 1 212


    An S, Park S, Ko H, Lee C 2012 Appl. Phys. A 108 53


    Cao B, Chen J, Tang X, Zhou W 2009 J. Mater. Chem. 19 2323


    Meng D, Shaalan N M, Yamazaki T, Kikuta T 2012 Sens. Actuators B 169 113


    Sun S B, Chang X T, Li Z J 2010 Mater. Res. Bull. 45 1075


    Senguttuvan T D, Srivastava V, Tawal J, Mishra M, Srivastava S, Jain K 2010 Sens. Actuators B 150 384


    Fang F, Kennedy J, Futter J, Hopf T, Markwitz A, Manikandan E, Henshaw G 2011 Nanotechnology 22 335702


    Liu G Y, Tan X W, Yao J C, Wang Z, Xiong Z H 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 514 (in Chinese) [刘光友, 谭兴文, 姚金才, 王振, 熊祖洪 2008 物理学报 57 514]


    Ren P, Liu X B, Shi X H, Liu Y, Liu Y, Ding X M, Hou X Y, Liao T C, Xiong Z H 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 416 (in Chinese) [任鹏, 刘小兵, 史向华, 柳玥, 柳毅, 丁训民, 侯晓远, 廖太长, 熊祖洪 2005 物理学报 54 416]


    Chen H Q, Hu M, Zeng J, Wang W D 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 058201


    Zhang W, Vasconcelos E A, Uchida H, Katsube T, Nakatsubo T, Nishioka Y 2000 Sens. Actuators B 65 154


    Baratto C, Sberveglieri G, Comini E, Faglia G, Benussi G, Ferrara V L, Quercia L, Francia G D, Guidi V, Vincenzi D, Boscarino D, Rigato V 2000 Sens. Actuators B 68 74


    Boarino L, Baratto C, Geobaldo F, Amato G, Comini E, Rossi A M, Faglia G, Lérondel G, Sberveglieri G 2000 Mater. Sci. Eng. B 69 210


    Boarino L, Rocchia M, Baratto C, Rossi A M, Garrone E, Borini S, Geobaldo F, Comini E, Faglia G, Sberveglieri G, Amato G 2000 Phys. Stat. Sol. A 182 465


    Jane A, Dronov R, Hodges A, Voelcker N H 2009 Trends Biotechnol. 27 230


    Anglin E J, Cheng L, Freeman W R, Sailor M J 2008 Adv. Drug Deliver. Rev. 60 1266


    Jalkanen T, Tuura J, Mäkilä E, Salonen J 2010 Sens. Actuators B 147 100


    Chen H Q, Hu M, Zeng J, Wang W D 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 058201


    Ozdemir S, Gole J L 2007 Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci. 11 92


    Blackman C S, Correig X, Katko V, Mozalev A, Parkin I P, Alcubilla R, Trifonov T 2008 Mater. Lett. 62 4582


    Kanungo J, Saha H, Basu S 2010 Sens. Actuators B 147 128


    Dai F P, Lv S Y, Feng B X, Jiang S R, Chen C 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 1003 (in Chinese) [代富平, 吕淑媛, 冯博学, 蒋生蕊, 陈冲 2003 物理学报 52 1003]


    Vallejos S, Khatko V, Calderer J, Gracia I, Cané C, Llobet E, Correig X 2008 Sens. Actuators B 132 209


    Ghimbeu C M, Lumbreras M, Siadat M, Schoonman J 2010 Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 13 1


    Granitzer P, Rumpf K, Pölt P, Reichmann A, Krenn H 2007 Physica E 38 205


    Ouyang H, Christophersen M, Viard R, Miller B L, Fauchet P M 2005 Adv. Funct. Mater. 15 1851


    Sun F Y, Hu M, Sun P, Liu B, Zhang J 2010 Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering 8 156


    Gurlo A, Bârsan N, Oprea A, Sahm M, Sahm T, Weimar U 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 2280


    Qin Y, Sun X, Li X, Hu M 2012 Sens. Actuators B 162 244


    Hao Q, Li L, Yin X, Liu S, Li Q, Wang T 2011 Mater. Sci. Eng. B 176 600


    Oprea A, Bârsan N, Weimar U 2009 Sens. Actuators B 142 470


    Zhang C, Debliquy M, Boudiba A, Liao H, Coddet C 2010 Sens. Actuators B 144 280


    Wang J X, Sun X W, Yang Y, Wu C M L 2009 Nanotechnology 20 465501

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  • Received Date:  18 August 2012
  • Accepted Date:  25 October 2012
  • Published Online:  05 March 2013

