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Bulk transfer coefficients of momentum and sensible heat over semiarid grassland surface and their parameterization scheme

Yue Ping Zhang Qiang Li Yao-Hui Wang Run-Yuan Wang Sheng Sun Xu-Ying


Bulk transfer coefficients of momentum and sensible heat over semiarid grassland surface and their parameterization scheme

Yue Ping, Zhang Qiang, Li Yao-Hui, Wang Run-Yuan, Wang Sheng, Sun Xu-Ying
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  • The momentum and heat transfer coefficients used in the atmospheric numerical models usually are taken as constants. In fact, the bulk transfer coefficients change not only with atmospheric stabilities, but also with the air motion and thermodynamic properties of the surface boundary layer. In this paper, the bulk transfer coefficients of momentum and sensible heat are determined by using the data observed by the eddy correlation system and those of the average wind velocity and temperature gradients over the Xilin Guole semiarid grassland in May, 2008. The relations between the bulk transfer coefficients and the gradients in Richardson numbers are analyzed, and the relationship between the bulk transfer coefficients and atmospheric stabilities is also studied. Finally, the changes of momentum bulk transfer coefficients with wind speed and the relations between sensible heat transfer coefficients and temperature are determined. Comparison with the eddy correlation method for observing transfer coefficients, there is a great difference between the computational values of typical Businger-Dyer similarity functions. The revised Monin-Obukhov similarity functions could significantly improve the accuracy of the transfer coefficients. Under the near neutral stratification, there was an obvious interaction between the land surface and the flow condition over semiarid regions. The momentum bulk transfer coefficient varies with the mean wind speed at 10 m according to the quadratic curve laws. Under the low wind velocity condition, the influence of the air flow on the roughness was not significant and the momentum transfer coefficient will increase with increasing wind velocity. While at the high wind speed, the momentum transfer coefficient will decrease with increasing wind velocity, for the air flow changes the roughness height of surface boundary layer. Under the near neutral stratification, there was a quadratic curve law between the temperature and the sensible heat transfer coefficient, which provides a useful parameterization scheme for sensible heat transfer coefficient. The new schemes could parameterize the turbulent fluxes with average wind velocity and temperature gradients data, and does not need to compute the roughness.
    • Funds: Project supported by the State Key Development Program for Basic Research of China (Grant Nos. 2012CB955304, 2013CB430206), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41075008, 40830957), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 20110490854), and the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of the Institute of Arid Meteorology of CMA (Grant No. KYS2011BSKY01).

    Zhang Q, Wei G A, Huang R H, Cao X Y 2002 Sci. China. D 45 468


    Li H Q, Guo W D,Sun G D, Zhang Y C 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 019201 (in Chinese) [李红祺, 郭维栋, 孙国栋, 张耀存 2011 物理学报 60 019201]


    Li H Y, Zhang Q, Wang C L, Zhao J H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 195201 (in Chinese) [李宏宇, 张强, 王春玲, 阳伏林, 赵建华 2012 物理学报 61 195201]


    Zhang Q, Li H Y 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 716 (in Chinese) [张强, 李宏宇 2010 物理学报 59 716]


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    Denny A, Subrahamanyam D,Kunhikrishnan P, Radhika Ramachandran, Somayaji K, Venkatesh R, Bhat G, Singh A 2008 Bound.-Layer Meteorol. 126 297


    Bhat G S , Thomas M A , Raju J V S, Chandrasekhara C P 2002 Bound.-Layer Meteorol. 106 263


    Piers S, Hall F, Ranson K Jon, Margolis H, Kelly B, Baldocchi D, den Hartog G, Josef C, Ryan Michael G, Barry G, Patrick C, Lettenmaier D, Wickland D E 1995 Bull. Ameri. Meteorol. Soci. 76 1549


    Ridder K De 2010 Bound.-Layer Meterol. 134 257


    Zhang J A, Black P G, French J R, Drennan W M 2008 Geophys. Res. Lett. 35 L14813,


    Rao K G, Narasimha R 1996 Geophys. Res. Let. 23 2617


    Yue P, Zhang Q, Niu S J, Wang R Y, Sun X Y, Wang S 2012, Acta Phys. Sin. 61 219201 (in Chinese) [岳平, 张强, 牛生杰, 王润元, 孙旭映, 王胜 2012 物理学报 61 219201]


    Yue P, Niu S J, Hu Y Q ,Zhang Q 2010 Sci. China Ear. Sci. 53 773


    Miao M Q, Qian J P 1996 Acta Meteorol. Sinica 54 95 (in Chinese) [苗曼倩, 钱峻屏 1996 气象学报 54 95]


    Gao Z, Bian L, Zhou X 2003 J. Geophys. Res 108 4387


    Garratt J R, Pielke R A 1989 Bound.-Layer Meteor. 48 377


    Zhang Q, Zeng J, Yao T 2012 Chinese Sci. Bullet. 57 647 (in Chinese) [张强, 曾剑, 姚桐 2012 科学通报 57 647]


    Ma Y M, Tsukamoto O, Wu X M, Tamagawa I, Wang J M, Ishikawa H, Hu Z Y, Gao H C 2000 Chinese J. Atmos. Sci. 24 23 (in Chinese) [马耀明, 塚本修, 吴晓鸣, 玉川一郎, 王介民, 石川裕彦, 胡泽勇, 高洪春 2000 大气科学 24 23]


    Dyer A J 1974 Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 7 363


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    Wouters H, De Ridder K, van Lipzing N P M 2012 Bound.-Layer M eteor. 145 539


    Demuzere M, De Ridder K, van Lipzing N P M 2008 J. Geophys. Res. 113 1


    Yang K, Tamai N, Koike T 2001 J. Appl. Meteorol. 40 1647


    Li Y, Gao Z, Lenschow D H, Chen F 2010 Bound.-Layer Meteorol 137 153


    Zhang Q, Wang S, Zhang J, Wang R Y, Liu H Y, Li Y Y 2009 Adv. Ear. Sci. 24 1185 (in Chinese) [张强, 王胜, 张杰, 王润元, 刘宏宜, 李岩英 2009 地球科学进展 24 1185]


    Chen J Y,Wang J M, Mitsuaki H 1993 Chinese J. Atmos. Sci. 17 21 (in Chinese) [陈家宜, 王介民, 光田宁 1993 大气科学 17 21]


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    Ban J, Gao Z, Lenschow D H2010 J. Geophys. Res 115 D01106


    Guilloteau E 1998 Bound.-Layer Meteor. 87 147


    Kondo J, Yamazawa H 1986 Bound.-Layer Meteorol. 35 331

  • [1]

    Zhang Q, Wei G A, Huang R H, Cao X Y 2002 Sci. China. D 45 468


    Li H Q, Guo W D,Sun G D, Zhang Y C 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 019201 (in Chinese) [李红祺, 郭维栋, 孙国栋, 张耀存 2011 物理学报 60 019201]


    Li H Y, Zhang Q, Wang C L, Zhao J H 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 195201 (in Chinese) [李宏宇, 张强, 王春玲, 阳伏林, 赵建华 2012 物理学报 61 195201]


    Zhang Q, Li H Y 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 716 (in Chinese) [张强, 李宏宇 2010 物理学报 59 716]


    Powell M D, Vickery P J, Reinhold T A 2003 Nature 422 279


    Ambes R A , Keyers D 1979 Mon. Wea. Rev. 107 963


    Deardorff J W 1968 J. Geophys. Res. 73 2549


    Garratt J R 1977 Mon. Wea. Rev. 105 915


    Louis J F 1979 Bound. Layer Meteorol. 17 187


    UNO I, Cai X M, Steyn D G, Emori S 1995 Bound. Layer Meterol. 76 395


    Denny A, Subrahamanyam D,Kunhikrishnan P, Radhika Ramachandran, Somayaji K, Venkatesh R, Bhat G, Singh A 2008 Bound.-Layer Meteorol. 126 297


    Bhat G S , Thomas M A , Raju J V S, Chandrasekhara C P 2002 Bound.-Layer Meteorol. 106 263


    Piers S, Hall F, Ranson K Jon, Margolis H, Kelly B, Baldocchi D, den Hartog G, Josef C, Ryan Michael G, Barry G, Patrick C, Lettenmaier D, Wickland D E 1995 Bull. Ameri. Meteorol. Soci. 76 1549


    Ridder K De 2010 Bound.-Layer Meterol. 134 257


    Zhang J A, Black P G, French J R, Drennan W M 2008 Geophys. Res. Lett. 35 L14813,


    Rao K G, Narasimha R 1996 Geophys. Res. Let. 23 2617


    Yue P, Zhang Q, Niu S J, Wang R Y, Sun X Y, Wang S 2012, Acta Phys. Sin. 61 219201 (in Chinese) [岳平, 张强, 牛生杰, 王润元, 孙旭映, 王胜 2012 物理学报 61 219201]


    Yue P, Niu S J, Hu Y Q ,Zhang Q 2010 Sci. China Ear. Sci. 53 773


    Miao M Q, Qian J P 1996 Acta Meteorol. Sinica 54 95 (in Chinese) [苗曼倩, 钱峻屏 1996 气象学报 54 95]


    Gao Z, Bian L, Zhou X 2003 J. Geophys. Res 108 4387


    Garratt J R, Pielke R A 1989 Bound.-Layer Meteor. 48 377


    Zhang Q, Zeng J, Yao T 2012 Chinese Sci. Bullet. 57 647 (in Chinese) [张强, 曾剑, 姚桐 2012 科学通报 57 647]


    Ma Y M, Tsukamoto O, Wu X M, Tamagawa I, Wang J M, Ishikawa H, Hu Z Y, Gao H C 2000 Chinese J. Atmos. Sci. 24 23 (in Chinese) [马耀明, 塚本修, 吴晓鸣, 玉川一郎, 王介民, 石川裕彦, 胡泽勇, 高洪春 2000 大气科学 24 23]


    Dyer A J 1974 Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 7 363


    Stull R B 1988 An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology (1st Edn.) (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers) p280


    Wouters H, De Ridder K, van Lipzing N P M 2012 Bound.-Layer M eteor. 145 539


    Demuzere M, De Ridder K, van Lipzing N P M 2008 J. Geophys. Res. 113 1


    Yang K, Tamai N, Koike T 2001 J. Appl. Meteorol. 40 1647


    Li Y, Gao Z, Lenschow D H, Chen F 2010 Bound.-Layer Meteorol 137 153


    Zhang Q, Wang S, Zhang J, Wang R Y, Liu H Y, Li Y Y 2009 Adv. Ear. Sci. 24 1185 (in Chinese) [张强, 王胜, 张杰, 王润元, 刘宏宜, 李岩英 2009 地球科学进展 24 1185]


    Chen J Y,Wang J M, Mitsuaki H 1993 Chinese J. Atmos. Sci. 17 21 (in Chinese) [陈家宜, 王介民, 光田宁 1993 大气科学 17 21]


    Kondo J, Yamazawa H 1986 Bound-Layer Meteorol. 35 331


    Ban J, Gao Z, Lenschow D H2010 J. Geophys. Res 115 D01106


    Guilloteau E 1998 Bound.-Layer Meteor. 87 147


    Kondo J, Yamazawa H 1986 Bound.-Layer Meteorol. 35 331

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  • Received Date:  19 October 2012
  • Accepted Date:  06 December 2012
  • Published Online:  05 May 2013

