A coupled potential finite volume method for simulation of three-dimensional marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) response in anisotropic formation is developed. To circumvent ill-conditioning and convergence problems, Maxwell's equations are reformulated into coupled scalar-vector potentials with Coulomb gauge and its complement by applying a Helmholtz decomposition to the electric field. Yee's staggered girds, finite volume averaging and interpolation techniques are used to make the Helmholtz equations discrete. The resulting sparse and complex linear system in large-scale models is solved by a direct solver PARDISO. In order to improve the accuracy of the near field results without significantly reducing the computational efficiency, a method using difference fields is proposed to reduce the source singularity effect of anisotropic formation. The anisotropic modeling examples show that marine CSEM response is predominantly sensitive to reservoir vertical resistivity, not to reservoir horizontal resistivity, provided that the reservoir are thin and high-resistive; but the marine CSEM response is sensitive to both horizontal and vertical resistivity of the overburden on top of the reservoir.
- marine controlled-source electromagnetic method /
- anisotropy /
- finite volume method /
- direct method
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[29] Yao D H, Wang H N, Yang S W, Yang H L 2010 Chin. J. Geophys. 53 3026 (in Chinese) [姚东华, 汪宏年, 杨守文, 杨海亮 2010 地球物理学报 53 3026]
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[32] [33] Zhang Y, Wang H N, Tao H G, Yang S W 2012 Chin. J. Geophys. 55 2141 (in Chinese) [张烨, 汪宏年, 陶宏根, 杨守文 2012 地球物理学报 55 2141]
[34] [35] [36] Yang B, Xu Y X, He Z X, Sun W B 2011 , Chin. J. Geophys. 54 1649 (in Chinese) [杨波, 徐义贤, 何展翔, 孙卫斌 2011 地球物理学报 54 1649]
[37] [38] Chen G B, Wang H N, Yao J J, Han Z Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 3848 (in Chinese) [陈桂波, 汪宏年, 姚敬金, 韩子夜 2009 物理学报 58 3848]
[39] [40] Wang H N, Tao H G, Yao J J, Zhang Y 2012 IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 50 3383
[41] [42] Börner R 2010 Surv. Geophys. 31 225
[43] Yee K S 1966 IEEE Trans. Antenn. Propag. 14 302
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[46] [47] [48] Schwarzbach C, Börner R, Spitzer K 2011 Geophys. J. Int. 187 63
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[55] Schenk O, Gärtner K 2004 Future Gener. Comp. Sy. 20 475
[1] Constable S 2010 Geophysics 75 75A67
[2] [3] [4] Eidesmo T, Ellingsrud S, MacGregor L M, Constable S, Sinha M C, Johansen S, Kong F N, Westerdahl H 2002 First Break 20 144
[5] Chimedsurong Z, Wang H N 2003 Chin. J. Comput. Phys. 20 161 (in Chinese) [Z其木苏荣, 汪宏年 2003 计算物理 20 161]
[6] [7] Liu C S, Everett M E, Lin J, Zhou F D 2010 Chin. J. Geophys. 53 1940 (in Chinese) [刘长胜, Everett M E, 林君, 周逢道 2010 地球物理学报 53 1940]
[8] [9] [10] Li Y G, Constable S 2010 Chin. J. Geophys. 53 737
[11] [12] Wang J X, Wang H N, Zhou J M, Yin C C 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 224101 (in Chinese) [汪建勋, 汪宏年, 周建美, 殷长春 2013 物理学报 62 224101]
[13] [14] Hong D C, Yang S D 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 109101 (in Chinese) [洪德成, 杨善德 2011 物理学报 60 109101]
[15] [16] Chen G B, Wang H N, Yao J J, Han Z Y, Yang S W 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1608 (in Chinese) [陈桂波, 汪宏年, 姚敬金, 韩子夜, 杨守文 2009 物理学报 58 1608]
[17] [18] Chen G B, Bi J, Wang J B, Chen X Y, Sun G C, Lu J 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 094102 (in Chinese) [陈桂波, 毕娟, 汪剑波, 陈新邑, 孙贯成, 卢俊 2011 物理学报 60 094102]
[19] Yin C C 2006 Geophysics 71 G115
[20] [21] [22] Wang H N, Yang S D, Wang Y 1999 Oil Geophys. Prospect. 34 649 (in Chinese) [汪宏年, 杨善德, 王艳 1999 石油地球物理勘探 34 649]
[23] [24] Li F Y, Wen H, Fang Z Y 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 120402
[25] [26] Wang R, Gui L X, Ma J 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 3422
[27] [28] Zhou J M, Wang H N, Yao J J, Yang S W, Ma Y Z 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 089101 (in Chinese) [周建美, 汪宏年, 姚敬金, 杨守文, 马寅芝 2012 物理学报 61 089101]
[29] Yao D H, Wang H N, Yang S W, Yang H L 2010 Chin. J. Geophys. 53 3026 (in Chinese) [姚东华, 汪宏年, 杨守文, 杨海亮 2010 地球物理学报 53 3026]
[30] [31] Xu Z F, Wu X P 2010 Chin. J. Geophys. 53 1931 (in Chinese) [徐志锋, 吴小平 2010 地球物理学报 53 1931]
[32] [33] Zhang Y, Wang H N, Tao H G, Yang S W 2012 Chin. J. Geophys. 55 2141 (in Chinese) [张烨, 汪宏年, 陶宏根, 杨守文 2012 地球物理学报 55 2141]
[34] [35] [36] Yang B, Xu Y X, He Z X, Sun W B 2011 , Chin. J. Geophys. 54 1649 (in Chinese) [杨波, 徐义贤, 何展翔, 孙卫斌 2011 地球物理学报 54 1649]
[37] [38] Chen G B, Wang H N, Yao J J, Han Z Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 3848 (in Chinese) [陈桂波, 汪宏年, 姚敬金, 韩子夜 2009 物理学报 58 3848]
[39] [40] Wang H N, Tao H G, Yao J J, Zhang Y 2012 IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 50 3383
[41] [42] Börner R 2010 Surv. Geophys. 31 225
[43] Yee K S 1966 IEEE Trans. Antenn. Propag. 14 302
[44] [45] Streich R 2009 Geophysics 74 F95
[46] [47] [48] Schwarzbach C, Börner R, Spitzer K 2011 Geophys. J. Int. 187 63
[49] [50] Newman G A, Alumbaugh D L 2002 Geophysics 67 484
[51] [52] Kong F N, Johnstad S, RØsten T, Westerdahl H 2008 Geophysics 73 F9
[53] [54] Schenk O, Gärtner K 2006 Electron. T. Numer. Ana. 23 158
[55] Schenk O, Gärtner K 2004 Future Gener. Comp. Sy. 20 475
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