In a superconducting suspension system, the disturbance torque acting on the superconducting rotor may not be generated if the rotor is an ideal sphere and in the complete Meissner state. However, in fact there exist always spherical tolerance during manufacturing process of the sphere and the centrifugal distortion due to the high speed rotation. Therefore, the disturbance torque will be generated due to the magnetic levitation force not getting through the mass center of the rotor when the rotor is levitated in the magnetic field. Based on the physical mechanism of the superconducting-magnetic bearing, the disturbance torque and the drift error are analyzed. The disturbance torques include the main torque due to asphericity of the sphere, the second torque generated by the combination of asphericity, uncentering and assembly errors. The model of drift rate is also deduced and the drift rate is calculated by substituting the rotor parameters into the formula. This analysis provides a reference for the rotor drift testing and error compensation, and is instructive for the optimization design of the rotor structure.
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[1] Moody M V, Paik H J, Canavan E R 2002 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73 3957
[2] Goodkind J M 1999 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 70 4131
[3] Ma J, Yang W M, Wang M, Chen S L, Feng Z L 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 227401 (in Chinese) [马俊, 杨万民, 王妙, 陈森林, 冯忠岭 2013 物理学报 62 227401]
[4] Yang W M, Li G Z, Cheng X F, Guo X D, Ma J 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 027401 (in Chinese) [杨万民, 李国政, 程晓芳, 郭晓丹, 马俊 2011 物理学报 60 027401]
[5] Deng Z G, Wang J S, Wang S Y, Zheng J, Lin Q X, Zhang Y 2009 Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society 24 1 (in Chinese) [邓自刚, 王家素, 王素玉, 郑珺, 林群煦, 张娅 2009 电工技术学报 24 1]
[6] Wang H S, Dai Y M, Wang Q L 2006 Chin. J. Low Temperature Phys. 28 94 (in Chinese) [王厚生, 戴银明, 王秋良 2006 低温物理学报 28 94]
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[8] Urman Y M 1997 Tech. Phys. 42 1
[9] Urman Y M 1997 Tech. Phys. 42 7
[10] Liu J H, Wang Q L 2009 Phys. C 469 756
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[12] He C, Wang Q, Li C, Yan L, Dai Y 2007 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 17 2174
[13] Gao Z Y 2004 Electrostatic Gyroscope Technology (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press) P136 (in Chinese) [高钟毓 2004 静电陀螺仪技术 (北京:清华大学出版社) 第136页]
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