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Investigation of scanning tunneling spectra on iron-based superconductor FeSe0.5Te0.5

Du Zeng-Yi Fang De-Long Wang Zhen-Yu Du Guan Yang Xiong Yang Huan Gu Gen-Da Wen Hai-Hu


Investigation of scanning tunneling spectra on iron-based superconductor FeSe0.5Te0.5

Du Zeng-Yi, Fang De-Long, Wang Zhen-Yu, Du Guan, Yang Xiong, Yang Huan, Gu Gen-Da, Wen Hai-Hu
科大讯飞翻译 (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • FeSe0.5Te0.5 single crystals with superconducting critical temperature of 13.5 K are investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS) measureflents in detail. STM image on the top surface shows an atomically resolved square lattice consisted by white and dark spots with a constant of about 3.73 0.03 which is consistent with the lattice constant 3.78 . The Se and Te atoms with a height difference of about 0.35 are successfully identified since the sizes of the two kinds of atoms are different. The tunneling spectra show very large zero-bias conductance value and asymmetric coherent peaks in the superconducting state. According to the positions of coherence peaks, we determine the superconducting gap 2 = 5.5 meV, and the reduced gap 2/kBTc = 4.9 is larger than the value predicted by the weak-coupling BCS theory. The zero-bias conductance at 1.7 K only have a decrease of about 40% compared with the normal state conductance, which may originate from some scattering and broadening mechanism in the material. This broadening effect will also make the superconducting gap determined by the distance between the coherence peaks larger than the exact gap value. The asymmetric structure of the tunneling spectra near the superconducting gap is induced by the hump on the background. This hump appears at temperature more than twice the superconducting critical temperature. This kind of hump has also been observed in other iron pnictides and needs further investigation. A possible bosonic mode outside the coherence peak with a mode energy of about 5.5 meV is observed in some tunneling spectra, and the ratio between the mode energy and superconducting transition temperature /kBTc 4.7 is roughly consistent with the universal ratio 4.3 in iron-based superconductors. The high-energy background of the spectra beyond the superconducting gaps shows a V-shape feature. The slopes of the differential conductance spectra at high energy are very different in the areas of Te-atom cluster and Se-atom cluster, and the difference extends to the energy of more than 300 meV. The differential conductance mapping has very little information about the quasi-particle interference of the superconducting state, which may result from the other strong scattering mechanism in the sample.
    • Funds: Project supported by the State Key Development Program for Basic Research of China (Grant No. 2011CBA00102), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11374144). Work at Brookhaven National Laboratory was supported by the Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Science and Engineering, U. S. Department of Energy, under Contract DE-AC02-98CH10886.

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    Yi M Zhang Y, Liu Z K, Ding X X, Chu J H Kemper A F, N. Plonka N Moritz B, Hashimoto M, Mo S K, Hussain Z, Devereaux T P Fisher I R, Wen H H, Shen Z X Lu D H 2013 Nature Common. 5 3711


    Fernandes R M, Chubukov A V Schmalian J 2014 Nature Phys. 10 97


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    Zhu X Y, Han F, Mu G, Cheng P, Shen B, Zeng B, Wen H H 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 220512


    Bao W, Qiu Y, Huang Q, Green M A, Zajdel P, Fitzsimmons M R, Zhernenkov M, Chang S, Fang M H, Qian B, Vehstedt E K, Yang J H, Pham H M, Spinu L, Mao Z Q 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 247001


    Wang Q Yan, Li Z, Zhang W H, Zang Z C, Zhang J S, Li W, Ding H, Ou Y B, Deng P, Chang K, Wen J, Song C L, He K, Jia J F, Ji S H, Wang Y Y, Wang L L, Chen X, Ma X C, Xue Q K 2012 Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 037402


    Zhang W H, Sun Y, Zhang J S, Li F S, Guo M H, Zhao Y F, Zhang H M, Peng J P, Xing Y, Wang H C, Fujita T, Hirata A, Li Z, Ding H, Tang C J, Wang M, Wang Q Y, He K, Ji S H, Chen X, Wang J F, Xia Z C, Li L, Wang Y Y, Wang J, Wang L L, Chen M W, Xue Q K, Ma X C 2014 Chin. Phys. Lett. 31 017401


    Kasahara S, Watashige T, Hanaguri T, Kohsaka Y, Yamashita T, Shimoyama Y, Mizukami Y, Endo R, Ikeda H, Aoyama K, Terashima T, Uji S, Wolf T, Hilbert von Löhneysen H V, Shibauchi T, Matsuda Y 2014 PNAS 111 16309


    Liu T J, Hu J, Qian B, Fobes D, Mao Z Q, Bao W, Reehuis M, Kimber S A J Prokeš K Matas S, Argyriou D N, Hiess A, Rotaru A, Pham H, Spinu L, Y. Qiu Y Thampy V, Savici A T, Rodriguez J A Broholm C 2010 Nature Mater 9 716


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    Lin W Z Li Q, Sales B C Jesse S Sefat A S Kalinin S V, Pan M H 2013 ACS Nano 7 2634


    Wen J S, Xu G Y, Xu Z J, Lin Z W, Li Q, Chen Y, Chi S X, Gu G D, Tranquada J M2010 Phys. Rev. B 81 100513(R)


    Wang Z Y 2014 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Institute of Physics, CAS) (in Chinese) [王震宇 2014 博士学位论文(北京: 中科院物理研究所)]


    Sun Y, Tsuchiya Y, Taen T, Yamada T, Pyon S, Sugimoto A, Ekino T, Shi Z X, Tamegai T 2014 Sci. Rep. 4 4585


    Yang H, Wang Z Y, Fang D L, Li S, Kariyado T, Chen G F, Ogata M, Das T, Balatsky A V, Wen H H 2012 Phys. Rev. B 86 214512


    Zhou X D, Cai P, Wang A F, Ruan W, Ye C, Chen X H, You Y Z, Weng Z Y, Wang Y Y 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 037002


    Wang Z Y, Fang D L, Deng Q, Yang H, Ren C, Wen H H 2014 Phys. Rev. B 89 214515


    Wang Z Y, Yang H, Fang D L, Shen B, Wang Q H, Shan L, Zhang C L, Dai P C, Wen H H 2013 Nature Phys. 9 42

  • [1]

    Kamihara Y, Watanabe T, Hirano M, Hosono H 2008 J. Ame. Chem. Soc. 130 3296


    Ren Z A, Lu W, Yang J, Yi W, Shen X L, Li Z C, Che G C, Dong X L, Sun L L, Zhou F, Zhao Z X 2008 Chin. Phys. Lett. 25 2215


    Chen X H, Wu T, Wu G, Liu R H, Chen H, Fang D F 2008 Nature 453 761


    Jiang H, Sun Y L, Xu Z A, Cao G H 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 087410


    Luo H Q 2014 Physics 43 430 (in Chinese) [罗会仟 2014 物理 43 430]


    Scalapino D J 2012 Rev. Mod. Phys. 84 1383


    Wen H H, Li S L 2011 Annu. Rev. Condens.Matter Phys. 2 121


    Stewart G R 2011 Rev. Mod. Phys. 83 1589


    Zhao Z X, Yu L 2013 Basic reflearch on the physical properties of iron-based superconductor (Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers) p163 (in Chinese) [赵忠贤, 于渌 2013 铁基超导体物性基础研究(上海: 上海科学技术出版社) 第163页]


    Shen B, Yang H, Wang Z S, Han F, Zeng B, Shan L, Ren C, Wen H H 2011 Phy. Rev. B 84 184512


    Cai P Zhou X D, Ruan W, Wang A F, Chen X H, Lee D H, Wang Y Y 2013 Nature Commun 4 1596


    Zhou X D, Cai P, Wang Y Y 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 087413


    Yi M Zhang Y, Liu Z K, Ding X X, Chu J H Kemper A F, N. Plonka N Moritz B, Hashimoto M, Mo S K, Hussain Z, Devereaux T P Fisher I R, Wen H H, Shen Z X Lu D H 2013 Nature Common. 5 3711


    Fernandes R M, Chubukov A V Schmalian J 2014 Nature Phys. 10 97


    Yu S L and Li J X 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 087411


    Mazin I I, Singh D J, Johannes M D, Du M H 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 057003


    Kuroki K, Onari S, Arita R, Usui H, Tanaka Y, Kontani H, Aoki H 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 087004


    Yang H, Wang Z Y, Fang D L, Deng Q, Wang Q H, Xiang Y Y, Yang Y, Wen H H 2013 Nature Common. 4 2749


    Zhu X Y, Han F, Mu G, Cheng P, Shen B, Zeng B, Wen H H 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 220512


    Bao W, Qiu Y, Huang Q, Green M A, Zajdel P, Fitzsimmons M R, Zhernenkov M, Chang S, Fang M H, Qian B, Vehstedt E K, Yang J H, Pham H M, Spinu L, Mao Z Q 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 247001


    Wang Q Yan, Li Z, Zhang W H, Zang Z C, Zhang J S, Li W, Ding H, Ou Y B, Deng P, Chang K, Wen J, Song C L, He K, Jia J F, Ji S H, Wang Y Y, Wang L L, Chen X, Ma X C, Xue Q K 2012 Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 037402


    Zhang W H, Sun Y, Zhang J S, Li F S, Guo M H, Zhao Y F, Zhang H M, Peng J P, Xing Y, Wang H C, Fujita T, Hirata A, Li Z, Ding H, Tang C J, Wang M, Wang Q Y, He K, Ji S H, Chen X, Wang J F, Xia Z C, Li L, Wang Y Y, Wang J, Wang L L, Chen M W, Xue Q K, Ma X C 2014 Chin. Phys. Lett. 31 017401


    Kasahara S, Watashige T, Hanaguri T, Kohsaka Y, Yamashita T, Shimoyama Y, Mizukami Y, Endo R, Ikeda H, Aoyama K, Terashima T, Uji S, Wolf T, Hilbert von Löhneysen H V, Shibauchi T, Matsuda Y 2014 PNAS 111 16309


    Liu T J, Hu J, Qian B, Fobes D, Mao Z Q, Bao W, Reehuis M, Kimber S A J Prokeš K Matas S, Argyriou D N, Hiess A, Rotaru A, Pham H, Spinu L, Y. Qiu Y Thampy V, Savici A T, Rodriguez J A Broholm C 2010 Nature Mater 9 716


    Hanaguri T, Niitaka S Kuroki K Takagi H 2010 Science 328 474


    Lin W Z Li Q, Sales B C Jesse S Sefat A S Kalinin S V, Pan M H 2013 ACS Nano 7 2634


    Wen J S, Xu G Y, Xu Z J, Lin Z W, Li Q, Chen Y, Chi S X, Gu G D, Tranquada J M2010 Phys. Rev. B 81 100513(R)


    Wang Z Y 2014 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: Institute of Physics, CAS) (in Chinese) [王震宇 2014 博士学位论文(北京: 中科院物理研究所)]


    Sun Y, Tsuchiya Y, Taen T, Yamada T, Pyon S, Sugimoto A, Ekino T, Shi Z X, Tamegai T 2014 Sci. Rep. 4 4585


    Yang H, Wang Z Y, Fang D L, Li S, Kariyado T, Chen G F, Ogata M, Das T, Balatsky A V, Wen H H 2012 Phys. Rev. B 86 214512


    Zhou X D, Cai P, Wang A F, Ruan W, Ye C, Chen X H, You Y Z, Weng Z Y, Wang Y Y 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 037002


    Wang Z Y, Fang D L, Deng Q, Yang H, Ren C, Wen H H 2014 Phys. Rev. B 89 214515


    Wang Z Y, Yang H, Fang D L, Shen B, Wang Q H, Shan L, Zhang C L, Dai P C, Wen H H 2013 Nature Phys. 9 42

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  • Received Date:  28 January 2015
  • Accepted Date:  19 March 2015
  • Published Online:  05 May 2015

