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Effects of bathocuproine/Ag composite anode on the performances of stability polymer photovoltaic devices

Yang Bing-Yang He Da-Wei Wang Yong-Sheng


Effects of bathocuproine/Ag composite anode on the performances of stability polymer photovoltaic devices

Yang Bing-Yang, He Da-Wei, Wang Yong-Sheng
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  • In this work, the composite anode of BCP/Ag replaces the composite anode of Ca/Al, and the PTB7:PC71BM acts an as active layer for polymer solar cells. Calcium (Ca) is not a desirable candidate as electron extraction layer (EEL) for long-term stability polymer solar cells (PSCs) on account of its nature of active metal. And then, due to the poor stability of Al, which is not a desirable candidate as electrode, the bathocuproine (BCP) layer acts as an exciton blocking layer in organic device such OLEDs and small molecule solar cells, which has a k value that is close to zero for a broad range of wavelengths. The Ag has the nature of better chemical stability and conductivity than Al. In the device architecture described below, we replace the typical back metal electrode composed of a thin Ca layer and a thicker Al electrode by a few nanometer thick bathocuproine (BCP) layer and a thick 150 nm Ag layer. We investigate the effects of BCP thickness on the power conversion efficiency (PCE) and stability. The results reveal that the photovoltaic performances are improved, and a PCE of 6.82% at the 5 nm of BCP thickness, higher than the PCE of Ca/Al acted composite anode, is achieved. The substitution of BCP for Ca, can largely enhance light harvesting and exhibits an optimal light absorption by the active layer. This enhanced reflectivity of the buffer layer/electrode back contact results in an increase of the short circuit current. Compared with the devices of Ca/Al composite anode, it increases Jsc and external quantum efficiency with BCP/Ag composite anode. At the same time, it has the better stability of BCP/Ag composite anode of device, and almost the same PCE decrease ratio as free BCP devices and significantly improves the stability compared with Ca/Al composite anode. The stability test shows the better stability of BCP/Ag as composite anode than that of Ca/Al composite anode. The PCE of the device with Ca/Al as composite anode rapidly decreases by about 70% after 50 hour servicing due to the poor stabilities of Ca and Al. The device with BCP/Ag as composite anode shows favorable stability, owing to the PCE moderate decrease by less than 30% after the same story time. Our results indicate that substitution of BCP/Ag for Ca/Al composite anode is an alternative candidate for high performance and longterm photo stability PSCs.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant Nos. 2011CB932700, 2011CB932703), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61335006, 61378073), and the Beijing Natural Science Foundation, China (Grant No. 4132031).

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    Manceau M, Chambon S, Rivaton A, Gardette J L, Guillerez S, Lemaötre N 2010 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 94 1572


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    Schafferhans J, Baumann A, Wagenpfahl A, Deibel C, Dyakonov V 2010 Org. Electron. 11 1693


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    Zhao G J, He Y J, Xu Z, Hou J H, Zhang M J, Min J, Chen H Y, Ye M F, Hong Z R, Yang Y, Li Y F 2010 Adv. Funct. Mater. 20 1480


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  • [1]

    Sariciftci N S, Smilowitz L, Heeger A J, Wudl F 1992 Science 258 1474


    Kim J Y, Lee K, Coates N E, Moses D, Nguyen T Q, Dante M, Heeger A J 2007 Science 317 222


    Liu Z F, Zhao S L, Xu Z, Yang Q Q, Zhao L, Liu Z M, Chen H T, Yang Y F, Gao S, Xu X R 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 068402 (in Chinese) [刘志方, 赵谡玲, 徐征, 杨倩倩, 赵玲, 刘志民, 陈海涛, 杨一帆, 高松, 徐叙瑢 2014 物理学报 63 068402]


    Li Y F 2012 Acc. Chem. Res. 45 723


    Williams G, Wang Q, Aziz H 2013 Adv. Funct. Mater. 23 2239


    Ma W L, Yang C Y, Gong X, Lee K H, Heeger A J 2005 Adv. Funct. Mater. 15 1617


    He Z, Zhong C, Su S, Xu M, Wu H, Cao Y 2012 Nat. Photon. 6 591


    Guo X, Zhang M, Ma W, Ye L, Zhang S Q, Liu S J, Ade H, Huang F, Hou J H 2014 Adv. Mater. 26 4043


    You J B, Dou L, Yoshimura K, Kato T, Ohya K, Moriarty T, Emery K, Chen C C, Gao J, Li G, Yang Y 2013 Nat. Commun. 4 1446


    Pan H B, Zuo L J, Fu W F, Fan C C, Andreasen B, Jiang X Q, Norrman K, Krebs F C, Chen H Z 2013 Org. Electron. 14 797


    Shrotriya V, Li G, Yao Y, Chu C W, Yang Y 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 073508


    Zhao C, Qiao X F, Chen B B, Hu B 2013 Org. Electron. 14 2192


    Chen B B, Qiao X F, Liu C M, Zhao C, Chen H C, Wei K H, Hu B 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 193302


    Huang Z Y, Li G L, Li K, Zhen H Y, Shen W D, Liu X D, Liu X 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 048801 (in Chinese) [黄卓寅, 李国龙, 李衎, 甄红宇, 沈伟东, 刘向东, 刘旭 2012 物理学报 61 048801]


    Alberto M O, Xavier E, Rafael B, Jordi M 2013 Adv. Opt. Mater. 1 37


    Liu X D, Xu Z, Zhang F J, Zhao S L, Zhang T H, Gong W, Yan G, Kong C, Wang Y S, Xu X R 2011 Chin. Phys. B. 20 068801


    Verploegen E, Mondal R, Bettinger C J, Sork S, Tongey M F, Bao Z N 2010 Adv. Funct. Mater. 20 3519


    Mihailetchi V D, Xie H X, Boer B D, Koster L J A, Blom P W M 2006 Adv. Funct. Mater. 16 699


    He Z C, Zhong C M, Su S J, Xu M, Wu H B, Cao Y 2012 Nat. Photon. 6 591


    Li Q, Li H Q, Zhao J, Huang J, Yu J S 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 128803 (in Chinese) [李青, 李海强, 赵娟, 黄江, 于军胜 2013 物理学报 62 128803]


    Manceau M, Chambon S, Rivaton A, Gardette J L, Guillerez S, Lemaötre N 2010 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 94 1572


    Gallardo D E, Bertoni C, Dunn S, Gaponik N, Eych-mller A 2007 Adv. Mater. 19 3364


    Schafferhans J, Baumann A, Wagenpfahl A, Deibel C, Dyakonov V 2010 Org. Electron. 11 1693


    Tavakkoli M, Ajeian R, Badrabadi M N, Ardestani S S, Feiz S M H, Nasab K E 2011 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 95 1964


    Das A J, Narayan K S 2013 Adv. Mater. 25 2193


    Cai W Z, Gong X, Cao Y 2010 Sol. Energ. Mater. Sol. C 94 114


    Zhao G J, He Y J, Li Y F 2010 Adv. Mater. 22 4355


    Zhao G J, He Y J, Xu Z, Hou J H, Zhang M J, Min J, Chen H Y, Ye M F, Hong Z R, Yang Y, Li Y F 2010 Adv. Funct. Mater. 20 1480


    Yang X N, Loos J, Veenstra S C, Verhees W J H, Wienk M M, Kroon J M, Michels M A J, Janssen R A J 2005 Nano Lett. 5 579


    Krebs F C, Tromholt T, Jörgensen M 2010 Nanoscale 2 873

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  • Received Date:  19 November 2014
  • Accepted Date:  22 December 2014
  • Published Online:  05 May 2015

