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A new curved boundary treatment in lattice Boltzmann method for micro gas flow in the slip regime

Gu Juan Huang Rong-Zong Liu Zhen-Yu Wu Hui-Ying


A new curved boundary treatment in lattice Boltzmann method for micro gas flow in the slip regime

Gu Juan, Huang Rong-Zong, Liu Zhen-Yu, Wu Hui-Ying
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  • A new curved boundary treatment in lattice Boltzmann method is developed for micro gas flow in the slip regime. The proposed treatment is a combination of the nonequilibrium extrapolation scheme for curved boundary with no-slip velocity condition and the counter-extrapolation method for the velocity and its normal gradient on the curved boundary. Taking into consideration the effect of the offset between the physical boundary and the closest grid line, the new treatment is proved to be more accurate than the traditional half-way diffusive bounce-back (DBB) scheme. The present treatment is also more applicable than the modified DBB scheme because the specific gas-wall interaction parameters need to be determined to ensure the validation of the modified DBB scheme.The proposed boundary treatment is implemented to simulate the benchmark problems, which include a Poiseuille flow in the aligned/inclined micro-channel, a flow past a microcylinder and a microcylindrical Couette flow. The results and conclusions are summarized as follows.1) The force-driven Poiseuille flow in an aligned microchannel is simulated separately with different values of wall-grid offset qδx (q=0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0). With the consideration of the wall-grid offset, the numerical results with the new boundary treatment show good agreement with the analytical solutions. However, the results obtained by using the half-way DBB scheme only accord well with the analytical solutions under the condition of a fixed wall-grid offset (q=0.5).2) To demonstrate the capability of the present treatment in dealing with gas flow in a more complex geometry, the force-driven Poiseuille flow in a micro-channel is investigated separately with different inclined angles. The present numerical results fit well with the analytical solutions. However, the discrepancy between the results obtained with the half-way DBB scheme and the analytical solutions can be clearly observed near the inclined boundaries.3) The gas flow past a microcylinder is simulated to prove that the present treatment can deal with the curved boundary. The slip velocity profile along the micro cylinder periphery obtained with the present treatment accords well with the available data in the published literature. However, the results obtained with the half-way DBB scheme show lower values than the results from the published work.4) In the simulations of the microcylindrical Couette flow between two coaxial rotating cylinders for different Knudsen numbers the results obtained by using the present treatment show excellent agreement with the analytical solutions. However, the results obtained with the half-way DBB scheme and the modified DBB scheme deviate obviously from the analytical solutions near the inner and outer cylindrical walls, respectively.In summary, the new boundary treatment proposed in this work is capable of dealing with the complex gas-solid boundary in the slip regime. The new treatment has a higher accuracy than the half-way DBB scheme and shows a better applicability than the modified DBB scheme.
      Corresponding author: Wu Hui-Ying,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51536005, 51521004).

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    Zhang T T, Jia L, Wang Z C 2008 Chin. Phys. Lett. 25 180


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    Tao S, Wang L, Guo Z L 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 214703 (in Chinese) [陶实, 王亮, 郭照立 2014 物理学报 63 214703]


    Wang Z, Liu Y, Zhang J Z 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 014703 (in Chinese) [王佐, 刘雁, 张家忠 2016 物理学报 65 014703]


    Guo Z L, Zheng C G, Shi B C 2002 Phys. Fluids 14 2007


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    Guo K K, Li L K, Xiao G, AuYeung N A, Mei R W 2015 Int. J. Heat Mass Tran. 88 306


    Yin X W, Zhang J F 2012 J. Comput. Phys. 231 4295


    Shi D Y, Wang Z K, Zhang A M 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 074703 (in Chinese) [史冬岩, 王志凯, 张阿漫 2014 物理学报 63 074703]


    Le G G, Oulaid O, Zhang J F 2015 Phys. Rev. E 91 033306


    Fu S C, Leung W W F, So R M C 2013 Commun. Comput. Phys. 14 126


    Gao D Y, Chen Z Q, Chen L H, Zhang D L 2017 Int. J. Heat Mass Tran. 105 673


    Izham M, Fukui T, Morinishi K 2011 J. Fluid Sci. Tech. 6 812


    Nie D M, Lin J Z 2010 Chin. Phys. Lett. 27 104701


    Fang H P, Wan R Z, Fan L W 2000 Chin. Phys. 9 515


    Szalmas L 2007 Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 18 15


    Tao S, Guo Z L 2015 Phys. Rev. E 91 043305


    Guo Z L, Shi B C, Zheng C G 2011 Comput. Math. Appl. 61 3519


    Suga K 2013 Fluid Dyn. Res. 45 034501


    Yang W L, Li H X, Zhang T J, Elfadel I M 2015 ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels San Francisco, CA, USA, July 6-9, 2015 pV001T04A001


    Buick J M, Greated C A 2000 Phys. Rev. E 61 5307


    Guo Z L, Zheng C G, Shi B C 2002 Phys. Rev. E 65 046308


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  • Received Date:  18 December 2016
  • Accepted Date:  05 April 2017
  • Published Online:  05 June 2017

