To achieve high-precision fiber-optic time transfer, the method of two-way transmission is usually used. Therefore in this paper we propose to develop a high-precision long-haul fiber-optic time transfer between multi stations by simultaneously transferring the 1 pluse per second signal, time code signal and 10 MHz frequency signal over single fiber with the same wavelength, and adopting the time division multi address (TDMA) as well as the purification and regeneration method at individual station. In this proposal, the equipment at each remote station has its own address, and the equipment at the local station can establish the periodic two-way time transfer with any remote station by using the TDMA method, therefore each remote station is synchronized with the local station. To avoid the superimposed effect of optical noises during propagation in fiber, the optical-electro-optical relay amplifiers are utilized. In the meantime the propagation delay of the fiber link is compensated for at each remote station. With the self-developed engineering prototypes, the experimental verifications are subsequently conducted both in laboratory and real field. In the laboratory, the experimental setup is built by cascading 11 rolls of 50 km-long fiber coils, and locating three monitoring devices at different fiber distances of 50, 300, and 550 km from the local station. The stabilities of the time transfer at these three points are achieved to be 16.7, 16.8, and 18.4 ps in standard deviation, and the time deviations are 1.78, 2.09, and 2.92 ps at an averaging time of 1000 s respectively. In the real field test, a field fiber link of 871.6 km in length is utilized, along which 11 self-developed time-frequency transceivers are set at the cascaded fiber-optic stations. Since only the 11th remote station is co-located at the local station, the performance and the time transfer between the 11th remote station and the local station are measured accurately. The time transfer is experimentally demonstrated with the time standard deviation of 29.8 ps and the time deviations of 3.85 ps/1000 s. The timing uncertainty on the field fiber link is also checked and gives a value of 25.4 ps. To further improve the long-term stability of time transfer, the more accurate thermal control of the lasers used in the system should be adopted to reduce the optical wavelength drift. By compressing the bandwidth of the phase locked loop module in each remote device, the short-term stability of time synchronization can also be better. This proposal can also be extended to the fiber networks with star-shaped and chain-shaped connections. Therefore time synchronization in even larger areas and more stations can be realized.
- fiber optics /
- time synchronization /
- synchronization network
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[16] Smotlacha V, Kuna A, Mache W 2010 EFTF-201024th European Frequency and Time Forum Noordwijk, Netherlands, April 13-16, 2010 p1
[17] Ebenhag S C 2008 Proceedings of the 22nd European Frequency and Time Forum Toulouse, France, April 22-25, 2008 p23
[18] Piester D, Fujieda M, Rost M, Bauch A 2009 41st Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Systems and Applications Meeting Santa Ana Pueblo, America, November 16-19, 2009 p16
[19] Smotalacha V, Kuna A, Mache W 2010 Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Meeting Reston, America, November 16-19, 2010 p427
[20] Schnatz H 2012 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurement Washington DC, America, July 1-6, 2012 p185
[21] Akiyama T, Matsuzawa H, Haraguchi E, Ando T, Hirano Y 2012 Microwave Symposium Digest. IEEE/MTT-S International Montreal, Canada, June 17-22, 2012 p1
[22] Wu G L, Chen J P 2016 Sci. Technol. Herald 34 99 (in Chinese)[吴龟灵, 陈建平2016科技导报34 99]
[23] Li D L, Cheng Q M, Zhang B F, Lu L, Lei P J, Li X Y 2014 Laser and Photo-electronic Progress 51 010602 (in Chinese)[李得龙, 程清明, 张宝富, 卢麟, 雷平纪, 李晓亚2014激光与光电子进展51 010602]
[24] Wu L, Wu G L, Shen J G, Zou W W, Chen J P 2012 Optical Fiber Electric Cable 3 15 (in Chinese)[吴雷, 吴龟灵, 沈建国, 邹文卫, 陈建平2012光纤与电缆及其应用技术3 15]
[25] Gao C, Wang B, Zhu X, Chen W L, Bai Y, Miao J, Zhu X, Li T C, Wang L J 2012 Opt. Lett. 37 4690
[26] Chen W, Liu Q, Cheng N, Xu D, Yang F, Gui Y Z, Cai H W 2015 IEEE Photon. J. 7 7901609
[27] Liu J, Gao J, Xu G J, Jiao D D, Yan L L, Dong R F, Jiang H F, Liu T, Zhang S G 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 120602 (in Chinese)[刘杰, 高静, 许冠军, 焦东东, 闫露露, 董瑞芳, 姜海峰, 刘涛, 张首刚2015物理学报64 120602]
[28] Jiao D D, Gao J, Liu J, Deng X, Xu G J, Chen J P, Dong R F, Liu T, Zhang S G 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 190601 (in Chinese)[焦东东, 高静, 刘杰, 邓雪, 许冠军, 陈玖朋, 董瑞芳, 刘涛, 张首刚2015物理学报64 190601]
[29] Yuan Y B, Wang B, Gao C, Wang L J 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 040601
[1] Rosenband T, Hume D B, Schmidt P O, Chou C W, Brusch A, Lorini L, Oskay W H, Drullinger R E, Fortier T M, Stalnaker J E, Diddams S A, Swann W C, Newbury N R, Itano W M, Wineland D J, Bergquist J C 2008 Science 319 1808
[2] Parthey C G, Matveev A, Alnis J, Bernhardt B, Beyer A, Holzwarth R, Maistrou A, Pohl R, Predehl K, Udem T, Wilken T, Kolachevsky N, Abgrall M, Rovera D, Salomon C, Laurent P, Hansch T W 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 203001
[3] Shelkovnikov A, Butcher R J, Chardonnet C, Amy-KleinA 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 150801
[4] Bartels A, Diddams S A, Oates C W, Wilpers G, Bergquist J C, Oskay W H, Hollberg L 2005 Opt. Lett. 30 667
[5] Marion H, Pereira D S F, Abgrall M, Zhang S, Sortais Y, Bize S, Maksimovic I, Calonico D, Grunert J, Mandache C, Lemonde P, Santarelli G, Laurent P, Clairon A 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 150801
[6] DeCamp M F, Reis D A, Bucksbaum P H, Adams B, Caraher J M, Clarke R, Conover C W S, Dufresne E M, Merlin R, Stoica V, Wahlstrand J K 2001 Nature 413 825
[7] Ruan J 2012 Ph. D. Dissertation (BeiJing:University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese)[阮军2012中国科学院大学博士论文(北京:中国科学院大学)]
[8] Jiang Y Y, Ludlow A D, Lemke N D, Fox R W, Sherman J A, Ma L S, Oates C W 2011 Nat. Photon. 5 158
[9] Bloom B J, Nicholson T L, Williams J R, Campbell S L, Bishof M, Zhang W, Bromley S L, Ye J 2014 Nat. Lett. 506 71
[10] Jiang Z 2009 Proceedings of 2009 Frequency Control Symposium the 22nd European Frequency and Time forum Besancon, France, April 20-24, 2009 p1194
[11] Chu F D, Tseng W H, Hsu W C, Ting P Y 2014 Proceedings of IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium Taipei, Taiwan, May 19-22, 2014 p11
[12] Lewandowski W, Thomas C 1991 Proc. IEEE 79 991
[13] Lewandowski W, Azoubib J, Klepczynski W J 1999 Proc. IEEE 87 163
[14] Kong Y, Yang X H, Qin W J, Cao F, Li Z G, Sun B Q, Chang H 2014 Proceedings of IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium Taipei, Taiwan, May 19-22, 2014 p1
[15] Siwczynski Ł, Krehlik P, Czubla A, Lipinski M 2013 Metrologia 50 133
[16] Smotlacha V, Kuna A, Mache W 2010 EFTF-201024th European Frequency and Time Forum Noordwijk, Netherlands, April 13-16, 2010 p1
[17] Ebenhag S C 2008 Proceedings of the 22nd European Frequency and Time Forum Toulouse, France, April 22-25, 2008 p23
[18] Piester D, Fujieda M, Rost M, Bauch A 2009 41st Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Systems and Applications Meeting Santa Ana Pueblo, America, November 16-19, 2009 p16
[19] Smotalacha V, Kuna A, Mache W 2010 Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Meeting Reston, America, November 16-19, 2010 p427
[20] Schnatz H 2012 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurement Washington DC, America, July 1-6, 2012 p185
[21] Akiyama T, Matsuzawa H, Haraguchi E, Ando T, Hirano Y 2012 Microwave Symposium Digest. IEEE/MTT-S International Montreal, Canada, June 17-22, 2012 p1
[22] Wu G L, Chen J P 2016 Sci. Technol. Herald 34 99 (in Chinese)[吴龟灵, 陈建平2016科技导报34 99]
[23] Li D L, Cheng Q M, Zhang B F, Lu L, Lei P J, Li X Y 2014 Laser and Photo-electronic Progress 51 010602 (in Chinese)[李得龙, 程清明, 张宝富, 卢麟, 雷平纪, 李晓亚2014激光与光电子进展51 010602]
[24] Wu L, Wu G L, Shen J G, Zou W W, Chen J P 2012 Optical Fiber Electric Cable 3 15 (in Chinese)[吴雷, 吴龟灵, 沈建国, 邹文卫, 陈建平2012光纤与电缆及其应用技术3 15]
[25] Gao C, Wang B, Zhu X, Chen W L, Bai Y, Miao J, Zhu X, Li T C, Wang L J 2012 Opt. Lett. 37 4690
[26] Chen W, Liu Q, Cheng N, Xu D, Yang F, Gui Y Z, Cai H W 2015 IEEE Photon. J. 7 7901609
[27] Liu J, Gao J, Xu G J, Jiao D D, Yan L L, Dong R F, Jiang H F, Liu T, Zhang S G 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 120602 (in Chinese)[刘杰, 高静, 许冠军, 焦东东, 闫露露, 董瑞芳, 姜海峰, 刘涛, 张首刚2015物理学报64 120602]
[28] Jiao D D, Gao J, Liu J, Deng X, Xu G J, Chen J P, Dong R F, Liu T, Zhang S G 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 190601 (in Chinese)[焦东东, 高静, 刘杰, 邓雪, 许冠军, 陈玖朋, 董瑞芳, 刘涛, 张首刚2015物理学报64 190601]
[29] Yuan Y B, Wang B, Gao C, Wang L J 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 040601
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