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Preparation and characterization of high-quality FeSe single crystal thin films

Yang Hua Feng Zhong-Pei Lin Ze-Feng Hu Wei Qin Ming-Yang Zhu Bei-Yi Yuan Jie Jin Kui


Preparation and characterization of high-quality FeSe single crystal thin films

Yang Hua, Feng Zhong-Pei, Lin Ze-Feng, Hu Wei, Qin Ming-Yang, Zhu Bei-Yi, Yuan Jie, Jin Kui
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  • Of all iron-based superconductors, FeSe possesses the simplest structure whereas its superconducting critical temperature can be remarkably enhanced. Compared with bulk sample fabrication, the film preparation process is very precise and controllable. Although FeSe monolayer films exhibit a high Tc, they are unstable in air, and ex-situ measurements are very difficult. Therefore, the stable films with~100 nm in thickness can serve as good candidates to explore the mechanisms of iron-based superconductors. There is no doubt that the fabrication of high-quality FeSe thin films is of significance. The pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique has more advantages in the growth of FeSe thick films than any other film fabrication technology, because of its high efficiency and wide adaptability. In this work, we systematically optimize the growth conditions of FeSe thin film fabricated by PLD. The main results are as follows. 1) The optimal growth temperature is 350℃, where the film has the best crystallinity and the highest Tc. 2) High-quality -FeSe epitaxial thin films with the thickness ranging from 10 to 320 nm have been successfully prepared on twelve types of substrates:CaF2, LiF, SrTiO3, MgO, BaF2, TiO2, LaAlO3, MgF2, Nb-SrTiO3, LSAT, LaSr(AlO4) and MgAl2O4. The Tc for the films on CaF2 with the same thickness of 160 nm can be tuned from 2 K to 14 K. 3) The Tc of the FeSe thick films may be precisely tuned by the Fe/Se ratio which is affected by the proportion of the nominal components of the target, the laser energy density and the ablation off-stoichiometry of target. 4) The surface morphology measurement, cleavability and transferability experiments of films are performed. In addition, it is worth of mentioning that there is a significant positive correlation between Tc, lattice constant c and residual resistivity ratio (RRR), as evidenced through a detailed statistical analysis of the data from more than 1500 samples. Since c and RRR are usually associated with the vacancies or defects, we conclude that the superconductivity of -FeSe thin films is closely related to the ratio of Fe to Se. Moreover, the first principle simulation shows that 0.5% increase of Fe content does lead to a change of 0.05 of c. However, according to the angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy experiment, there is no obvious change near the point in the hole energy band, but the energy band changes significantly at the M point. This variation of electronic structures cannot be explained by electron filling which lifts up the Fermi energy. Therefore, the specific relationship among the superconductivity, lattice structure and electronic structure of FeSe thin films remains to be clarified. Such a series of high-quality -FeSe films offers a chance to further explore the nature of FeSe-based superconductors.
      Corresponding author: Jin Kui,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Basic Research Program of China (Grants Nos. 2015CB921000, 2016YFA0300301, 2017YFA0303003), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants Nos. 11474338, 11674374), the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Project, China (Grant Nos. Z161100002116011, D161100002416003, D161100002416001), the Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grants Nos. QYZDB-SSW-SLH008, QYZDY-SSW-SLH001), The Strategic Priority Research Program (B) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDB07020100), the Open Research Foundation of Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, China (Grant No. PHMFF2015008), and the Key Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDPB01).

    Hsu F C, Luo J Y, Yeh K W, Chen T K, Huang T W, Wu P M, Lee Y C, Huang Y L, Chu Y Y, Yan D C, Wu M K 2008 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105 14262


    Paglione J, Greene R L 2010 Nature Phys. 6 645


    Wang Q, Shen Y, Pan B, Hao Y, Ma M, Zhou F, Steffens P, Schmalzl K, Forrest T R, Abdel-Hafiez M, Chen X, Chareev D A, Vasiliev A N, Bourges P, Sidis Y, Cao H, Zhao J 2016 Nature Mater. 15 159


    Yuan D, Yuan J, Huang Y, Ni S, Feng Z, Zhou H, Mao Y, Jin K, Zhang G, Dong X, Zhou F, Zhao Z 2016 Phys. Rev. B 94 060506


    Imai Y, Sawada Y, Nabeshima F, Asami D, Kawai M, Maeda A 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 46653


    Hosoi S, Matsuura K, Ishida K, Wang H, Mizukami Y, Watashige T, Kasahara S, Matsuda Y, Shibauchi T 2016 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113 8139


    Medvedev S, McQueen T M, Troyan I A, Palasyuk T, Eremets M I, Cava R J, Naghavi S, Casper F, Ksenofontov V, Wortmann G, Felser C 2009 Nature Mater. 8 630


    Seo J J, Kim B Y, Kim B S, Jeong J K, Ok J M, Kim J S, Denlinger J D, Mo S K, Kim C, Kim Y K 2016 Nature Commun. 7 11116


    Lei B, Cui J H, Xiang Z J, Shang C, Wang N Z, Ye G J, Luo X G, Wu T, Sun Z, Chen X H 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 077002


    Miyata Y, Nakayama K, Sugawara K, Sato T, Takahashi T 2015 Nature Mater. 14 775


    Wang Q Y, Li Z, Zhang W H, Zhang Z C, Zhang J S, Li W, Ding H, Ou Y B, Deng P, Chang K, Wen J, Song C L, He K, Jia J F, Ji S H, Wang Y Y, Wang L, Chen X, Ma X C, Xue Q K 2012 Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 037402


    Liu D, Zhang W, Mou D, He J, Ou Y B, Wang Q Y, Li Z, Wang L, Zhao L, He S, Peng Y, Liu X, Chen C, Yu L, Liu G, Dong X, Zhang J, Chen C, Xu Z, Hu J, Chen X, Ma X, Xue Q, Zhou X J 2012 Nature Commun. 3 931


    Peng R, Xu H C, Tan S Y, Cao H Y, Xia M, Shen X P, Huang Z C, Wen C H, Song Q, Zhang T, Xie B P, Gong X G, Feng D L 2014 Nature Commun. 5 5044


    Ge J F, Liu Z L, Liu C, Gao C L, Qian D, Xue Q K, Liu Y, Jia J F 2015 Nature Mater. 14 285


    McQueen T M, Huang Q, Ksenofontov V, Felser C, Xu Q, Zandbergen H, Hor Y S, Allred J, Williams A J, Qu D, Checkelsky J, Ong N P, Cava R J 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 014522


    Bhmer A E, Hardy F, Eilers F, Ernst D, Adelmann P, Schweiss P, Wolf T, Meingast C 2013 Phys. Rev. B 87 180505


    Koz C, Schmidt M, Borrmann H, Burkhardt U, R ler S, Carrillo-Cabrera W, Schnelle W, Schwarz U, Grin Y 2014 Zeitschrift fr Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 640 1600


    Karlsson S, Strobel P, Sulpice A, Marcenat C, Legendre M, Gay F, Pairis S, Leynaud O, Toulemonde P 2015 Supercond. Sci. Tech. 28 105009


    Bhmer A E, Taufour V, Straszheim W E, Wolf T, Canfield P C 2016 Phys. Rev. B 94 024526


    Agatsuma S, Yamagishi T, Takeda S, Naito M 2010 Physica C: Superconductivity 470 1468


    Han Y, Li W Y, Cao L X, Zhang S, Xu B, Zhao B R 2009 Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter: an Institute of Physics Journal 21 235702


    Nie Y F, Brahimi E, Budnick J I, Hines W A, Jain M, Wells B O 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 94 242505


    Chen T K, Luo J Y, Ke C T, Chang H H, Huang T W, Yeh K W, Chang C C, Hsu P C, Wu C T, Wang M J, Wu M K 2010 Thin Solid Films 519 1540


    Jung S G, Lee N H, Choi E M, Kang W N, Lee S I, Hwang T J, Kim D H 2010 Physica C: Superconductivity 470 1977


    Maeda A, Nabeshima F, Takahashi H, Okada T, Imai Y, Tsukada I, Hanawa M, Komiya S, Ichinose A 2014 Appl. Sur. Sci. 312 43


    Shiogai J, Ito Y, Mitsuhashi T, Nojima T, Tsukazaki A 2015 Nature Phys. 12 42


    Schneider R, Zaitsev A G, Fuchs D, v Lhneysen H 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 257003


    Qiu W, Ma Z, Patel D, Sang L, Cai C, Shahriar Al Hossain M, Cheng Z, Wang X, Dou S X 2017 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9 37446


    Wang M J, Luo J Y, Huang T W, Chang H H, Chen T K, Hsu F C, Wu C T, Wu P M, Chang A M, Wu M K 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 117002


    Wu M K, Hsu F C, Yeh K W, Huang T W, Luo J Y, Wang M J, Chang H H, Chen T K, Rao S M, Mok B H, Chen C L, Huang Y L, Ke C T, Wu P M, Chang A M, Wu C T, Perng T P 2009 Physica C: Superconductivity 469 340


    Tsukada A, Luna K E, Hammond R H, Beasley M R, Zhao J F, Risbud S H 2011 Applied Physics A 104 311


    Schneider R, Zaitsev A G, Fuchs D, v. Lhneysen H 2015 The European Physical Journal B 88 14


    Nabeshima F, Imai Y, Hanawa M, Tsukada I, Maeda A 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 172602


    Imai Y, Sawada Y, Nabeshima F, Maeda A 2015 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112 1937


    Qiu W, Ma Z, Liu Y, Wang X, Dou S X 2015 arXiv 1512.00352


    Imai Y, Sawada Y, Asami D, Nabeshima F, Maeda A 2016 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 530 24


    Li L, Yang Z R, Sun Y P, Zhang J Y, Shen D Z, Zhang Y H 2011 Supercond. Sci. Tech. 24 015010


    Demura S, Ozaki T, Okazaki H, Mizuguchi Y, Kawasaki Y, Deguchi K, Watanabe T, Hara H, Yamaguchi T, Takeya H, Takano Y 2012 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 81 043702


    Demura S, Okazaki H, Ozaki T, Hara H, Kawasaki Y, Deguchi K, Watanabe T, Denholme S J, Mizuguchi Y, Yamaguchi T, Takeya H, Takano Y 2013 Solid State Communications 154 40


    Tkachenko O, Morawski A, Zaleski A J, Przyslupski P, Dietl T, Diduszko R, Presz A, Werner-Malento K 2009 Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 22 599


    Song C L, Wang Y L, Cheng P, Jiang Y P, Li W, Zhang T, Li Z, He K, Wang L, Jia J F, Hung H H, Wu C, Ma X, Chen X, Xu Q K 2011 Science 332 1410


    Song C L, Wang Y L, Jiang Y P, Li Z, Wang L L, He K, Chen X, Ma X C, Xue Q K 2011 Phys. Rev. B 84 020503


    Feng Z P, Yuan J, He G, Hu W, Lin Z F, Li D, Jiang X Y, Huang Y L, Ni S L, Li J, Zhu B Y, Dong X L, Zhou F, Wang H B, Zhao Z X, Jin K 2018 Sci. Rep. 8 4039


    Springer-Materials phase-diagram/docs/c_0901080[2018-5-1]


    Feng Z, Yuan J, Li J, Wu X, Hu W, Shen B, Qin M, Zhao L, Zhu B, Stanev V, Liu M, Zhang G, Dong X, Zhou F, Zhou X, Hu J, Takeuchi I, Zhao Z, Jin K 2018 arXiv 1807.01273


    Tsukada I, Ichinose A, Nabeshima F, Imai Y, Maeda A 2016 AIP Advances 6 095314


    Ohnishi T, Lippmaa M, Yamamoto T, Meguro S, Koinuma H 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 87 241919


    Nakayama K, Miyata Y, Phan G N, Sato T, Tanabe Y, Urata T, Tanigaki K, Takahashi T 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 237001


    Watson M D, Yamashita T, Kasahara S, Knafo W, Nardone M, Beard J, Hardy F, McCollam A, Narayanan A, Blake S F, Wolf T, Haghighirad A A, Meingast C, Schofield A J, Lohneysen H, Matsuda Y, Coldea A I, Shibauchi T 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 027006


    Shen B, Feng Z P, Huang J W, Hu Y, Gao Q, Li C, Xu Y, Liu G D, Yu L, Zhao L, Jin K, Zhou X J 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 077402

  • [1]

    Hsu F C, Luo J Y, Yeh K W, Chen T K, Huang T W, Wu P M, Lee Y C, Huang Y L, Chu Y Y, Yan D C, Wu M K 2008 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105 14262


    Paglione J, Greene R L 2010 Nature Phys. 6 645


    Wang Q, Shen Y, Pan B, Hao Y, Ma M, Zhou F, Steffens P, Schmalzl K, Forrest T R, Abdel-Hafiez M, Chen X, Chareev D A, Vasiliev A N, Bourges P, Sidis Y, Cao H, Zhao J 2016 Nature Mater. 15 159


    Yuan D, Yuan J, Huang Y, Ni S, Feng Z, Zhou H, Mao Y, Jin K, Zhang G, Dong X, Zhou F, Zhao Z 2016 Phys. Rev. B 94 060506


    Imai Y, Sawada Y, Nabeshima F, Asami D, Kawai M, Maeda A 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 46653


    Hosoi S, Matsuura K, Ishida K, Wang H, Mizukami Y, Watashige T, Kasahara S, Matsuda Y, Shibauchi T 2016 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113 8139


    Medvedev S, McQueen T M, Troyan I A, Palasyuk T, Eremets M I, Cava R J, Naghavi S, Casper F, Ksenofontov V, Wortmann G, Felser C 2009 Nature Mater. 8 630


    Seo J J, Kim B Y, Kim B S, Jeong J K, Ok J M, Kim J S, Denlinger J D, Mo S K, Kim C, Kim Y K 2016 Nature Commun. 7 11116


    Lei B, Cui J H, Xiang Z J, Shang C, Wang N Z, Ye G J, Luo X G, Wu T, Sun Z, Chen X H 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 077002


    Miyata Y, Nakayama K, Sugawara K, Sato T, Takahashi T 2015 Nature Mater. 14 775


    Wang Q Y, Li Z, Zhang W H, Zhang Z C, Zhang J S, Li W, Ding H, Ou Y B, Deng P, Chang K, Wen J, Song C L, He K, Jia J F, Ji S H, Wang Y Y, Wang L, Chen X, Ma X C, Xue Q K 2012 Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 037402


    Liu D, Zhang W, Mou D, He J, Ou Y B, Wang Q Y, Li Z, Wang L, Zhao L, He S, Peng Y, Liu X, Chen C, Yu L, Liu G, Dong X, Zhang J, Chen C, Xu Z, Hu J, Chen X, Ma X, Xue Q, Zhou X J 2012 Nature Commun. 3 931


    Peng R, Xu H C, Tan S Y, Cao H Y, Xia M, Shen X P, Huang Z C, Wen C H, Song Q, Zhang T, Xie B P, Gong X G, Feng D L 2014 Nature Commun. 5 5044


    Ge J F, Liu Z L, Liu C, Gao C L, Qian D, Xue Q K, Liu Y, Jia J F 2015 Nature Mater. 14 285


    McQueen T M, Huang Q, Ksenofontov V, Felser C, Xu Q, Zandbergen H, Hor Y S, Allred J, Williams A J, Qu D, Checkelsky J, Ong N P, Cava R J 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 014522


    Bhmer A E, Hardy F, Eilers F, Ernst D, Adelmann P, Schweiss P, Wolf T, Meingast C 2013 Phys. Rev. B 87 180505


    Koz C, Schmidt M, Borrmann H, Burkhardt U, R ler S, Carrillo-Cabrera W, Schnelle W, Schwarz U, Grin Y 2014 Zeitschrift fr Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 640 1600


    Karlsson S, Strobel P, Sulpice A, Marcenat C, Legendre M, Gay F, Pairis S, Leynaud O, Toulemonde P 2015 Supercond. Sci. Tech. 28 105009


    Bhmer A E, Taufour V, Straszheim W E, Wolf T, Canfield P C 2016 Phys. Rev. B 94 024526


    Agatsuma S, Yamagishi T, Takeda S, Naito M 2010 Physica C: Superconductivity 470 1468


    Han Y, Li W Y, Cao L X, Zhang S, Xu B, Zhao B R 2009 Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter: an Institute of Physics Journal 21 235702


    Nie Y F, Brahimi E, Budnick J I, Hines W A, Jain M, Wells B O 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 94 242505


    Chen T K, Luo J Y, Ke C T, Chang H H, Huang T W, Yeh K W, Chang C C, Hsu P C, Wu C T, Wang M J, Wu M K 2010 Thin Solid Films 519 1540


    Jung S G, Lee N H, Choi E M, Kang W N, Lee S I, Hwang T J, Kim D H 2010 Physica C: Superconductivity 470 1977


    Maeda A, Nabeshima F, Takahashi H, Okada T, Imai Y, Tsukada I, Hanawa M, Komiya S, Ichinose A 2014 Appl. Sur. Sci. 312 43


    Shiogai J, Ito Y, Mitsuhashi T, Nojima T, Tsukazaki A 2015 Nature Phys. 12 42


    Schneider R, Zaitsev A G, Fuchs D, v Lhneysen H 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 257003


    Qiu W, Ma Z, Patel D, Sang L, Cai C, Shahriar Al Hossain M, Cheng Z, Wang X, Dou S X 2017 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9 37446


    Wang M J, Luo J Y, Huang T W, Chang H H, Chen T K, Hsu F C, Wu C T, Wu P M, Chang A M, Wu M K 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 117002


    Wu M K, Hsu F C, Yeh K W, Huang T W, Luo J Y, Wang M J, Chang H H, Chen T K, Rao S M, Mok B H, Chen C L, Huang Y L, Ke C T, Wu P M, Chang A M, Wu C T, Perng T P 2009 Physica C: Superconductivity 469 340


    Tsukada A, Luna K E, Hammond R H, Beasley M R, Zhao J F, Risbud S H 2011 Applied Physics A 104 311


    Schneider R, Zaitsev A G, Fuchs D, v. Lhneysen H 2015 The European Physical Journal B 88 14


    Nabeshima F, Imai Y, Hanawa M, Tsukada I, Maeda A 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 172602


    Imai Y, Sawada Y, Nabeshima F, Maeda A 2015 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112 1937


    Qiu W, Ma Z, Liu Y, Wang X, Dou S X 2015 arXiv 1512.00352


    Imai Y, Sawada Y, Asami D, Nabeshima F, Maeda A 2016 Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications 530 24


    Li L, Yang Z R, Sun Y P, Zhang J Y, Shen D Z, Zhang Y H 2011 Supercond. Sci. Tech. 24 015010


    Demura S, Ozaki T, Okazaki H, Mizuguchi Y, Kawasaki Y, Deguchi K, Watanabe T, Hara H, Yamaguchi T, Takeya H, Takano Y 2012 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 81 043702


    Demura S, Okazaki H, Ozaki T, Hara H, Kawasaki Y, Deguchi K, Watanabe T, Denholme S J, Mizuguchi Y, Yamaguchi T, Takeya H, Takano Y 2013 Solid State Communications 154 40


    Tkachenko O, Morawski A, Zaleski A J, Przyslupski P, Dietl T, Diduszko R, Presz A, Werner-Malento K 2009 Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 22 599


    Song C L, Wang Y L, Cheng P, Jiang Y P, Li W, Zhang T, Li Z, He K, Wang L, Jia J F, Hung H H, Wu C, Ma X, Chen X, Xu Q K 2011 Science 332 1410


    Song C L, Wang Y L, Jiang Y P, Li Z, Wang L L, He K, Chen X, Ma X C, Xue Q K 2011 Phys. Rev. B 84 020503


    Feng Z P, Yuan J, He G, Hu W, Lin Z F, Li D, Jiang X Y, Huang Y L, Ni S L, Li J, Zhu B Y, Dong X L, Zhou F, Wang H B, Zhao Z X, Jin K 2018 Sci. Rep. 8 4039


    Springer-Materials phase-diagram/docs/c_0901080[2018-5-1]


    Feng Z, Yuan J, Li J, Wu X, Hu W, Shen B, Qin M, Zhao L, Zhu B, Stanev V, Liu M, Zhang G, Dong X, Zhou F, Zhou X, Hu J, Takeuchi I, Zhao Z, Jin K 2018 arXiv 1807.01273


    Tsukada I, Ichinose A, Nabeshima F, Imai Y, Maeda A 2016 AIP Advances 6 095314


    Ohnishi T, Lippmaa M, Yamamoto T, Meguro S, Koinuma H 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 87 241919


    Nakayama K, Miyata Y, Phan G N, Sato T, Tanabe Y, Urata T, Tanigaki K, Takahashi T 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 237001


    Watson M D, Yamashita T, Kasahara S, Knafo W, Nardone M, Beard J, Hardy F, McCollam A, Narayanan A, Blake S F, Wolf T, Haghighirad A A, Meingast C, Schofield A J, Lohneysen H, Matsuda Y, Coldea A I, Shibauchi T 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 027006


    Shen B, Feng Z P, Huang J W, Hu Y, Gao Q, Li C, Xu Y, Liu G D, Yu L, Zhao L, Jin K, Zhou X J 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 077402

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  11 May 2018
  • Accepted Date:  21 May 2018
  • Published Online:  20 October 2019

