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Three-dimensional 12-velocity multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann model of incompressible flows

Hu Jia-Yi Zhang Wen-Huan Chai Zhen-Hua Shi Bao-Chang Wang Yi-Hang


Three-dimensional 12-velocity multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann model of incompressible flows

Hu Jia-Yi, Zhang Wen-Huan, Chai Zhen-Hua, Shi Bao-Chang, Wang Yi-Hang
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • In order to improve the computational efficiency of multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann model (MRT), a 12-velocity multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann model (iD3Q12 MRT model) for three-dimensional incompressible flows is proposed in this work by using an inversion method. This model has higher computational efficiency than the commonly used D3Q13 MRT model in principle. In numerical simulations, the accuracy and stability of iD3Q12 MRT model are validated by simulating different flows, including steady Poiseuille flow driven by pressure, unsteady pulsatile flow driven by periodic pressure and lid-driven cavity flow. We also compare the iD3Q12 MRT model with the 13-velocity multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann model(He-Luo D3Q13 MRT model).For the Poiseuille flow and pulsatile flow, the numerical solutions of the iD3Q12 MRT model agree well with the analytical solutions. In terms of accuracy, the iD3Q12 MRT model and He-Luo D3Q13 MRT model are used to simulate Poiseuille flow with different parameters. The global relative errors of the two models are identical. Similarly, we also simulate the pulsatile flow to calculate the global relative errors of flow fields at different times and different lattice spacing. It is found that the global relative errors of the iD3Q12 MRT model are smaller than those of the He-Luo D3Q13 MRT model, and both models have the second-order spatial accuracy. Furthermore, we also simulate the pulsatile flow by changing the lattice spacing or relaxation time when the maximal pressure drop of the channel is increased, and it is found that the global relative errors calculated by the iD3Q12 MRT model are smaller than those by the He-Luo D3Q13 MRT model in most cases, but the iD3Q12 MRT model diverges when the maximal pressure drop of the channel is large. This indicates that the iD3Q12 MRT model is more accurate than the He-Luo D3Q13 MRT model in simulating unsteady pulsatile flow, but less stable. For the lid-driven cavity flow, the results show that the numerical results of the iD3Q12 MRT model agree well with those given by Ku et al [Ku H C, Hirsh R S, Taylor T D 1987 J. Comput. Phys. 70 439]. In terms of stability, the iD3Q12 MRT model is quantitatively less stable than He-Luo D3Q13 MRT model.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Wen-Huan,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, China (Grant No. LQ16A020001), the Scientific Research Foundation of the Education Department of Zhejiang Province, China (Grant No. Y201533808), the Natural Science Foundation of Ningbo, China (Grant No. 2016A610075), and the K.C. Wong Magna Fund in Ningbo University, China.

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  • 图 1  三维泊肃叶流示意图

    Figure 1.  The schematic of three-dimensional Poiseuille flow.

    图 2  泊肃叶流数值解与解析解的对比 (a) 泊肃叶流在$x=1$截面处z取不同的值时水平速度$u_{x}$y变化的函数图像; (b) 在截面$z=0$y取不同的值时压力px变化的函数图像; 直线: 解析解; 符号: 数值解; 松弛因子$\lambda_{\nu}=1.3$

    Figure 2.  Comparison between numerical and analytical solutions of Poiseuille flow: (a) The variation of $u_{x}$ with y for different locations of z at section $x=1$ for Poiseuille flow; (b) the variation of pressure with x for different locations of y at section $z=0$ for Poiseuille flow. Lines, analytical solutions; symbols, numerical results; the relaxation parameter ${\lambda}_{\nu}=1.3$.

    图 3  不同的$\lambda_{\nu}$下, 模拟泊肃叶流得到的速度场的全局相对误差${\rm {GRE}}_u$随空间步长$\text{δ}{x}$的变化, 符号代表数值解, 连线表示拟合直线

    Figure 3.  The variation of ${\rm {GRE}}_u$ of velocity field with the lattice spacing $\text{δ}{x}$ at different $\lambda_{\nu}$ for Poiseuille flow. Symbols represent numerical solutions, lines represent fitting line.

    图 4  $\eta=2.8285$时脉动流在$x=1$, $z=0$处水平速度uxy变化的函数. 直线: 解析解; 符号: 数值解

    Figure 4.  The variation of horizontal velocity ux with y for pulsatile flow at the location $x=1$, $z=0$, $\eta=2.8285$. Line, analytical solutions; symbols, numerical solutions.

    图 5  同一周期四个不同时刻下变量${\rm {GRE}}_u$随空间步长$\text{δ}{x}$的变化

    Figure 5.  The variation of ${\rm {GRE}}_u$ with the lattice spacing at four different times in a period for pulsatile flow.

    图 6  三维顶盖驱动的方腔流示意图

    Figure 6.  The schematic of three-dimensional lid-driven cavity flow

    图 7  不同的雷诺数下模拟方腔流, 在截面$z=0.5$处竖直和水平中心线的速度分布 (a) Re = 100; (b) $Re=400$; (c) $Re=1000$

    Figure 7.  The velocity distribution in the vertical and horizontal center lines at section $z=0.5$ for cavity flows at different $Re$: (a) $Re=100$; (b) $Re=400$; (c) $Re=1000$.

    表 1  iD3Q12 MRT和D3Q13 MRT模型在不同松弛因子${\lambda}_{\nu}$和不同空间步长下计算得到的泊肃叶流的速度场的全局相对误差${\rm GRE}_u$

    Table 1.  The ${\rm GRE}_u$ of velocity field for Poiseuille flow computed by iD3Q12 MRT and D3Q13 MRT models under different relaxation parameters and different lattice spacings.

    ${\rm GRE}_u$Lattice spacing $\text{δ} x$Model
    ${\lambda}_{\nu}=0.8,$ ${\lambda}'_{\nu}=1.143$$3.090\times10^{-2}$$7.700\times10^{-3}$$1.900\times10^{-3}$$4.623\times10^{-4}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $3.090\times10^{-2}$$7.700\times10^{-3}$$1.900\times10^{-3}$$4.623\times10^{-4}$D3Q13 MRT
    ${\lambda}_{\nu}=1.0,$ ${\lambda}'_{\nu}=1.333$$5.990\times10^{-2}$$1.660\times10^{-2}$$4.400\times10^{-3}$$1.100\times10^{-3}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $5.990\times10^{-2}$$1.660\times10^{-2}$$4.400\times10^{-3}$$1.100\times10^{-3}$D3Q13 MRT
    ${\lambda}_{\nu}=1.3,$ ${\lambda}'_{\nu}=1.576$$8.720\times10^{-2}$$2.500\times10^{-2}$$6.700\times10^{-3}$$1.700\times10^{-3}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $8.720\times10^{-2}$$2.500\times10^{-2}$$6.700\times10^{-3}$$1.700\times10^{-3}$D3Q13 MRT
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    表 2  $\eta=2.8285$时, 不同空间步长下用iD3Q12 MRT模型和D3Q13 MRT模型模拟脉动流所得的不同时刻下的速度场的全局相对误差${\rm GRE}_u$

    Table 2.  The global relative errors of the velocity field at different times for pulsatile flow simulated by iD3Q12 MRT and D3Q13 MRT models at different lattice spacings, $\eta=2.8285$.

    Lattice spacing${\rm GRE}_u$Model
    $T/4$$T/2$$3 T/4$T
    ${\rm{\text{δ}} } x= {1}/{20}$$1.483\times10^{-2}$$4.214\times10^{-2}$$1.805\times10^{-2}$$4.028\times10^{-2}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $1.662\times10^{-2}$$4.733\times10^{-2}$$2.118\times10^{-2}$$4.299\times10^{-2}$D3Q13 MRT
    ${\rm{\text{δ}} } x= {1}/{40}$$3.803\times10^{-3}$$1.199\times10^{-2}$$4.651\times10^{-3}$$1.153\times10^{-2}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $4.172\times10^{-3}$$1.324\times10^{-2}$$5.398\times10^{-3}$$1.217\times10^{-2}$D3Q13 MRT
    ${\rm{\text{δ}} } x= {1}/{60}$$1.702\times10^{-3}$$5.569\times10^{-3}$$2.085\times10^{-3}$$5.369\times10^{-3}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $1.855\times10^{-3}$$6.116\times10^{-3}$$2.412\times10^{-3}$$5.648\times10^{-3}$D3Q13 MRT
    ${\rm{\text{δ}} } x= {1}/{80}$$9.605\times10^{-4}$$3.204\times10^{-3}$$1.177\times10^{-3}$$3.092\times10^{-3}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $1.043\times10^{-3}$$3.509\times10^{-3}$$1.360\times10^{-3}$$3.247\times10^{-3}$D3Q13 MRT
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    表 3  相邻空间步长下的iD3Q12 MRT和D3Q13 MRT模型的空间精度的阶

    Table 3.  The orders of the spatial accuracy of iD3Q12 MRT and D3Q13 MRT models under adjacent spacings.

    Adjacent spacingOrderModel
    $T/4$$T/2$$3 T/4$T
    Average1.9781.8751.9741.869iD3Q12 MRT
    1.9981.8911.9841.879D3Q13 MRT
    ${1}/{20} \to {1}/{40}$1.9631.8131.9561.805iD3Q12 MRT
    1.9941.8381.9721.821D3Q13 MRT
    ${1}/{40}\to {1}/{60}$1.9831.8911.9791.885iD3Q12 MRT
    1.9991.9051.9871.893D3Q13 MRT
    ${1}/{60} \to {1}/{80}$1.9891.9221.9881.918iD3Q12 MRT
    2.0011.9311.9921.924D3Q13 MRT
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    表 4  $\tau=0.5667$, $\eta=4.3416$, 最大压差$\Delta{p}$增大时不同的空间步长下由iD3Q12 MRT和D3Q13 MRT模型模拟的脉动流在时刻T下的速度场所计算的全局相对误差${\rm GRE}_u$, 空白处表示计算发散

    Table 4.  The global relative error calculated by the velocity field at time T of pulsatile flow simulated by the iD3Q12 MRT and D3Q13 MRT models under different lattice spacings. The maximal pressure drop $ \Delta{p} $ of the channel increases, $\tau=0.5567$, $\eta=4.3416$ are fixed. The blank indicates that the computation is divergent.

    $ \Delta p $Lattice spacing ${\rm{\text{δ}} } x$Model
    $0.005 $$9.919\times10^{-2}$$3.030\times10^{-2}$$1.442\times10^{-2}$$8.402\times10^{-3}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $1.121\times10^{-1}$$3.326\times10^{-2}$$1.568\times10^{-2}$$9.084\times10^{-3}$D3Q13 MRT
    $0.010$$1.172\times10^{-1}$$3.445\times10^{-2}$$1.618\times10^{-2}$$9.362\times10^{-3}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $1.679\times10^{-1}$$4.763\times10^{-2}$$2.199\times10^{-2}$$1.260\times10^{-2}$D3Q13 MRT
    $0.020$$1.777\times10^{-1}$$5.110\times10^{-2}$$2.365\times10^{-2}$$1.355\times10^{-2}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $2.940\times10^{-1}$$8.630\times10^{-2}$$3.987\times10^{-2}$$2.279\times10^{-2}$D3Q13 MRT
    $0.050$$1.243\times10^{-1}$$5.848\times10^{-2}$$3.386\times10^{-2}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $2.025\times10^{-1}$$9.868\times10^{-2}$$5.757\times10^{-2}$D3Q13 MRT
    $0.080$$6.073\times10^{-2}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $1.575\times10^{-2}$$9.405\times10^{-2}$D3Q13 MRT
    $0.100$iD3Q12 MRT
    $1.192\times10^{-1}$D3Q13 MRT
    $0.120$iD3Q12 MRT
    $1.454\times10^{-1}$D3Q13 MRT
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 5  ${\rm{\text{δ}}} {x}={1}/{20}$时, 最大压差$\Delta{p}$增大时不同的松弛时间τ下由iD3Q12 MRT和D3Q13 MRT模型模拟的脉动流由T时刻的速度场计算得出的全局相对误差${\rm GRE}_u$, 空白处表示计算发散

    Table 5.  The global relative error of the velocity field at time T of the pulsatile flow simulated by the iD3Q12 MRT and D3Q13 MRT models under different relaxation time τ. The maximal pressure drop of the channel is increased and ${\rm{\text{δ}}}{x}={1}/{20}$ is fixed. The blank indicates that the computation is divergent.

    $\Delta p$τModel
    $0.005 $$1.302\times10^{-1}$$6.311\times10^{-2}$$2.955\times10^{-2}$$1.744\times10^{-2}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $1.556\times10^{-1}$$6.560\times10^{-3}$$3.023\times10^{-2}$$1.993\times10^{-2}$D3Q13 MRT
    $0.010$$1.612\times10^{-1}$$6.830\times10^{-2}$$2.711\times10^{-2}$$1.736\times10^{-2}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $2.435\times10^{-1}$$8.735\times10^{-2}$$2.661\times10^{-2}$$2.058\times10^{-2}$D3Q13 MRT
    $0.020$$2.475\times10^{-1}$$9.926\times10^{-2}$$2.624\times10^{-2}$$1.656\times10^{-2}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $4.182\times10^{-1}$$1.542\times10^{-1}$$2.757\times10^{-2}$$2.195\times10^{-2}$D3Q13 MRT
    $0.030$$1.430\times10^{-1}$$3.421\times10^{-2}$$1.509\times10^{-2}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $5.482\times10^{-1}$$2.193\times10^{-1}$$3.616\times10^{-2}$$2.343\times10^{-2}$D3Q13 MRT
    $0.040$$5.001\times10^{-2}$$1.349\times10^{-2}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $4.693\times10^{-2}$$2.502\times10^{-2}$D3Q13 MRT
    $0.050$$1.291\times10^{-2}$iD3Q12 MRT
    $2.674\times10^{-2}$D3Q13 MRT
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    表 6  不断增大雷诺数比较iD3Q12 MRT和He-Luo D3Q13 MRT模型在模拟方腔流时的稳定性. $\checkmark$代表收敛, 收敛准则是(39)式

    Table 6.  Comparing the stability of iD3Q12 MRT and He-Luo D3Q13 MRT models for three-dimensional cavity flows when the Reynolds number is continuously increased. The tick represents convergence, the convergence criterion is formula (39).

    iD3Q12 MRTHe-Luo D3Q13 MRT
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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  26 June 2019
  • Accepted Date:  14 September 2019
  • Available Online:  27 November 2019
  • Published Online:  05 December 2019

