An important feature of the irradiation process in nuclear system is the formation of large displacement cascades, in which primary knock-on atoms and secondary particles formed by nuclear reactions generate a considerable number of defects such as dislocations, vacancies and transmutation gases. Predicting and mitigating the adverse effects of damage defect and transmutation hydrogen/helium produced by high-dose neutron irradiation on the mechanical properties of structural materials is the most significant challenge facing the current development of nuclear energy. To solve this problem, understanding the interaction mechanism between hydrogen/helium atoms and micro-defects is a very important breakthrough. Precursors of helium/ hydrogen bubble, small helium/hydrogen-filled vacancy complexes, may play an important role in realizing bubble nucleation, and the formation of these complexes is affected by many factors. However, only a little information about helium/hydrogen-vacancy clusters’ behavior has been obtained in metal/alloy materials. This is mainly limited by the characterization methods, such as the limited resolution of transmission electron microscope (TEM). Helium/hydrogen-vacancy clusters cannot be observed by TEM before the formation of helium bubbles. Applications of positron annihilation to the study of crystal lattice defects started around 1970s, when it was realized that positron annihilation is particularly sensitive to vacancy-type defects and that annihilation properties manifest the nature of each specific type of defect. In recent years, with the continuous development of slow positron beam and the improvement of various experimental testing methods based on slow positron beam, the application of positron annihilation technology has been extended to the research field of hydrogen/helium behavior in metal materials, which plays an important role in studying the hydrogen/helium radiation damage to metal materials. In this review, the basic principles of positron annihilation spectroscopy are briefly discussed and the three most important measurement methods used for hydrogen/helium effect studies are described (i.e. positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS), Doppler broadening spectroscopy (DBS), coincidence Doppler broadening spectroscopy (CDBS)). In this paper, the application of positron annihilation spectroscopy to the study of hydrogen/helium behavior in metal materials is reviewed in combination with the reported relevant developments (including our research group’s achieve-ments). The advantages of three commonly used measurement methods in the following specific studies are highlighted: 1) The estimation of bubble size and concentration; 2) irradiation damage induced by hydrogen/helium; 3) the evolution behavior of irradiation-induced defects in the heat treatment process; 4) sy-nergistic effect of hydrogen and helium.
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[24] Jensen K O, Eldrup M, Singh B N, Horsewell A, Victoria M, Sommer W F 1987 Mater. Sci. Forum 15-18 913
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[26] Troev T, Popov E, Staikov P, Nankov N, Yoshiie T 2009 Nucl. Instrum Meth. B 267 535
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[27] Kimura A, Kasada R, Sugano R, Hasegawa A, Matsui H 2000 J. Nucl. Mater. 283-287 827
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[28] Ishizaki T, Xu Q, Yoshiie T, Nagata S, Troev T 2002 J. Nucl. Mater. 307-311 961
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[29] Han L H, Fa T, Zhao Y W 2017 Defect Diffus Forum 373 96
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[30] Xu Q, Yamasaki H, Sato K, Yoshiie T 2011 Philos. Mag. Lett. 91 724
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[31] Xu Q, Fukumoto K, Ishi Y, Kuriyama Y, Uesugi T, Sato K, Mori Y, Yoshiie T 2016 J. Nucl. Mater. 468 260
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[32] 胡远超, 曹兴忠, 李玉晓, 张鹏, 靳硕学, 卢二阳, 于润升, 魏龙, 王宝义 2015 物理学报 64 247804
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Hu Y C, Cao X Z, Li Y X, Zhang P, Jin S X, Lu E Y, Yu R S, Wei L, Wang B Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 247804
Google Scholar
[33] van Veen A, Schut H, de Vries J 1991 AIP Conf. Proc. 218 171
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[34] Lu E Y, Cao X Z, Jin S X, Zhang C X, Zhang P, Guo L P, Zhu T, Gong Y H, Wang B Y 2015 Nucl. Instrum Meth. B 356-357 94
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[35] Jin S X, Zhang P, Lu E Y, Wang B Y, Yuan D Q, Wei L, Cao X Z 2016 J. Nucl. Mater. 479 390
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[36] Zhu T, Jin S X, Zhang P, Song L G, Cao X Z, Wang B Y, 2018 J. Nucl. Mater. 505 69
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[38] Ackland G 2010 Science 327 1587
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[39] Gong Y H, Cao X Z, Jin S X, Lu E Y, Hu Y C, Zhu T, Kuang P, Xu Q, Wang B Y 2016 J. Nucl. Mater. 482 93
Google Scholar
[40] 胡远超 2016 硕士学位论文 (郑州: 郑州大学)
Hu Y C 2016 M. S Thesis (Zhengzhou: Zhengzhou University) (in Chinese)
[41] Jiang J, Wu Y C, Liu X B, Wang R S, Nagai Y, Inoue K, Shimizu Y, Toyama T 2015 J. Nucl. Mater. 458 326
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[42] Qiu J, Xin Y, Ju X, Guo L P, Wang B Y, Zhong Y R, Huang Q Y, Wu Y C 2009 Nucl. Instrum Meth. B 267 3162
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[44] Yuan D Q, Zheng Y N, Zuo Y, Fan P, Zhou D M, Zhang Q L, Ma X Q, Cui B Q, Chen L H, Jiang W S, Wu Y C, Huang Q Y, Peng L, Cao X Z, Wang B Y, Wei L, Zhu S Y 2014 Chin. Phys. Lett. 31 046101
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[48] Zhu X L, Zhang Y, Cheng L, Yuan Y, Temmerman Gregory De, Wang B Y, Cao X Z, Lu G H 2016 Nucl. Fusion 56 036010
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[49] Kong F H, Qu M, Yan S, Cao X Z, Peng S X, Zhang A L, Xue J M, Wang Y G, Zhang P, Wang B Y 2017 Nucl. Instrum Meth. B 409 192
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[52] Gong Y H, Jin S X, Zhu T, Cheng L, Cao X Z, Lu G H, Guo L P, Wang B Y 2018 Nucl. Fusion 58 046011
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[56] 朱特, 曹兴忠, 吴建平, 靳硕学, 卢二阳, 龚毅豪, 赖信, 张鹏, 王宝义 2015 功能材料 46 19001
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Zhu T, Cao X Z, Wu J P, Jin S X, Lu E Y, Gong Y H, Lai X, Zhang P, Wang B Y 2015 J. Funct. Mater. 46 19001
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[57] Blewer R S 1973 Appl. Phys. Lett. 23 593
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[58] Asoka-Kumar P, Alatalo M, Ghosh V J 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 2097
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[60] Zhu T, Wu H B, Cao X Z, Jin S X, Zhang P, Xiao A N, Wang B Y 2017 Phys. Status Solidi A 214 1600785
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[62] Myler U, Goldberg R D, Knights A P 1996 Appl. Phys. Lett. 69 3333
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[63] Cao X Z, Zhu T, Jin S X, Kuang P, Zhang P, Lu E Y, Gong Y H, Guo L P, Wang B Y 2017 Appl. Phys. A 123 177
[64] Sabelova V, Krsjak V, Kuriplach J 2014 J. Nucl. Mater. 450 54
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[65] Sato K, Ikemura K, Krsjak V, Vieh C, Brun R, Xu Q, Yoshiie T, Dai Y 2016 J. Nucl. Mater. 468 281
Google Scholar
[66] Xu Q, Ishizaki T, Sato K, Yoshiie T, Nagata S 2006 Mater. Trans. 47 2885
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[1] Kaminsky D, Das S K 1978 J. Nucl. Mater. 76-77 256
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[2] Stoller R E 1990 J. Nucl. Mater. 174 289
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[3] Cook I 2006 Nature Mater. 5 77
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[4] Klueh R L, Sokolov M A, Shiba K, Miwa Y, Robertson J P 2000 J. Nucl. Mater. 283-287 478
[5] Shiba K, Hishinuma A 2000 J. Nucl. Mater. 283-287 474
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[6] Zinkle S J, Ghoniem N M 2011 J. Nucl. Mater. 417 2
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[7] Wakai E, Hashimoto N, Miwa Y, Robertson J P, Klueh R L, Shiba K, Jitsukawa S 2000 J. Nucl. Mater. 283-287 799
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[8] Chernikov V N, Zakharov A P, Kazansky P R 1988 J. Nucl. Mater. 155-157 1142
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[9] Kawakami T, Tokunaga K, Yoshida N 2006 Fusion Eng. Des. 81 335
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[10] Johnson W H 1975 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 23 168
[11] Tolstolutskaya G D, Ruzhytskiy V V, Kopanets I E, Karpov S A, Bryk V V, Voyevodin V, Garner F A 2006 J. Nucl. Mater. 356 136
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[12] Garner F A, Simonen E P, Oliver B, Greenwood L, Grossbeck M L, Wolfer W G Scott P M 2006 J. Nucl. Mater. 356 122
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[13] Garner F A, Oliver B, Greenwood L, James M R, Ferguson P D, Maloy S A, Sommer W 2001 J. Nucl. Mater. 296 66
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[14] Nagai Y, Takadate K, Tang Z, Ohkubo H, Sunaga H, Takizawa H, Hasegawa M 2003 Phys. Rev. B 67 224202
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[15] He S M, van Dijk N H, Schut H, Peekstok E R, van der Zwaag S 2010 Phys. Rev. B 81 094103
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[16] Hari Babu S, Rajaraman R, Amarendra G, Govindaraj R, Lalla N P, Dasgupta Arup, Bhalerao Gopal, Sundar C S 2012 Philos. Mag. 92 2848
Google Scholar
[17] Cao X Z, Zhang P, Xu Q, Sato K, Tsuchida H, Cheng G D, Wu H B, Jiang X P, Yu R S, Wang B Y, Wei L 2013 J. Phys.: Conference Ser. 443 012017
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[18] Lynn K G, Goland A N 1976 Solid State Commun. 18 1549
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[19] Jensen K O, Eldrup M, Singh B N, Victoria M 1988 J. Phys. F: Met. Phys. 18 1069
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[20] Eldrup M M 1992 Mater. Sci. Forum 105-110 229
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[21] Jensen K O, Nieminen R M 1987 Phys. Rev. B 35 2087
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[22] Nieminen R M, Laakkonen J 1979 Appl. Phys. 20 181
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[23] Eldrup M, Jensen K O 1987 Phys. Status Solidi A 102 145
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[24] Jensen K O, Eldrup M, Singh B N, Horsewell A, Victoria M, Sommer W F 1987 Mater. Sci. Forum 15-18 913
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[25] Shivachev B L, Troev T, Yoshiie T 2002 J. Nucl. Mater. 306 105
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[26] Troev T, Popov E, Staikov P, Nankov N, Yoshiie T 2009 Nucl. Instrum Meth. B 267 535
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[27] Kimura A, Kasada R, Sugano R, Hasegawa A, Matsui H 2000 J. Nucl. Mater. 283-287 827
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[28] Ishizaki T, Xu Q, Yoshiie T, Nagata S, Troev T 2002 J. Nucl. Mater. 307-311 961
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[29] Han L H, Fa T, Zhao Y W 2017 Defect Diffus Forum 373 96
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[30] Xu Q, Yamasaki H, Sato K, Yoshiie T 2011 Philos. Mag. Lett. 91 724
Google Scholar
[31] Xu Q, Fukumoto K, Ishi Y, Kuriyama Y, Uesugi T, Sato K, Mori Y, Yoshiie T 2016 J. Nucl. Mater. 468 260
Google Scholar
[32] 胡远超, 曹兴忠, 李玉晓, 张鹏, 靳硕学, 卢二阳, 于润升, 魏龙, 王宝义 2015 物理学报 64 247804
Google Scholar
Hu Y C, Cao X Z, Li Y X, Zhang P, Jin S X, Lu E Y, Yu R S, Wei L, Wang B Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 247804
Google Scholar
[33] van Veen A, Schut H, de Vries J 1991 AIP Conf. Proc. 218 171
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[34] Lu E Y, Cao X Z, Jin S X, Zhang C X, Zhang P, Guo L P, Zhu T, Gong Y H, Wang B Y 2015 Nucl. Instrum Meth. B 356-357 94
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[35] Jin S X, Zhang P, Lu E Y, Wang B Y, Yuan D Q, Wei L, Cao X Z 2016 J. Nucl. Mater. 479 390
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[36] Zhu T, Jin S X, Zhang P, Song L G, Cao X Z, Wang B Y, 2018 J. Nucl. Mater. 505 69
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[37] Bai X M, Voter A F 2010 Science 327 1631
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[38] Ackland G 2010 Science 327 1587
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[39] Gong Y H, Cao X Z, Jin S X, Lu E Y, Hu Y C, Zhu T, Kuang P, Xu Q, Wang B Y 2016 J. Nucl. Mater. 482 93
Google Scholar
[40] 胡远超 2016 硕士学位论文 (郑州: 郑州大学)
Hu Y C 2016 M. S Thesis (Zhengzhou: Zhengzhou University) (in Chinese)
[41] Jiang J, Wu Y C, Liu X B, Wang R S, Nagai Y, Inoue K, Shimizu Y, Toyama T 2015 J. Nucl. Mater. 458 326
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[42] Qiu J, Xin Y, Ju X, Guo L P, Wang B Y, Zhong Y R, Huang Q Y, Wu Y C 2009 Nucl. Instrum Meth. B 267 3162
Google Scholar
[43] Xin Y, Ju X, Qiu J, Guo L P, Li T C, Luo F F, Zhang P, Cao X Z, Wang B Y 2013 J. Nucl. Mater. 432 120
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[44] Yuan D Q, Zheng Y N, Zuo Y, Fan P, Zhou D M, Zhang Q L, Ma X Q, Cui B Q, Chen L H, Jiang W S, Wu Y C, Huang Q Y, Peng L, Cao X Z, Wang B Y, Wei L, Zhu S Y 2014 Chin. Phys. Lett. 31 046101
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[45] Tanaka T, Oka K, Ohnuki S 2004 J. Nucl. Mater. 329-333 294
[46] Lee E H, Hunn J D, Rao G R 1999 J. Nucl. Mater. 271-272 385
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[47] Zhu Te, Jin S X, Guo L P, Hu Y C, Lu E Y, Wu J P, Wang B Y, Wei L, Cao X Z 2016 Philos. Mag. 96 253
Google Scholar
[48] Zhu X L, Zhang Y, Cheng L, Yuan Y, Temmerman Gregory De, Wang B Y, Cao X Z, Lu G H 2016 Nucl. Fusion 56 036010
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[49] Kong F H, Qu M, Yan S, Cao X Z, Peng S X, Zhang A L, Xue J M, Wang Y G, Zhang P, Wang B Y 2017 Nucl. Instrum Meth. B 409 192
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[50] Wilson W D, Bisson C L, Baskes M I 1981 Phys. Rev. B 24 5616
Google Scholar
[51] Thomas J, Bastasz R 1981 J. Appl. Phys. 52 6426
Google Scholar
[52] Gong Y H, Jin S X, Zhu T, Cheng L, Cao X Z, Lu G H, Guo L P, Wang B Y 2018 Nucl. Fusion 58 046011
Google Scholar
[53] Arakawa K, Imamura R, Ohota K 2001 J. Appl. Phys. 89 4752
Google Scholar
[54] Zhu T, Cao X Z, Jin S X, Wu J P, Gong Y H, Lu E Y, Wang B Y, Yu R S, Wei L 2015 J. Nucl. Mater. 466 522
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[55] Zhu T, Jin S X, Gong Y H, Lu E Y, Song L G, Xu Q, Guo L P, Cao X Z, Wang B Y 2017 J. Nucl. Mater. 495 244
Google Scholar
[56] 朱特, 曹兴忠, 吴建平, 靳硕学, 卢二阳, 龚毅豪, 赖信, 张鹏, 王宝义 2015 功能材料 46 19001
Google Scholar
Zhu T, Cao X Z, Wu J P, Jin S X, Lu E Y, Gong Y H, Lai X, Zhang P, Wang B Y 2015 J. Funct. Mater. 46 19001
Google Scholar
[57] Blewer R S 1973 Appl. Phys. Lett. 23 593
Google Scholar
[58] Asoka-Kumar P, Alatalo M, Ghosh V J 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 2097
Google Scholar
[59] Xu Q, Yoshiie T, Sato K 2006 Phys. Rev. B 73 134115
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[60] Zhu T, Wu H B, Cao X Z, Jin S X, Zhang P, Xiao A N, Wang B Y 2017 Phys. Status Solidi A 214 1600785
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[61] Alatalo M, Kauppinen H, Saarinen K 1995 Phys. Rev. B 51 4176
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[62] Myler U, Goldberg R D, Knights A P 1996 Appl. Phys. Lett. 69 3333
Google Scholar
[63] Cao X Z, Zhu T, Jin S X, Kuang P, Zhang P, Lu E Y, Gong Y H, Guo L P, Wang B Y 2017 Appl. Phys. A 123 177
[64] Sabelova V, Krsjak V, Kuriplach J 2014 J. Nucl. Mater. 450 54
Google Scholar
[65] Sato K, Ikemura K, Krsjak V, Vieh C, Brun R, Xu Q, Yoshiie T, Dai Y 2016 J. Nucl. Mater. 468 281
Google Scholar
[66] Xu Q, Ishizaki T, Sato K, Yoshiie T, Nagata S 2006 Mater. Trans. 47 2885
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