Frequency doubling of second-Stokes in an acousto-optic Q-switched Nd:YVO4 cascaded self-Raman cavity is demonstrated to achieve a narrow pulse-width red laser. A three-stage bonded YVO4/Nd:YVO4/YVO4 crystal is designed by comprehensively considering the improvement of thermal effect, the performance of fundamental frequency laser and Raman conversion, to improve the Raman efficiency and output power. An LBO crystal cut for critical phase matching at room temperature is selected and used as a nonlinear optical crystal for realizing the frequency doubling of second- Stokes wave. Its phase matching angle (θ = 86.0°, φ = 0°) is very close to the non-critical phase matching angle and has a small walk-off angle, which is beneficial to the realizing of the high conversion efficiency of frequency doubling. In the experiment, the beam waist position of the pump light and the repetition frequency of the acousto-optic Q-switcher are optimized. Under an incident pump power of 14.2 W and a repetition frequency of 60 kHz, the highest average output power of 1.63 W and conversion efficiency of 11.5% are obtained for the 657 nm red laser emission. The pulse width of 657 nm red light is 11.5 ns at the maximum output power, which is much narrower than that generated by frequency doubling of ordinary neodymium-doped laser at a waveband of 1.3 μm. The result shows that the frequency doubling of the acousto-optic Q-switched Nd:YVO4 cascaded self-Ramanlaser can take advantage of the pulse-width compression characteristics of Raman process to achieve a narrower pulse-width red light laser output.
- self-Raman /
- Nd:YVO4 crystal /
- red laser /
- acousto-optic Q-switch
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[25] 孙瑛璐, 段延敏, 程梦瑶, 袁先漳, 张立, 张栋, 朱海永 2020 物理学报 69 124201
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SunYL, Duan Y M, Cheng M Y, Yuan X Z, Zhang L, Zhang D, Zhu H Y 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 124201
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[26] Guo J, ZhuH Y, ChenS M, DuanY M, XuX R, XuC W, TangD Y 2018 Laser Phys. Lett. 15 075803
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[27] Zhu H Y, Duan Y M, Zhang G, Huang C H, Wei Y, Shen H Y, Zheng Y Q, Huang L X, Chen Z Q 2009 Opt. Express 17 21544
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[1] Duan Y M, Sun Y L, Zhu H Y, Mao TW, Zhang L, Chen X 2020 Opt. Lett. 45 2564
Google Scholar
[2] 张蕴川, 樊莉, 魏晨飞, 顾晓敏, 任思贤 2018 物理学报 67 024206
Google Scholar
Zhang Y C, Fan L, Wei C F, Gu X M, Ren S X 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 024206
Google Scholar
[3] Liu Y, Liu Z J, Cong Z H, Men S J, Xia J B, Rao H, Zhang S S 2015 Chin. Phys. Lett. 32 124201
Google Scholar
[4] 程梦瑶, 段延敏, 孙瑛璐, 张立, 朱海永 2020 激光与光电子学进展 57 071611
Cheng M Y, Duan Y M, Sun Y L, Zhang L, Zhu H Y 2020 Laser & Optoelectronics Progress 57 071611
[5] Zhang L, Duan Y M, Mao X H, Li Z H, Chen Y X, Zhang Y J, Zhu H Y 2021 Opt. Mater. Express 111815
[6] Fan L, Zhao X D, Zhang Y C, Gu D X, Wan H P, Fan H B, Zhu J 2019 Chin. Phys. B. 28 084210
Google Scholar
[7] Kaminskii A A, Ueda K, Eichler H J, Kuwano Y, Kouta H, Bagaev S N, Chyba T H, Barnes J C, Gad G M A, Murai T, Lu J 2001 Opt. Commun. 194 201
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[8] Chen Y F 2004 Appl. Phys. B 78 685
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[9] Chen W D, Wei Y, Huang C H, Wang X L, Shen H Y, Zhai S Y, XuS, Li B X, Chen Z Q, Zhang G 2012 Opt. Lett. 37 1968
Google Scholar
[10] Zhu H Y, Guo J H, Ruan X K, Xu C W, Duan Y M, Zhang Y J, Tang D Y 2017 IEEE Photonics J. 9 1500807
[11] Xie Z, Duan Y M, Guo J H, Huang X H, Yan L F, Zhu H Y 2017 J. Opt. 19 115501
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[12] Huang H T, He J L, Zuo C H, Zhang B T, Dong X L, Zhao S 2008 Opt. Commun. 281 803
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[13] Qin W, Du C L, Ruan S C, Wang Y C 2007 Opt. Express. 15 1594
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[14] Li Z Y, Zhang B T, Yang J F, He J L, Huang H T, Zuo C H, Xu J L, Yang X Q, Zhao S 2010 Laser Phys. 20 761
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[15] Zhu H Y, Zhang G, Huang C H, Wei Y, Huang L X, Huang Y D 2009 Appl. Phys. 42 045108
[16] Zhou H Q, Bi X L, Zhu S Q, Li Z, Yin H, Zhang P X, Zhen Q C, Qi T L 2018 Opt. Quant. Electron. 50 56
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[17] Zhang Y X, Wang S, Alberto D L, Yu G L, Yu H H, Zhang H J, Mauro T, Xu X G, Wang J Y 2015 Chin. Phys. Lett. 32 054210
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[18] He M M, Chen S, Na Q X, Luo S J, Zhu H Y, Li Y, Xu C W, Fan D Y 2020 Chin. Opt. Lett. 18 011405
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[19] Zhang T, Zhou L B, Zou J Y, Bu Y K, Xu B, Xu X D, Xu J 2021 Opt. Laser. Technol. 139 106961
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[20] Zhang Y X, Yang Y L, Zhang L H, Lu D Z, Xu M, Hang Y, Yan S S, Yu H H, Zhang H J 2019 Chin. Opt. Lett. 17 071402
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[21] Frey R, Martino A D, Pradère F 1983 Opt. Lett. 8 437
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[22] Murray J T, Austin W L, Richard C, Powell 1999 Opt. Mater. 11 353
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[23] Lee A J, Jipeng L, Pask H M 2010 Opt. Lett. 35 3000
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[24] 俞叶, 段延敏, 郭俊宏, 张栋, 陈思梦, 廖小青, 朱海永 2017 中国激光 44 0701007
Google Scholar
Yu Y, Duan Y M, Guo J H, Zhang D, Chen S M, Liao X Q, Zhu H Y 2017 Chin. J. Lasers 44 0701007
Google Scholar
[25] 孙瑛璐, 段延敏, 程梦瑶, 袁先漳, 张立, 张栋, 朱海永 2020 物理学报 69 124201
Google Scholar
SunYL, Duan Y M, Cheng M Y, Yuan X Z, Zhang L, Zhang D, Zhu H Y 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 124201
Google Scholar
[26] Guo J, ZhuH Y, ChenS M, DuanY M, XuX R, XuC W, TangD Y 2018 Laser Phys. Lett. 15 075803
Google Scholar
[27] Zhu H Y, Duan Y M, Zhang G, Huang C H, Wei Y, Shen H Y, Zheng Y Q, Huang L X, Chen Z Q 2009 Opt. Express 17 21544
Google Scholar
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