Friction generally occurs in the relative motion or the contact interface with the trend of relative motion, which impedes the relative motion and produces energy loss. Micro-scale friction is different from the macro-scale friction due to surface effects and other factors. It is necessary to study the friction behavior on a nano-scale. First-principles method is an important way to study and understand friction on a nano-scale. Nevertheless, the constructing of nearly a thousand models and the processing of a large number of data are very time consuming. In this paper, we establish a high-throughput computational program based on the first-principles method to study the interfacial friction of two-dimensional materials. The program realizes modeling, submitting computation tasks, multi-task concurrent calculation, data collection and processing, and image rendering of calculation results. All of these are done in batch automatically, which greatly saves researchers’ time. In this work, this program is used to simulate the normal load by changing the distance between layers and calculate the potential energy surface of BN/BN and graphene/graphene bilayer sliding systems at a series of interlayer distances, as well as the interlayer friction forces and friction coefficients. The study finds that with the decrease of the interlayer distance, the averaged friction force at BN/BN interface increases approximately linearly, and the friction coefficient is in a range of 0.11–0.17. The friction force at graphene/graphene interface first increases, then decreases, and increases again. The friction coefficient reaches a minimum value (0.014) under a load of 12 nN, and these results are consistent with the previous results, verifying the reliability of the calculation program. In addition, we investigate the effect of surface hydrogenation and fluorination on the tribological property of the BN bilayer and find that the friction at the fluorinated BN/BN interface decreases, which is attributed to the smaller charge transfer at interface. Although the high-throughput calculation method realizes the automation and high-throughput calculation of tribological property at solid interface, there are still some limitations. Firstly, the effect of interlaminar bending is not considered in the process of interlaminar relative sliding. Secondly, the essence of the calculation result is static friction, rather than dynamic friction. In addition, the method does not consider the influence of temperature.
- first-principles method /
- high-throughput calculation /
- potential energy surface /
- friction coefficient
[1] Holmberg K, Andersson P, Nylund N O, Makela K, Erdemir A 2014 Tribol. Int. 78 94Google Scholar
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[31] Qu C Y, Wang K Q, Wang J, Gongyang Y J, Carpick R W, Urbakh M, Zheng Q S 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 12
[32] Ruan X, Shi J, Wang X, Wang W Y, Fan X, Zhou F 2021 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13 40901Google Scholar
[33] Liao M Z, Nicolini P, Du L J, Yuan J H, Wang S P, Yu H, Tang J, Cheng P, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Gu L, Claerbout V E P, Silva A, Kramer D, Polcar T, Yang R, Shi D X, Zhang G Y 2022 Nat. Mater. 21 47Google Scholar
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[46] Perdew J P, Burke K, Ernzerhof M 1997 Phys. Rev. Lett. 78 1396
[47] Kresse G, Joubert D 1999 Phys. Rev. B 59 1758
[48] Wang V, Xu N, Liu J C, Tang G, Geng W T 2021 Comput. Phys. Commun. 267 108033Google Scholar
[49] Marom N, Bernstein J, Garel J, Tkatchenko A, Joselevich E, Kronik L, Hod O 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 046801Google Scholar
[50] Martin J M, Lemogne T, Chassagnette C, Gardos M N 1992 Tribol. T. 35 462Google Scholar
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[56] Wolloch M, Levita G, Restuccia P, Righi M C 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 026804
图 2 BN/BN, H-BN/BN 和 F-BN/BN 双层体系原子结构的俯视图和侧视图 (a) Top和(b) Hollow位置BN/BN的俯视图和侧视图; (c) H-BN/BN和(d) F-BN/BN在Hollow位置的俯视图和侧视图
Figure 2. Top and side views for atomic structures of BN/BN, H-BN/BN, and F-BN/BN bilayer. Top and side views of BN/BN bilayer in (a) Top and (b) Hollow positions. Top and side views of (c) H-BN/BN and (d) F-BN/BN bilayers in Hollow position.
图 4 不同载荷下BN/BN的势能面 (a) 0 nN; (b) 1 nN; (c) 2 nN; (d) 3 nN; (e) 4 nN; (f) 5 nN; (g) 6 nN; (h) 7 nN; (i) 8 nN. T和H分别表示Top和Hollow位置, 白色带箭头线代表最小能量路径
Figure 4. Potential energy surface of BN/BN bilayer under normal load of (a) 0 nN, (b) 1 nN, (c) 2 nN, (d) 3 nN, (e) 4 nN, (f) 5 nN, (g) 6 nN, (h) 7 nN and (i) 8 nN. T and H present the Top and Hollow positions, respectively. The white lines with arrow represent the minimum energy path.
图 6 BN/BN, F-BN/BN, H-BN/BN的平均界面摩擦力(
$ {F}_{\rm{f}} $ )和摩擦系数($ \mu $ )随载荷的变化 (a)平均摩擦力; (b)摩擦系数Figure 6. The variation of friction force at the interface of BN/BN, F-BN/BN, and H-BN/BN bilayers with respect to the normal load: (a) Averaged interfacial friction (
$ {F}_{\rm{f}} $ ); (b) friction coefficient ($ \mu $ ).图 7 不同载荷下Gr/Gr的势能面 (a) 1 nN; (b) 4 nN; (c) 7 nN; (d) 10 nN; (e) 12 nN; (f) 13.5 nN. (a)—(d)中的H/T对应最小/最大势能, 而(e), (f)中的H/T对应最大/最小势能
Figure 7. Potential energy surface of graphene/graphene (Gr/Gr) bilayer under normal load of (a) 1 nN, (b) 4 nN, (c) 7 nN, (d) 10 nN, (e) 12 nN, and (f) 13.5 nN. T and H present the top and hollow positions, respectively. H/T in (a)–(d) is the position of minimum/maximum potential energy, whereas, T/H in (e), (f) is the position of minimum/maximum potential energy.
图 9 BN/BN和F-BN/BN的最高和最低势能态在0 nN和8 nN载荷下的差分电荷密度 (a) BN/BN, 0 nN; (b) BN/BN, 8 nN; (c) F-BN/BN, 0 nN; (d) F-BN/BN, 8 nN. 黄色代表电子聚集, 蓝色代表电子损失; 左边和右边的图分别对应最高和最低势能态; 图(a)和(c)中的等值面设置为0.00006e/Bohr3; 图 (b) 和 (d) 中的等值面设置为0.0003e/Bohr3
Figure 9. Differential charge density of BN/BN and F-BN/BN bilayer at the highest and lowest potential energy state under 0 nN and 8 nN loads. BN/BN bilayer under (a) 0 nN and (b) 8 nN load, F-BN/BN bilayer under (c) 0 nN and (d) 8 nN loads. The yellow color represents electron aggregation, and the blue color represents electron dissipation. The isosurface value in figure (a) and (c) is set to 0.00006e/Bohr3; the isosurface value in figure (b) and (d) is set to 0.0003e/Bohr3.
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[33] Liao M Z, Nicolini P, Du L J, Yuan J H, Wang S P, Yu H, Tang J, Cheng P, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Gu L, Claerbout V E P, Silva A, Kramer D, Polcar T, Yang R, Shi D X, Zhang G Y 2022 Nat. Mater. 21 47Google Scholar
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[55] Li Q Y, Liu X Z, Kim S P, Shenoy V B, Sheehan P E, Robinson J T, Carpick R W 2014 Nano Lett. 14 5212Google Scholar
[56] Wolloch M, Levita G, Restuccia P, Righi M C 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 026804
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