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Research progress of high-temperature piezoelectric vibration sensors and piezoelectric materials

YU Huifen QI He TU Xiaoniu ZHANG Haibo CHEN Dali WU Jie CHEN Jun


Research progress of high-temperature piezoelectric vibration sensors and piezoelectric materials

YU Huifen, QI He, TU Xiaoniu, ZHANG Haibo, CHEN Dali, WU Jie, CHEN Jun
cstr: 32037.14.aps.74.20240906
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Vibration sensor technology, especially piezoelectric vibration sensor, has been widely applied in various fields. This type of sensor has excellent dynamic response, linearity, wide bandwidth, high sensitivity, large temperature range, simple structure, and stable performance, so it can be applied in many cases such as nuclear power, aerospace, rail transportation, and defense industries. However, most of piezoelectric vibration sensors are limited to operating temperatures below 500 ℃, which restricts their applications in extreme high-temperature environments encountered in nuclear reactors, aircraft engines, missile systems, and internal combustion engines. How to improve the operating temperature of piezoelectric vibration sensors to meet their application requirements in extreme environments is an urgent problem that needs to be solved.High-temperature piezoelectric materials, as the core components of piezoelectric vibration sensors, play a decisive role in determining the overall performance of the sensor. Common high-temperature piezoelectric materials include piezoelectric ceramics and single crystals. To ensure stable operation and excellent sensitivity in extreme environments, it is essential to select piezoelectric materials with high Curie temperature, high piezoelectric coefficient, high resistivity, and low dielectric loss as the sensing elements of the sensor. There are usually three main types of piezoelectric vibration sensors: bending, compression, and shear. In addition to selecting the suitable piezoelectric material, it is also crucial to choose the optimal sensor structure suitable to the specific application scenarios.In view of the urgent demand for ultrahigh-temperature vibration sensors, this paper mainly reviews the current research progress of high-temperature piezoelectric materials and high-temperature piezoelectric vibration sensors, summarizes the structures, advantages and disadvantages, and application scenarios of different types of high-temperature piezoelectric vibration sensors, explores the current problems and future development trends of high-temperature piezoelectric vibration sensors, and provides ideas for developing the next-generation ultrahigh temperature vibration sensors for extreme environmental applications, which is expected to promote the further development of high-temperature piezoelectric vibration sensing technology.
      Corresponding author: QI He, ; CHEN Jun,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Developemnt Program of China (Grant No. 2022YFB3204000).

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  • 图 1  高温振动传感器应用场景

    Figure 1.  Application scenarios of high-temperature vibration sensors.

    图 2  压电振动传感器的典型系统模型

    Figure 2.  Typical system model of piezoelectric vibration sensors.

    图 3  压电振动传感器系统 (a) 电路图; (b) 等效电路图

    Figure 3.  Piezoelectric vibration sensor system: (a) Circuit diagram; (b) equivalent circuit diagram.

    图 4  (a) ABO3钙钛矿结构示意图[40]; (b)钨青铜沿着c轴的结构示意图[40]; (c)铋层状结构氧化物的示意图[40]

    Figure 4.  (a) Schematic representation of the structure of ABO3 perovskite[40]; (b) schematic representation of the structure of tungsten bronze along the c-axis[40]; (c) schematic representation of bismuth layered structural oxides[40].

    图 5  压电陶瓷的压电常数d33与居里温度TC关系图

    Figure 5.  The relationship between piezoelectric constant d33 and Curie temperature TC of the piezoelectric ceramics.

    图 6  (a)单晶压电常数$ {d}_{33} $与居里温度/相变温度/熔点$ {T}_{{\mathrm{m}}{\mathrm{a}}{\mathrm{x}}} $关系图[119]; (b)不同压电材料最大使用温度范围[119]; (c), (d)高温压电晶体电阻率随温度的变化[117,118]

    Figure 6.  (a) Plot of single crystal piezoelectric constant d33 versus Curie temperature/phase transition temperature/melting point Tmax[119]; (b) maximum operating temperature range of different piezoelectric materials[119]; (c), (d) variation of electrical resistivity of high-temperature piezoelectric crystals as a function of temperature[117,118].

    图 7  压电振动传感器三种基本结构 (a) 弯曲型; (b) 压缩型; (c) 剪切型

    Figure 7.  Three basic structures of piezoelectric vibration sensors: (a) Bending mode; (b) compression mode; (c) shear mode.

    图 8  弯曲模式压电振动传感器基本构型[34] (a)单悬臂梁; (b)不对称双悬臂梁; (c)对称双悬臂梁; (d)四对称悬臂梁

    Figure 8.  Basic configurations of bending mode piezoelectric vibration sensors[34]: (a) Cantilever beam; (b) two cantilever beams; (c) two-symmetric-beam suspension; (d) four-symmetric-beam suspension.

    图 9  弯曲模式压电振动传感器 (a) LGS温度-三轴加速度传感器示意图[126]; (b) 四悬臂梁集成中心拾振微球结构传感器示意图[127]; (c) d33模式四悬臂梁压电振动传感器的三维结构和激光扫描共焦显微镜图[128]; (d) LGS(左)和GaPO4(右)单晶传感器实物图[129]; (e) 双U型槽压电加速度计原理图[130]; (f) 三轴加速度计结构示意图[131]

    Figure 9.  Bending mode piezoelectric vibration sensors: (a) LGS temperature-triaxial accelerometer[126]; (b) four-suspended-beam integrated center vibration microsphere structure sensor[127]; (c) three-dimensional structure of the d33-mode four-cantilever-beam piezoelectric vibration sensor and laser-scanning confocal microscope diagram[128]; (d) LGS (left) and GaPO4 (right) monocrystalline sensors[129]; (e) double U-slot-type piezoelectric accelerometer[130]; (f) triaxial accelerometer[131].

    图 10  压缩模式压电振动传感器基本构型[132] (a)中心压缩式; (b)倒装压缩式

    Figure 10.  Basic configuration of compressed mode piezoelectric vibration sensors[132]: (a) Central compressed type; (b) inverted compressed type.

    图 11  压缩模式压电振动传感器 (a) CNGS中心压缩式传感器示意图和实物图[133]; (b) AlN高温压电振动传感器结构示意图和实物图[134]; (c) 六自由度压缩式加速度传感器简化模型和样机实物图[135]; (d) 高温压缩式压电振动传感器实物图和内部结构图[136]

    Figure 11.  Compression mode piezoelectric vibration sensors: (a) CNGS central compression sensor[133]; (b) AlN high-temperature piezoelectric vibration sensor[134]; (c) simplified model and prototype of the six-degree-of-freedom compression acceleration sensor[135]; (d) physical and internal structure diagram of high-temperature compression piezoelectric vibration sensor[136].

    图 12  剪切模式压电振动传感器基本构型[137] (a) 环形剪切式; (b)平面剪切式; (c)三角剪切式

    Figure 12.  Basic configuration of shear mode piezoelectric vibration sensors[137]: (a) Annular shear mode; (b) planar shear mode; (c) triangular shear mode.

    图 13  剪切模式压电振动传感器 (a) 偏心剪切式压电加速度传感器结构图[139]; (b) 对称剪切式压电加速度传感器结构图[139]; (c) CTGS平面剪切式高温加速度传感器结构示意图[140]; (d) 三角剪切式压电振动传感器结构图[141]; (e) 平面剪切式加速度计和三角剪切式加速度计结构示意图[138]; (f) 环型剪切式压电振动传感器结构示意图[142]; (g) UHT-12TM晶体357D90型剪切式高温加速度计(左)和EX611A20型差动剪切式高温加速度计(右)实物图[143]

    Figure 13.  Shear mode piezoelectric vibration sensors: (a) Eccentric shear piezoelectric accelerometer[139]; (b) symmetric shear piezoelectric accelerometer[139]; (c) CTGS planar shear high-temperature accelerometer[140]; (d) triangular shear piezoelectric vibration sensor[141]; (e) planar and triangular shear accelerometers[138]; (f) ring shear piezoelectric vibration sensor[142]; (g) physical drawings of UHT-12TM Crystal 357D90 shear type high-temperature accelerometer (left) and EX611A20 differential shear type high-temperature accelerometer (right)[143].

    图 14  传感器常温标定实验测试平台[141]

    Figure 14.  Experimental test platform for calibration of sensors at room temperature[141].

    图 15  传感器高温测试实验装置图 (a) 振动比较法校准装置图[35]; (b) 绝对法校准装置图[144]

    Figure 15.  Experimental setup diagram for high-temperature testing of sensors: (a) Vibration comparison method calibration device[35]; (b) absolute method calibration device[144].

    图 16  高温悬臂梁式加速度计结构 (a)加速度计俯视图[147]; (b)加速度计剖视图[147]; (c)横梁止动组件正视图[147]; (d)安装在横梁止动组件底座框架上的缓冲组件剖视图[147]; (e)横梁止动组件后视图[147]; (f)含插入横梁通道的质量块[147]

    Figure 16.  High-temperature cantilever beam accelerometer: (a) Top view of accelerometer[147]; (b) cutaway view of accelerometer[147]; (c) front view of crossbeam stop component[147]; (d) cutaway view of cushioning component installed on the base frame of the crossbeam stop component[147]; (e) rear view of the crossbeam stop component[147]; (f) mass block with inserted crossbeam channel[147].

    图 17  (a)可温度补偿的悬臂梁加速度计工作原理图[148]; (b)矩形质量块的悬臂梁加速度计横向截面图[148]; (c)矩形质量块的悬臂梁加速度计纵向截面图[148]; (d)圆柱形质量块的悬臂梁加速度计横向截面图[148]; (e)圆柱形质量块的悬臂梁加速度计纵向截面图[148]; (f)方形质量块的悬臂梁加速度计横向截面图[148]; (g)方形质量块的悬臂梁加速度计纵向截面图[148]

    Figure 17.  (a) Operating principle diagram of temperature-compensated cantilever beam accelerometer[148]; (b) transverse cross-section of cantilever beam accelerometer with rectangular mass block[148]; (c) longitudinal cross-section of cantilever beam accelerometer with rectangular mass block[148]; (d) transverse cross-section of cantilever beam accelerometer with cylindrical mass block[148]; (e) longitudinal cross-section of cantilever beam accelerometer with cylindrical mass block[148]; (f) transverse cross-section of cantilever beam accelerometer with square mass block[148]; (g) longitudinal section of cantilever beam accelerometer with square mass block[148]

    图 18  B-LN低频振动传感器性能测试 (a) 传感器结构示意图(上)和传感器实物图(左下)及安装在激振器上的传感器(右下) [149]; (b) 传感器在不同位移幅值的正弦振动激励下产生的电压[149]; (c) 传感器频率响应情况[149]

    Figure 18.  B-LN low-frequency vibration sensor performance test: (a) Schematic diagram of transducer structure (top), physical drawing of the transducer (bottom left), as well as the sensor installed on the exciter (bottom right)[149]; (b) voltages generated by transducer under sinusoidal vibration excitation with different displacement amplitudes[149]; (c) frequency response of the transducer[149].

    图 19  压缩式高温振动传感器测试 (a) 传感器结构示意图[150]; (b) 不同压电材料所制传感器灵敏度随温度的变化[150]; (c) BFBT25-Mn所制传感器灵敏度在不同温度下长时间工作可靠性测试[150]

    Figure 19.  Compression mode high-temperature vibration sensor performance test: (a) Schematic of sensor structure[150]; (b) the sensitivity of sensors made of different piezoelectric materials varies with temperature[150]; (c) sensitivity reliability test of BFBT25-Mn sensor under long-term operation at different temperatures[150].

    图 20  KI100压缩式加速度计高温稳定性测试 (a)加速度计实物图[151]; (b)加速度计在不同老化阶段后灵敏度随温度变化情况[151]; (c)加速度计在不同老化阶段后绝缘电阻随温度变化情况[151]

    Figure 20.  High temperature stability test of KI100 compression accelerometer: (a) Physical image of accelerometer[151]; (b) the sensitivity of accelerometers changes with temperature after different aging stages[151]; (c) variation of insulation resistance with temperature after different ageing stages of the accelerometer[151].

    图 21  BTS压缩式压电振动传感器性能测试 (a)传感器组件的展开视图[152]; (b)传感器实物图[152]; (c)不同预紧扭矩下传感器的灵敏度温度稳定性[152]; (d)传感器灵敏度在500 ℃时长时间工作的可靠性测试[152]

    Figure 21.  BTS compression piezoelectric vibration sensor performance test: (a) Unfolded view of the sensor component[152]; (b) physical image of sensor[152]; (c) temperature stability of the sensor sensitivity at different preload torques[152]; (d) reliability test of the sensor sensitivity for long-term operation at 500 ℃[152].

    图 22  倒装装配的BTS高温振动加速度传感器性能测试 (a)高温振动加速度传感器的装配示意图[153]; (b)传感器的温度响应[153]; (c)传感器在高温下(600 ℃和650 ℃)下的工作状况[153]

    Figure 22.  Performance test of BTS high-temperature vibration acceleration sensor with inverted assembly: (a) Assembly schematic of the sensor[153]; (b) temperature response of the sensor[153]; (c) operation of the sensor at elevated temperatures (600 ℃ and 650 ℃)[153]

    图 23  BTS压缩式压电振动传感器性能测试 (a)传感器结构模型[154]; (b)传感器电荷随加速度的变化[154]; (c)不同频率下传感器灵敏度随温度的变化[154]; (d)传感器在600 ℃和650 ℃时灵敏度与持续工作时长的关系[154]

    Figure 23.  BTS piezoelectric vibration sensor performance test: (a) Structure model of the sensor[154]; (b) variation of sensor charge with acceleration[154]; (c) variation of sensor sensitivity with temperature at different frequencies[154]; (d) relationship between sensor sensitivity and duration of continuous operation at 600 ℃ and 650 ℃[154].

    图 24  单片压缩模式加速度计性能测试 (a)加速度计组件示意图[155]; (b)加速度计灵敏度随频率和温度的变化情况[155]; (c) 900 ℃下不同频率的灵敏度与持续工作时长的关系[155]

    Figure 24.  Monolithic compression mode accelerometer performance test: (a) Schematic of the accelerometer components[155]; (b) variation of accelerometer sensitivity with frequency and temperature[155]; (c) sensitivity versus duration of continuous operation at 900 ℃ for different frequencies[155].

    图 25  压缩模式高温压电振动传感器 (a)带螺帽紧固部的高温振动传感器整体结构示意图[156]; (b)带螺帽紧固部的高温振动传感器剖视图[156]; (c)高温450 ℃压电加速度计剖视图[157]; (d)耐高温高压的差分式压电加速度传感器结构示意图[158]; (e)耐高温高压的差分式压电加速度传感器内部放大示意图[158]; (f)带温度补偿的高温压电加速度传感器示意图[159]

    Figure 25.  Compression mode high-temperature piezoelectric vibration sensors: (a) Schematic of the overall structure of high-temperature vibration sensor with nut fastening part[156]; (b) cutaway view of high-temperature vibration sensor with nut fastening part[156]; (c) cutaway view of high-temperature 450 ℃ piezoelectric accelerometer[157]; (d) structure of high-temperature and high-pressure-resistant differential piezoelectric acceleration sensor[158]; (e) internal enlarged schematic diagram of differential piezoelectric accelerometer resistant to high temperature and high pressure[158]; (f) high-temperature piezoelectric accelerometer with temperature compensation[159].

    图 26  电荷剪切型压电加速度计的性能测试 (a)电荷剪切型压电加速度计的结构[160]; (b)电荷剪切型压电加速度计有无补偿电容元件的灵敏度温度依赖性[160]; (c)电荷剪切型压电加速度计的频率依赖性[160]

    Figure 26.  Charge-shear piezoelectric accelerometer performance test: (a) Structure of charge-shear piezoelectric accelerometers[160]; (b) temperature dependence of the sensitivity of charge-shear piezoelectric accelerometers with and without compensating capacitive elements[160]; (c) frequency dependence of charge-shear piezoelectric accelerometers[160].

    图 27  全温区近恒预紧力压电加速度传感器 (a)传感器整体示意图[161]; (b)传感器截面示意图[161]; (c)传感器螺栓预紧力随温度变化的示意图[161]

    Figure 27.  Near-constant preload piezoelectric acceleration sensor at full temperature: (a) Schematic of sensor[161]; (b) schematic of sensor cross-section[161]; (c) schematic of sensor bolt preload as a function of temperature[161].

    图 28  横向振动型剪切式加速度传感器性能测试 (a)传感器结构模型与实物图[162]; (b)传感器室温频率响应[162]; (c) 160 Hz时不同温度下传感器输出电荷与加速度的函数关系[162]

    Figure 28.  Transverse vibration shear mode accelerometer performance test: (a) Sensor structure model and physical diagram[162]; (b) room temperature frequency response of sensor[162]; (c) sensor output charge as a function of acceleration for different temperatures at 160 Hz[162].

    图 29  剪切式YCOB高温振动传感器性能测试 (a)高温工作后传感器实物图[163]; (b)传感器灵敏度在不同频率时随温度的变化情况[163]; (c) 1250 ℃测试10 h传感器的平均灵敏度及高温测试前后传感器的室温灵敏度(附图)[163]

    Figure 29.  Shear type YCOB high-temperature vibration sensor performance test: (a) Physical image of the sensor after high-temperature operation[163]; (b) sensor sensitivity varies with temperature at different frequencies[163]; (c) average sensitivity of sensor tested at 1250 ℃ for 10 h and the room temperature sensitivity of sensor before and after high-temperature testing (attached figure)[163].

    图 30  AlN剪切式高温加速度计 (a)加速度计实物图和模型图[164]; (b)不同温度时传感器的频率响应情况[164]; (c)传感器在不同温度和频率下的响应[164]; (d)长期高温下传感器灵敏度变化情况[164]; (e)传感器在11.2 kGy (1 Gy = 1 J/kg)照射后的灵敏度[164]

    Figure 30.  AlN shear mode high-temperature accelerometer: (a) Physical (left) and modeled (right) diagrams of accelerometer[164]; (b) frequency response of accelerometer at different temperatures[164]; (c) sensitivity response of accelerometer at different temperatures and frequencies[164]; (d) sensitivity changes of accelerometer under long-term high temperature conditions[164]; (e) sensitivity of accelerometer after irradiation at 11.2 kGy (1 Gy = 1 J/kg)[164].

    图 31  高温AlN多轴加速度计性能测试 (a)加速度计实物图(左)和模型图(右)[165]; (b)多轴加速度计对x方向1 g加速度的频率响应[165]; (c)多轴加速度计在每个轴都承受1 g加速度时的性能[165]

    Figure 31.  High-temperature AlN multi-axis accelerometer performance test: (a) Physical (left) and modeled (right) diagrams of accelerometer[165]; (b) frequency response of multi-axis accelerometer to 1 g acceleration in the x-direction[165]; (c) performance of multi-axis accelerometer under 1 g acceleration on each axis[165].

    图 32  剪切模式高温压电振动传感器 (a)环形剪切式IEPE高温振动传感器内部结构示意图[166]; (b)铌酸锂双边剪切高温压电加速度计结构示意图[167]; (c)铌酸锂单边剪切高温压电加速度计结构示意图[167]; (d)带有银窗的高温压电加速度计整体结构示意图[168]; (e)带银窗的高温压电加速度计剖视图[168]; (f)650 ℃小型高温振动传感器结构示意图[169]

    Figure 32.  Shear mode high-temperature piezoelectric vibration sensors: (a) Ring shear IEPE high-temperature vibration sensor[166]; (b) lithium niobate bilateral shear high-temperature piezoelectric accelerometer[167]; (c) lithium niobate unilateral shear high-temperature piezoelectric accelerometer [167]; (d) schematic of the overall structure of high-temperature piezoelectric accelerometer with silver window[168]; (e) cutaway view of high-temperature piezoelectric accelerometer with silver window[168]; (f) structure of a 650 ℃ compact high-temperature vibration sensor[169].

    表 1  不同结构类型加速度计的优缺点

    Table 1.  Advantages and disadvantages of different construction types of accelerometers.

    优点 缺点 应用场景
    弯曲式 重量轻、灵敏度高、响应速度快、分辨率高、背底噪声低、易于微型化集成
    频率范围窄、结构脆弱、抗冲击能力差、存在固有电荷泄露 微米级尺度的微弱信号的实时检测, 低频、低加速度信号测量等
    压缩式 结构简单、加工便捷、制作成本低、强度和刚度大、共振频率高、频带宽、可以承受高水平瞬态振动
    对力和温度变化敏感, 底座弯曲或热膨胀易引起较大测量误差、背底噪声高、横向灵敏度大、抗干扰能力较差 冲击测试等
    剪切式 信号噪声低、应变小、抗干扰能力强、热性能稳定、电荷输出高、灵敏度高 结构复杂、固有频率低、可用频率带宽窄 微地震监测、钢水与钢渣、熔渣分离等
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    表 2  高温压电加速度计性能比较

    Table 2.  Performance comparison of high-temperature piezoelectric accelerometers.

    压电材料 加速度计结构 最高服役温度/℃ 灵敏度/(pC·g-1) 频响范围/Hz 参考文献
    PbZr0.51Ti0.49O3 平面剪切式 300 42 1—8000 [160]
    LGT 平面剪切式 350 3.82 100—2000 [162]
    BFBT25-Mn 压缩式 450 49 200—1000 [150]
    CNGS 压缩式 600 0.722 60—2000 [133]
    CTGS 平面剪切式 600 2.56 100—2000 [140]
    BTS 倒装压缩式 600 ~12.5 [153]
    UHT-12TM 平面剪切式 649 10 [143]
    BTS 压缩式 650 2.62 120—3000 [154]
    YCOB 压缩式 900 ~2.4 100—600 [155]
    AlN 平面剪切式 1000 9.2 40—600 [164]
    YCOB 平面剪切式 1000 ~5.9 1—335 [35]
    YCOB 平面剪切式 1250 ~1.26 1—320 [163]
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  • Received Date:  30 June 2024
  • Accepted Date:  12 November 2024
  • Available Online:  10 December 2024
  • Published Online:  20 January 2025

