Quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement aided by high-finesse optical cavities is an important method for generating high-gain spin or momentum squeezed states, which can enhance the sensitivity of atom interferometers to surpass the standard quantum limit. Conventional two-mirror Fabry-Perot cavities have the drawback of a standing wave pattern, leading to inhomogeneous atom-light coupling and subsequent degradation of squeezing enhancement. In this study, we present a novel method for achieving homogeneous quantum nondemolition measurement using an optical ring cavity to generate momentum squeezed states in atom interferometers. We designed and demonstrated a high-finesse (F =2.4(1)×104), high-vacuum compatible (1×10-10 mbar) optical ring cavity that utilizes the properties of traveling wave fields to address the issue of inhomogeneous atom-light interaction. A strontium cold atomic ensemble was prepared and coupled into the cavity mode; the dispersive cavity phase shift caused by the atoms passing through was extracted through differential Pound-Drever-Hall measurement, enabling nondemolition measurement of the atom number. Experimental results indicate that, under a probe laser power of 20 µW, the dispersive phase shift of the ring cavity was measured to be 40 mrad. The effective number of atoms coupled into the cavity mode is around 1×106. Verification of the consistency between the ring cavity dispersive phase shift and QND measurement theory was achieved by adjusting parameters such as matching the atomic position with the cavity mode and tuning the frequency of the probe laser. The optical ring cavity developed in this study provides a significant approach for generating spin or momentum squeezed states in atom interferometers, thus holding promise for enhancing their sensitivity and is expected to find wide applications in cavity-enhanced quantum precision measurements.
- Optical ring cavity /
- quantum nondemolition measurement /
- spin squeezing /
- atom interferometer
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