


Vol. 63, No. 5 (2014)

Conformal symmetry and Mei conserved quantity for ageneralized Hamilton system
Liu Hong-Wei
2014, 63 (5): 050201. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.050201
Abstract +
Particles discrete element method based on manifold cover for macro-mesoscopic fracture of rock mass
Li Shu-Chen, Ping Yang, Li Shu-Cai, Kou Qiang, Ma Teng-Fei, Feng Bing-Yang
2014, 63 (5): 050202. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.050202
Abstract +
Analysis and calculation of a 170 GHz megawatt-level coaxial gyrotron
Qin Mi-Mi, Luo Yong, Yang Kuo, Huang Yong
2014, 63 (5): 050203. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.050203
Abstract +
Trust, evolution, and consensus of opinions in a social group
Su Jiong-Ming, Liu Bao-Hong, Li Qi, Ma Hong-Xu
2014, 63 (5): 050501. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.050501
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Blind source separation of chaotic signals in wireless sensor networks
Huang Jin-Wang, Feng Jiu-Chao, Lü Shan-Xiang
2014, 63 (5): 050502. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.050502
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Effect of coupling modes and initial structures on the synchronization of a ring network with fractional order bistable oscillators
Wang Li-Ming, Wu Feng
2014, 63 (5): 050503. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.050503
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Chaotic control of the interconnected power system based on the relay characteristic function
Min Fu-Hong, Ma Mei-Ling, Zhai Wei, Wang En-Rong
2014, 63 (5): 050504. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.050504
Abstract +
A least square support vector machine prediction algorithm for chaotic time series based on the iterative error correction
Tang Zhou-Jin, Ren Feng, Peng Tao, Wang Wen-Bo
2014, 63 (5): 050505. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.050505
Abstract +
Automatic detection of epileptic EEG based on recurrence quantification analysis and SVM
Meng Qing-Fang, Chen Shan-Shan, Chen Yue-Hui, Feng Zhi-Quan
2014, 63 (5): 050506. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.050506
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An authenticated key agreement protocol based on extended chaotic maps
Shu Jian
2014, 63 (5): 050507. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.050507
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Effect of defect on the programming speed of charge trapping memories
Wang Jia-Yu, Zhao Yuan-Yang, Xu Jian-Bin, Dai Yue-Hua
2014, 63 (5): 053101. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.053101
Abstract +
First principles calculation of dielectric properties of Al and N codoped 3C-SiC
Zhou Peng-Li, Zheng Shu-Kai, Tian Yan, Zhang Shuo-Ming, Shi Ru-Qian, He Jing-Fang, Yan Xiao-Bing
2014, 63 (5): 053102. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.053102
Abstract +
Band inversion in half Heusler-type Na1-xCsxAlGe(0 x 1)
Wang Xiao-Tian, Dai Xue-Fang, Jia Hong-Ying, Wang Li-Ying, Zhang Xiao-Ming, Cui Yu-Ting, Wang Wen-Hong, Wu Guang-Heng, Liu Guo-Dong
2014, 63 (5): 053103. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.053103
Abstract +
Accuracy study for excited atoms (ions):A new variational method
Xiong Zhuang, Wang Zhen-Xin, Naoum C. Bacalis
2014, 63 (5): 053104. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.053104
Abstract +


Slow ions 84Kr15+, 17+ bombardment on GaAs
Yang Bian, Yang Zhi-Hu, Xu Qiu-Mei, Guo Yi-Pan, Wu Ye-Hong, Song Zhang-Yong, Cai Xiao-Hong
2014, 63 (5): 053201. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.053201
Abstract +


Optimization of the light-induced-fluorescence signals of single atoms and efficient loading of single atoms into a magneto-optical trap
Wang Jie-Ying, Liu Bei, Diao Wen-Ting, Jin Gang, He Jun, Wang Jun-Min
2014, 63 (5): 053202. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.053202
Abstract +
Study on wide-band scattering from rectangular cross-section above rough land surface with exponential type distribution using FDTD
Zhu Xiao-Min, Ren Xin-Cheng, Guo Li-Xin
2014, 63 (5): 054101. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054101
Abstract +
Research on the fabrication and property of hydrophobic antireflective infrared window
Zhang Ran, Cao Xiao-Wen, Xu Wei-Wei, Haraguchi Masanobu, Gao Bing-Rong
2014, 63 (5): 054201. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054201
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An unusual pulse compression of stimulated Brillouin scattering in water
Zhang Lei, Li Jin-Zeng
2014, 63 (5): 054202. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054202
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Reduction of the angular dispersion in self-diffraction signals by using a prism
Zhang Su-Xia, Li Fang-Jia, Liu Jun
2014, 63 (5): 054203. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054203
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Generation of 266 nm continuous-wave with elliptical Gaussian beams
Chen Guo-Zhu, Shen Yong, Liu Qu, Zou Hong-Xin
2014, 63 (5): 054204. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054204
Abstract +
High power red to mid-infrared laser source from intracavity sum frequency optical parametric oscillator pumped by femtosecond fiber laser
Zhang Li-Meng, Hu Ming-Lie, Gu Cheng-Lin, Fan Jin-Tao, Wang Qing-Yue
2014, 63 (5): 054205. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054205
Abstract +
Introduction of two-dimensional defects in inverse opal films by means of planar lithography and sol-gel co-assembly methods
Li Long, Wang Ming, Ni Hai-Bin, Shen Tian-Yi
2014, 63 (5): 054206. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054206
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Phase singularities of an ultrasonic speckle field back-scattered from an underwater Gaussian interface
Zheng Wei-Hua, Jia Hu
2014, 63 (5): 054301. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054301
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Research on prediction and methods of evaluating sound exposure from a mixture of multiple single sources
Yan Liang, Chen Ke-An, Ruedi Stoop
2014, 63 (5): 054302. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054302
Abstract +
Design of multistatic sonar space-time code detection signal and time reversal copy-correlation detection technology
Sheng Xue-Li, Lu Jia, Ling Qing, Xu Jiang, Dong Wei-Jia
2014, 63 (5): 054303. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054303
Abstract +
Passive source localization using RROA based on eigenvalue decomposition algorithm in WSNs
Hao Ben-Jian, Li Zan, Wan Peng-Wu, Si Jiang-Bo
2014, 63 (5): 054304. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054304
Abstract +
Research and design of thermal concentrator with arbitrary shape based on transformation thermodynamics
Li Ting-Hua, Mao Fu-Chun, Huang Ming, Yang Jing-Jing, Chen Jun-Chang
2014, 63 (5): 054401. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054401
Abstract +
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of slip flow and drag reduction characteristics of hydrophobic surfaces
Huang Qiao-Gao, Pan Guang, Song Bao-Wei
2014, 63 (5): 054701. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054701
Abstract +
Vortex structures in turbulent channel flow modulated by a steadily distributed spanwise Lorentz force
Wu Wen-Tang, Hong Yan-Ji, Fan Bao-Chun
2014, 63 (5): 054702. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054702
Abstract +
Theoretical and experimental investigations on aero-optical effect at the second stage of the compressible mixing layer
Gan Cai-Jun, Li Lang, Ma Han-Dong, Xiong Hong-Liang
2014, 63 (5): 054703. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054703
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Evaluation of vortex criteria by virtue of the quadruple decomposition of velocity gradient tensor
Li Zhen, Zhang Xi-Wen, He Feng
2014, 63 (5): 054704. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054704
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Study on a rising bubble bouncing near a rigid boundary
Li Shuai, Zhang A-Man
2014, 63 (5): 054705. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054705
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Study of far-field pressure wavelet of air-gun bubble based on potential flow theory
Ye Ya-Long, Li Yan-Qing, Zhang A-Man
2014, 63 (5): 054706. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054706
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Dynamic characteristics of laser-induced bubble moving in venturi
Li Xiao-Lei, Qin Chang-Jian, Zhang Hui-Chen
2014, 63 (5): 054707. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054707
Abstract +
Drag reduction on micro-structured hydrophobic surfaces due to surface tension effect
Song Bao-Wei, Ren Feng, Hu Hai-Bao, Guo Yun-He
2014, 63 (5): 054708. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.054708
Abstract +
Experimental study of insulated aluminum planar wire array Z pinches
Sheng Liang, Li Yang, Yuan Yuan, Peng Bo-Dong, Li Mo, Zhang Mei, Zhao Ji-Zhen, Wei Fu-Li, Wang Liang-Ping, Hei Dong-Wei, Qiu Ai-Ci
2014, 63 (5): 055201. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.055201
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Influence of defects on friction and motion of carbon nanotube
Li Rui, Sun Dai-Hai
2014, 63 (5): 056101. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.056101
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Research on dark signal degradation in 60Co γ-ray-irradiated CMOS active pixel sensor
Wang Bo, Li Yu-Dong, Guo Qi, Liu Chang-Ju, Wen Lin, Ma Li-Ya, Sun Jing, Wang Hai-Jiao, Cong Zhong-Chao, Ma Wu-Ying
2014, 63 (5): 056102. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.056102
Abstract +
Improved properties of boron-doped zinc oxide films with In2O3:Sn interlayers for solar cells
Zhao Hui-Xu, Chen Xin-Liang, Yang Xu, Du Jian, Bai Li-Sha, Chen Ze, Zhao Ying, Zhang Xiao-Dan
2014, 63 (5): 056801. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.056801
Abstract +
Switching dynamic behavior of a ferroelectric bilayer film
Cui Lian, Qiu Zhong-Yang, Li Rui-Ying, Liu Yong-Hao, Li Yu-Chun, Xia Zun-Yi, Hu Tong-Rui, Lü Tian-Quan
2014, 63 (5): 056802. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.056802
Abstract +
Impact of (Al, Ga, In) and 2N preferred orientation heavy co-doping on conducting property of ZnO
Hou Qing-Yu, Liu Quan-Long, Zhao Chun-Wang, Zhao Er-Jun
2014, 63 (5): 057101. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.057101
Abstract +
Theoretical study of the effect of W-doping on the conductivity of β-Ga2O3
Zheng Shu-Wen, Fan Guang-Han, He Miao, Zhao Ling-Zhi
2014, 63 (5): 057102. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.057102
Abstract +
First-principle study on the effect of high Pr doping on the optical band gap and absorption spectra of TiO2
Mao Fei, Hou Qing-Yu, Zhao Chun-Wang, Guo Shao-Qiang
2014, 63 (5): 057103. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.057103
Abstract +
Thermoelectric properties of chalcopyrite Cu3Ga5Te9 with Sb non-isoelectronic substitution for Cu and Te
Sun Zheng, Chen Shao-Ping, Yang Jiang-Feng, Meng Qing-Sen, Cui Jiao-Lin
2014, 63 (5): 057201. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.057201
Abstract +
Effect of temperature and external magnetic field on the structure of electronic state of the Si-uniformlly-doped GaAs quantum well
Yang Shuang-Bo
2014, 63 (5): 057301. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.057301
Abstract +
Breakdown voltage analysis for the new Al0.25 Ga0.75N/GaN HEMTs with the step AlGaN layers
Duan Bao-Xing, Yang Yin-Tang
2014, 63 (5): 057302. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.057302
Abstract +
Nuclear magnetic resonance experimental study on the characteristics of pore-size distribution in muck under several typical loading cases
Li Zhang-Ming, Zeng Wen-Xiu, Gao Mei-Lian, Luo Zhi-Bin
2014, 63 (5): 057401. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.057401
Abstract +
Effect of magnetic capacitance in the Fe3O4 nanopartides and polydimethylsiloxane composite material
Li Sheng-Kun, Tang Jun, Mao Hong-Qing, Wang Ming-Huan, Chen Guo-Bin, Zhai Chao, Zhang Xiao-Ming, Shi Yun-Bo, Liu Jun
2014, 63 (5): 057501. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.057501
Abstract +
Photoluminescence of monocrystalline silicon irradiated by femtosecond pulsed laser
Zhu Min, Li Xiao-Hong, Li Guo-Qiang, Chang Li-Yang, Xie Chang-Xin, Qiu Rong, Li Jia-Wen, Huang Wen-Hao
2014, 63 (5): 057801. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.057801
Abstract +
Influences of gold/silver nanoparticles on fluorescence of europium-doped films
Wang Qing-Ru, Li Shu-Hong, Shi Qiang, Wang Wen-Jun
2014, 63 (5): 057802. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.057802
Abstract +
Terahertz absorption of graphene enhanced by one-dimensional photonic crystal
Xie Ling-Yun, Xiao Wen-Bo, Huang Guo-Qing, Hu Ai-Rong, Liu Jiang-Tao
2014, 63 (5): 057803. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.057803
Abstract +
Study of mini-themionic electron sources for vacuum electron THz devices
Liang Wen-Long, Wang Yi-Man, Liu Wei, Li Hong-Yi, Wang Jin-Shu
2014, 63 (5): 057901. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.057901
Abstract +
Correlation between fracture mechanism and fracture toughness in metallic glasses
Wu Fei-Fei, Yu Peng, Bian Xi-Lei, Tan Jun, Wang Jian-Guo, Wang Gang
2014, 63 (5): 058101. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.058101
Abstract +
Single-channel source separation of radar fuze mixed signal using advanced adaptive decomposition
Zhu Hang, Zhang Shu-Ning, Zhao Hui-Chang
2014, 63 (5): 058401. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.058401
Abstract +
Design and evaluation of a pre-traveling wave deflector magnetic solenoid lens focused streak image tube
Liu Rong, Tian Jin-Shou, Li Hao, Wang Qiang-Qiang, Wang Chao, Wen Wen-Long, Lu Yu, Liu Hu-Lin, Cao Xi-Bin, Wang Jun-Feng, Xu Xiang-Yan, Wang Xing
2014, 63 (5): 058501. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.058501
Abstract +
Reduction of metal artifacts caused by multiple metallic objects in computed tomography
Wei Xing, Yan Bin, Zhang Feng, Li Yong-Li, Xi Xiao-Qi, Li Lei
2014, 63 (5): 058702. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.058702
Abstract +


Research and application of multi-chamber heart magnetic field model
Zhu Jun-Jie, Jiang Shi-Qin, Wang Wei-Yuan, Zhao Chen, Wang Yong-Liang, Li Wen-Sheng, Quan Wei-Wei
2014, 63 (5): 058703. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.058703
Abstract +
Review of reconstruction algorithms with incomplete projection data of computed tomography
Yang Fu-Qiang, Zhang Ding-Hua, Huang Kui-Dong, Wang Kun, Xu Zhe
2014, 63 (5): 058701. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.058701
Abstract +
The distribution of large-scale drought/flood of summer in China under different configurations of monsoon and polar vortex
Ji Fei, Zhao Jun-Hu, Shen Qian, Zhi Rong, Gong Zhi-Qiang
2014, 63 (5): 059201. doi: 10.7498/aps.63.059201
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