在本文中,用金相和X射线方法,研究了24个取向不同的钼单晶体在-80℃(-50℃)、27℃、1000℃和~2000℃拉伸后的情况。分析研究的结果,认为观察到的{112}、{123}、{145}等滑移痕迹,是由于在两组不平行的{110}面上,沿着同一个方向组合滑移后构成的外观面貌,而滑移面是密排的{110}面。外观滑移面(从滑移痕迹测定出的)会随样品取向不同而发生变化。当变形温度改变时,同一个样品的外观滑移面可能改变,也可能不改变,这要由样品的取向来决定。Twenty four single crystals of molybdenum of different orientations after extension at -80℃ (-50℃), 27℃, 1000℃ and ~2000℃ were investigated. From a study of metallographic and X-ray diffraction results, it was found that the slip traces, {112}, {123}, {145} etc., may be interpretted as conjugate slip in two nonparallel {110} planes along the same direction. The appearance of slip traces was different for different orientations of specimen. At different temperatures of extension, the appearance of slip traces of the same specimen orientation may be the same or different depending on the specimen orientation.
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