以民用工程结构如桥梁、大坝、高层建筑的健康检测为背景, 采用光纤光栅传感器实现对结构性能的实时监测和诊断, 及时发现结构的损伤以评估结构的安全性. 提出了一种可用于光纤光栅传感的新型弯曲伸张弹性敏感结构, 可实现对压力、应变以及加速度的准确测量. 对该结构弯梁腹部处的应变进行了理论分析和实验验证, 结果表明弯梁腹部处各点的应变与该弯曲伸张结构在竖直方向上所受压力、应变以及加速度大小成线性关系. 其最大的优点是同样灵敏度下体积小, 在井下等横向尺寸受限、又要测量纵向加速度的情况下, 梁式传感结构很可能无法使用, 该新型弯曲伸张型弹性敏感结构可作为弹性元件用于光纤光栅压力、应变、称重以及加速度传感器的设计.Based on the structure health monitoring of civil engineering structure such as bridges, dams, high-rise building, the fiber Bragg grating sensor is used to achieve the real-time monitoring and diagnosis of structural performance, in order to discovery the damage and to evaluate the safety of structure. Fiber-optical grating sensing based on flextensional member is proposed. The measuring of pressure, strain and acceleration can be realized. The strain of camber beam belly is analysed theoretically and verified experimentally. The strain of the camber beam belly is proportional to the pressure and acceleration in the vertical direction. Its biggest advantage is small size under the same sensitivity. The transverse dimensions is limited in well and the longitudinal acceleration needs to be measured, so beam based sensor structure are not likely to be used. Under the condition of measuring longitudinal acceleration sensor structure, beam pumping are not likely to be used. This new type of flextensional member elastic sensitive structure can serve as elastic element for the design of fiber bragg grating strain, weighing and pressure, and acceleration sensor.
- fiber-optical grating /
- flextensional member
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[11] Sun L M, Yang S, Cao C G 2009 Proceedings of SPIE 7292729214-1
[12] Antunes P, Varum H, André P 2011 Measurement 44 55
[13] Zhu T, Shi C H, Rao Y J, Chiang K S 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 586316 (in Chinese) [朱涛, 史翠华, 饶云江, 郑建成 2009物理学报 58 6316]
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[15] Hearn E J 1977 Mechanics of Materials (London: Pergamon)p57-233
[16] Zhang J L, Yu C X, Wang K R, Zhao D X, Lin M M, Li C 2009Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3988 (in Chinese) [张锦龙, 余重秀, 王葵如, 赵德新, 林妹妹, 李成 2009物理学报 56 3988]
[17] Zhao Y 2007 Fiber Bragg Grating and Sensing Technology (Vol.1) (Beijjing: National Defense Industry Press) p71 (in Chinese)[赵勇 2007 光纤光栅及其传感技术 (北京:国防工业出版社) 第71页]
[18] Xu N 2006 MS Thesis (Harbin: Harbin University of Science andTechnology) (in Chinese) [徐宁 2006 (硕士学位论文) (哈尔滨:哈尔滨理工大学)]
[1] Dong H J, Wu J, Zhang G Y 2009 Chin. Opt. Lett. 7 1
[2] Xu K, Pan S, Wu S F, Sun W, Li Y L 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 521190 (in Chinese) [徐凯, 潘石, 吴世法, 孙伟, 李银丽 2003 物理学报 52 1190]
[3] Zhou W J, Dong X Y, Ni K, Chan C C, Shum P 2010 Sensors andActuators A 157 15
[4] Sun Q Z, Liu D M, Wang J 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 5903 (inChinese) [孙琪真, 刘德明, 王健 2007 物理学报 56 5903]
[5] Li H N, Ji X H, Ren L, Chen J Y, Zhu T 2011 J. Dalian Univ. Tech.51 103 (in Chinese) [李宏男, 嵇雪衡, 任亮, 陈健云, 朱彤2011 大连理工大学学报 51 103]
[6] Cavallo A, May C, Minardo A, Natalo C, Pagliarulo P, Pirozzi S2009 Sensors and Actuators A 153 180
[7] Laudati A, Mennella F, Giordano M, Altrui G D, Calisti Tassini C,Cusano A 2007 IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 19 1991
[8] Teng L, Feng L S, Lin H 2006 Proceedings of SPIE 6357 63574C
[9] Liu B, Niu W C, Yang Y F 2006 Chin. J. Sci. Instrum. 27 42 (inChinese) [刘波,牛文成, 杨亦飞 2006 仪器仪表学报 27 42]
[10] Chen Z B 2009 MS Thesis (Xiamen: Xiamen University) (in Chinese)[陈郑斌 2009 (硕士学位论文) (厦门: 厦门大学)]
[11] Sun L M, Yang S, Cao C G 2009 Proceedings of SPIE 7292729214-1
[12] Antunes P, Varum H, André P 2011 Measurement 44 55
[13] Zhu T, Shi C H, Rao Y J, Chiang K S 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 586316 (in Chinese) [朱涛, 史翠华, 饶云江, 郑建成 2009物理学报 58 6316]
[14] Fan Q S, 2000 Mechanics of Materials (Beijjing: Higher EducationPress) pp45—65 (in Chinese) [范钦珊 2000 材料力学 (北京:高等教育出版社)第45--65页]
[15] Hearn E J 1977 Mechanics of Materials (London: Pergamon)p57-233
[16] Zhang J L, Yu C X, Wang K R, Zhao D X, Lin M M, Li C 2009Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3988 (in Chinese) [张锦龙, 余重秀, 王葵如, 赵德新, 林妹妹, 李成 2009物理学报 56 3988]
[17] Zhao Y 2007 Fiber Bragg Grating and Sensing Technology (Vol.1) (Beijjing: National Defense Industry Press) p71 (in Chinese)[赵勇 2007 光纤光栅及其传感技术 (北京:国防工业出版社) 第71页]
[18] Xu N 2006 MS Thesis (Harbin: Harbin University of Science andTechnology) (in Chinese) [徐宁 2006 (硕士学位论文) (哈尔滨:哈尔滨理工大学)]
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