基于传感器网络的信号被动定位技术在电磁学、声学、声呐系统以及传热学等领域具有广泛的应用前景,当传感器网络节点所接收噪声强度不同或传输信道存在阴影衰落效应时,给出了目标信号到达距离比定位关联度量的估计方法与基于信号到达距离比的被动定位算法. 将特征值分解技术引入到信号到达距离比定位关联度量估计中,通过接收信号协方差矩阵特征值分解技术估计各节点所接收噪声强度,并通过网络参考节点轮换与特征值分解方法消除阴影衰落效应所引入的定位误差,最后给出该算法的最小二乘定位解. 该方法可较好的消除由于节点接收噪声强度不同以及阴影衰落效应等因素所带来的定位性能恶化.When in WSNs sensors receive different noise intensities or the wireless transmission channel has the shadow fading effect, the association metrics estimation method for range ratios of arrival (RROA) and the passive source localization algorithm based on RROA are studied. Firstly, the eigenvector decomposition (EVD) approach is used to estimate the RROA association metrics. The noise intensity received by each sensor can be estimated by performing EVD on the covariance matrix of the received signal. Secondly, by rotating the array reference point at each of the array sensors, a number of covariance matrices are constructed and the EVD approach can be used to cancel the shadow fading effect. Thus RROA association metrics can be estimated reliably. Finally, the weighted-least-squares (WLS) algorithm based on the RROA association metrics is proposed. The proposed approach is robust to channel shadow fading effect and different noise intensities received.
- wireless sensor networks /
- range ratio of arrival /
- eigenvalue decomposition /
- passive source localization
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[23] Hao B J, Li Z, Si J B 2012 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, Ottawa, Canada, Jun. 10-15 2012 p47
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[31] Tarrio P, Bernardos A M, Casar J R 2007 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, Valencia, Spain, Oct. 14-20 2007 p265
[1] Ho K C, Lu X, Kovavisaruch L 2007 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 55 684
[2] Blatt D, Hero A D 2006 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 54 3614
[3] Weiss A J 2011 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 59 2513
[4] Dogancay K 2006 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 54 59
[5] Hao B J, Li Z, Qi P H, Guan L 2013 Sci. China Inform. Sci. 56 072307
[6] Liu X L, Liao G S 2011 Acta Electron. Sin. 39 596 (in Chinese) [刘晓莉, 廖桂生 2011 电子学报 39 596]
[7] Wang F F, Zhang Y R 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 084101 (in Chinese) [王芳芳, 张业荣 2012 物理学报 61 084101]
[8] Wang M, Hu S X, Fang X 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 5091 (in Chinese) [王敏, 胡顺星, 方欣 2009 物理学报 58 5091]
[9] Huang Y T 2001 Ph. D. Dissertation (Georgia:Georgia Institute of Technology)
[10] Morelli C, Nicoli M, Rampa V 2006 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France, May 14-19 2006 p957
[11] Chen Z M, Zhu H C, Mao R F 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 104305 (in Chinese) [陈志敏, 朱海潮, 毛荣富 2011 物理学报 60 104305]
[12] Zhang H B, Jiang W K, Wan Q 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 313 (in Chinese) [张海滨, 蒋伟康, 万泉 2008 物理学报 57 313]
[13] Bekkerman, Tabrikian J 2006 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 54 3873
[14] Zhang L, Huang J, Jin Y 2010 J. Syst. Eng. and Electron. 21 186
[15] Li K, Fang S L, An L 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 094303 (in Chinese) [李焜, 方世良, 安良 2013 物理学报 62 094303]
[16] Wang Z F, Hu Y M, Meng Z 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 7034 (in Chinese) [王泽锋, 胡永明, 孟洲 2009 物理学报 58 7034]
[17] Altet J, Salhi M A, Dilhaire S 2004 Electron. Lett. 40 241
[18] Altet J, Salhi M A, Dilhaire S 2003 Electron. Lett. 39 1440
[19] Wang X, Zhao M Y, Wan X P 2005 J. Northwestern Polytechnical University 23 388 (in Chinese) [王欣, 赵美英, 万小鹏 2005 西北工业大学学报 23 388]
[20] Sayed, Tarighat A, Khajehnouri N 2005 IEEE Signal Process. Mag. 22 24
[21] Ren M, Zou Y X 2012 IEEE Signal Process. Lett. 19 83
[22] Sun L M, Li J Z, Chen Y 2005 Wireless Sensor Networks (Beijing: Tsinghua University Press) p36 (in Chinese) [孙利民, 李建中, 陈渝 2005 无线传感器网络(北京:清华大学出版社)第36页]
[23] Hao B J, Li Z, Si J B 2012 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, Ottawa, Canada, Jun. 10-15 2012 p47
[24] Liu C F, Yang J, Wang F S 2013 J. Syst. Eng. and Electron. 24 183
[25] Rappaport T, Reed J, Woerner B 1996 IEEE Commun. Mag. 34 33
[26] Parameswaran A T, Husain M I, Upadhyaya S 2009 Proceedings of Field Failure Data Analysis Workshop, Niagara Falls, USA, September 2009 p1
[27] Whitehouse, Karlof C, Culler D 2007 ACM Mobile Comput. Commun. Rev. 11 41
[28] Zhang H, Cao L N 2009 Modern Communication Principles and Technologies (Xian: Xidian University Press) p39 (in Chinese) [张辉, 曹丽娜 2009 现代通信原理与技术(西安:西安电子科技大学出版社)第39页]
[29] Li X 2006 IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. 5 3626
[30] Lorincz, Welsh M 2005 Proceedings of International Workshop Location Context-Awareness at Pervasive, Munich, Germany, May 12-13 2005 p1
[31] Tarrio P, Bernardos A M, Casar J R 2007 Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications, Valencia, Spain, Oct. 14-20 2007 p265
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