现实中各网络之间的耦合促进了网络间的交流,但也带来了级联故障大范围传播的风险. 考虑到故障的传播一般存在时滞,并且一个节点可能拥有不止一条耦合边的情况,本文构建了基于时滞耦合映像格子的多耦合边无标度耦合网络级联故障模型. 研究表明,对于BA(Barabási-Albert)无标度耦合网络,存在一个阈值hT ≈ 3,当耦合强度小于此阈值时,耦合越强抗毁性越弱;反之,耦合越强抗毁性反而越强. 另外,研究发现时滞对耦合网络的影响不仅仅是延长了故障传播的时间,为采取防护措施争取了时间,而且也对最终故障规模产生了影响,具体地,当层内时滞τ1和层间时滞τ2可取任意值时,当两者成整数倍关系时其最终故障规模将更大. 本文的研究可为构建高抗毁性的耦合网络或提高耦合网络的级联抗毁性提供参考.The couplings among different networks facilitate their communications, while at the same time they also bring the risk of enhancing the wide spread of cascading failures to the coupled networks. Given that there is usually the time-delay during the spread of failures and more than one coupling link a node might possess, a cascading failure model for scale-free multi-coupling-link coupled networks is built in this paper, based on time-delay coupled map lattices (CML) model, which may be wider representative than previous models. Our research shows that in BA (Barabási-Albert) scale-free coupled networks, there is a threshold hT ≈ 3: when the coupling strength is bellow this threshold, the stronger coupling strength corresponds to a lower invulnerability; and vice versa, the stronger coupling strength would bring a higher invulnerability. In addition, our studies show that the presence of time-delay not only prolongs the failure spreading time during which measures can be taken to suppress cascading failures, but also has a significant influence on the eventual cascading size, for detail, if intra-layer time-delay τ1 and inter-layer time-delay τ2 can have any values, then the multiples of the two numbers will cause larger cascading size. We hope our research can provide a reference for building high-invulnerable coupled networks or the increase of the invulnerability of the coupled networks.
- coupled networks /
- coupled map lattices /
- coupling strength /
- time-delay
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[1] Watts D J, Strogatz S H 1998 Nature 393 440
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[3] Liu G, Li Y S 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 108901 (in Chinese)[刘刚, 李永树2012 物理学报61 108901]
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[26] Holme P, Kim B J, Yoon C N, Han S K 2002 Phys. Rev. E 65 056109
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