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Node influence of the dynamic networks

Ren Zhuo-Ming
  • 节点影响力的识别和预测具有重要的理论意义和应用价值, 是复杂网络的热点研究领域. 目前大多数研究方法都是针对静态网络或动态网络某一时刻的快照进行的, 然而在实际应用场景中, 社会、生物、信息、技术等复杂网络都是动态演化的. 因此在动态复杂网络中评估节点影响力以及预测节点未来影响力, 特别是在网络结构变化之前的预测更具意义. 本文系统地总结了动态复杂网络中节点影响力算法面临的三类挑战, 即在增长网络中, 节点影响力算法的计算复杂性和时间偏见; 网络实时动态演化时, 节点影响力算法的适应性; 网络结构微扰或突变时, 节点影响力算法的鲁棒性, 以及利用网络结构演变阐释经济复杂性涌现的问题. 最后总结了这一研究方向几个待解决的问题并指出未来可能的发展方向.
    Crucial to the physicists’ strong interest in the field is the fact that such macroscopic properties typically arise as the result of a myriad of interactions between the system constituents. Network science aims at simplifying the study of a given complex system by representing it as a network, a collection of nodes and edges interconnecting them. Nowadays, it is widely recognized that some of the structural traits of networks are in fact ubiquitous properties in real systems. The identification and prediction of node influence are of great theoretical and practical significance to be known as a hot research field of complex networks. Most of current research advance is focused on static network or a snapshot of dynamic networks at a certain moment. However, in practical application scenarios, mostly complex networks extracted from society, biology, information, technology are evolving dynamically. Therefore, it is more meaningful to evaluate the node's influence in the dynamic network and predict the future influence of the node, especially before the change of the network structure. In this summary, we contribute on reviewing the improvement of node influence in dynamical networks, which involves three tasks: algorithmic complexity and time bias in growing networks; algorithmic applicability in time varying networks; algorithmic robustness in a dynamical network with small or sharp perturbation. Furthermore, we overview the framework of economic complexity based on dynamical network structure. Lastly, we point out the forefront as well as critical challenges of the field.
      通信作者: 任卓明, zhuoming.ren@hznu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家级-基于雪崩电离的磁阻效应及其机理研究(61673151,61873080,61803137)
      Corresponding author: Ren Zhuo-Ming, zhuoming.ren@hznu.edu.cn

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    任卓明, 刘建国, 邵凤, 胡兆龙, 郭强 2013 物理学报 62 108902Google Scholar

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    刘建国, 任卓明, 郭强, 汪秉宏 2013 物理学报 62 178901Google Scholar

    Liu J G, Ren Z M, Guo Q, Wang B H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 178901Google Scholar


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    Pei S, Makse H A 2013 J. Stat. Mech. 2013 P12002Google Scholar


    Holme P, Saramaki J 2012 Phys. Rep. 519 97Google Scholar


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    Ercsey-Ravasz M, Lichtenwalter R N, Chawla N V, Toroczkai Z 2012 Phys. Rev. E 85 066103Google Scholar


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    Mariani M S, Medo M, Zhang Y C 2015 Sci. Rep. 5 16181Google Scholar


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    Vaccario G, Medo M, Wider N, Mariani M S 2017 J. Informetr. 11 766Google Scholar


    Wasserman M, Zeng X H T, Amaral L A N 2015 PNAS 112 1281Google Scholar


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    Bustos S, Gomez C, Hausmann R, Hidalgo C A 2012 PloS One 7 e49393Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  动态网络示意图

    Fig. 1.  An example of the dynamic network

    图 2  局部到全局的渐进式算法的示意图 (a) 全局算法; (b) 渐进式算法

    Fig. 2.  The diagram of local to global progressive algorithm: (a) Global algorithm; (b) The local to global progressive algorithm.

    图 3  实时动态网络 (a) 含有一段时间的网络; (b) 动态演化网络

    Fig. 3.  An example of the time-variant dynamic network: (a) A network with a period of time; (b) the time-variant dynamic network.

    图 4  4种经典节点影响力算法(度、紧密度、介数、特征向量中心性)在可变度-度相关性的无标度网络中准确性, 其中β表示传播参数, r表示可变度-度相关性的无标度网络中的度- 度相关性参数, Kendall's tau值大小表示节点影响力方法的准确性

    Fig. 4.  The accuracy analysis of four centrality (degree, closeness, betweenness, eigenvector) methods on the scale-free network model with tunable assortative coefficient r and different infectious rate β.

    图 5  邻接矩阵的嵌套性示意图 (a) 邻接矩阵的嵌套值为0; (b) 邻接矩阵的嵌套值为0.5; (c) 邻接矩阵的嵌套值为1

    Fig. 5.  The nestedness of the adjacency matrix: (a) The nestedness of the adjacency matrix is 0; (b)the nestedness of the adjacency matrix is 0.5; (c)the nestedness of the adjacency matrix is 1.

    图 6  786类商品国际贸易网络的嵌套性分布图, 其中子图为牛肉、摩托车、医疗器械三类不同商品的国际贸易网络的可视化邻接矩阵

    Fig. 6.  Distribution of the nestedness in the international trade networks with 786 kinds of goods. (subgraphs) The matrices are representations of the different layer of world trade networks which respectively corresponds to the network of Bovine, Motorcycles, and Medical Instruments.

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  • 收稿日期:  2019-05-28
  • 修回日期:  2019-11-26
  • 刊出日期:  2020-02-20

