It is important to control the femtosecond laser filamentation and the supercontinuum (SC) for their potential applications. The use of axicon is beneficial to the filamentation elongation and SC enhancement, because the axicon can convert the incident laser into a Bessel beam and forms a unique longer depth of focus region. On the other hand, the flattened laser beam which has a uniform distribution of the beam intensity, can propagate in condense media with a higher incident energy than that of Gaussian laser beam. It has unique advantages in forming a SC with high energy and high conversion efficiency. In this paper, we combine the use of axicon and the flattened laser beam to form filament and SC in fused silica. First, we study the filamentation generated by the Gaussian beam and the flattened beam, respectively, with the same incident pulse energy (672 μJ). The results show that the flattened beam can generate filament with relative uniform intensity distribution in the focal depth of the axicon and the intensity is relatively smaller than that of the Gaussian beam. It suggests that the flattened laser beam can propagate in fused silica with a higher energy than Gaussian beam. Second, we study the filamentation of the flattened beam of 1.319 mJ. In this case, the filament intensity is close to that of the Gaussian beam with 672 μJ. Moreover, the filamentation of the flattened beam with 1.319 mJ is longer and the intensity distribution is more uniform than that of the Gaussian beam with 672 μJ. Therefore, a flattened laser beam can generate the SC with a higher energy than that of the Gaussian beam in fused silica. The comparison of the spectra shows that the relative spectral intensity of flattened beam with 1.319 mJ in the range of 550–700 nm is much higher than that of the Gaussian beam with 672 μJ. The conversion efficiency of the Gaussian beam and the flattened beam is 32.58% and 39.59%, respectively. It can be seen that the flattened laser beam has advantages not only in generating long and uniform filament, but also in generating the intense SC. This approach is helpful to many applications, such as white light LIDAR and micro-nano processing.
- filamentation /
- flattened beam /
- axicon /
- supercontinuum
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图 2 飞秒高斯激光((a), (c), (e))和平顶激光((b), (d), (f))的初始光斑((c), (d))及其在熔融石英中成丝的荧光图像((a), (b)), 以及成丝轴线上的荧光强度((e), (f))随传输距离的演化. 实验中使用的激光脉冲能量均为672 μJ. 图中箭头方向表示激光传输方向
Fig. 2. Fluorescence image ((a), (b)) and the on-axis intensity ((e), (f)) of the filament formed by Gaussian beam ((a), (e)) and flattened beam ((b), (f)) respectively, with an incident energy of 672 μJ; the intensity distributions in the cross sections of (b) Gaussian beam and (d) flattened beam. The inset arrow indicates the laser propagation direction.
[1] Braun A, Korn G, Liu X, Du D, Squier J, Mourou G 1995 Opt. Lett. 20 73Google Scholar
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[18] 常峻巍, 许梦宁, 王頔, 朱瑞晗, 奚婷婷, 张兰芝, 李东伟, 郝作强 2019 光学学报 39 0126021
Chang J W, Xu M N, Wang D, Zhu R H, Xi T T, Zhang L Z, Li D W, Hao Z Q 2019 Acta Opt. Sin. 39 0126021
[19] 张肖玲, 奚婷婷 2017 中国科学大学学报 34 119
Zhang X L, Xi T T 2017 J. Univ. Chin. Acad. Sci. 34 119
[20] 周宁, 张兰芝, 李东伟, 常峻巍, 王毕艺, 汤磊, 林景全, 郝作强 2018 物理学报 67 174205Google Scholar
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Wang F, Zhang L Z, Chang J W, Li D W, Hao Z Q 2018 Appl. Phys. 8 228Google Scholar
[22] Akturk S, Zhou B, Franco M, Couairon A, Mysyrowicz A 2009 Opt. Commun. 282 129
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[29] Chang J W, Zhu R H, Xi T T, Xu M N, Wang D, Zhang L Z, Li D W, Hao Z Q 2019 Chin. Opt. Lett. 17 123201Google Scholar
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