In quantum chromodynamics, the interactions of quarks with the topological gluon field can lead to nonconservation of local parity (P) and conjugated parity (CP) , which provides a solution to the strong CP problem and a possibility to explain the asymmetry of matter-antimatter in the current universe. Under the action of a strong magnetic field, the nonconservation of P and CP can lead to the separation of particles according to their electric charges, which is called the chiral magnetic effect (CME). An observation of the CME-induced charge separation will confirm several fundamental properties of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), namely, approximate chiral symmetry restoration, topological charge fluctuation, and local parity violation. In relativistic heavy-ion collisions, there are other chiral anomalous effects similar to the CME, such as the chiral vortical effect (CVE) and the chiral magnetic wave (CMW). This review briefly summarizes the current progress of experimental research on the CME, CVE, and CMW in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
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图 1 RHIC-STAR合作组于2009年左右对
$ \gamma_{112} $ 关联函数的首次测量结果[20,21]. 粗实线和虚线表示HIJING模型计算的三粒子关联背景贡献. 碰撞中心度从左到右增加; 0%对应于中心碰撞Fig. 1. First measurement of the
$ \gamma_{112} $ correlator from RHIC-STAR experiment around 2009[20,21]. The thick solid (Au+Au) and dashed (Cu+Cu) lines represent HIJING calculations of the contributions from three-particle correlations. Collision centrality increases from left to right. 0% corresponds to the most central collisions图 2 RHIC-STAR 7.7—200 GeV Au+Au以及LHC-ALICE 2.76 TeV Pb+Pb碰撞中
$ \gamma_{112} $ 关联函数的中心度依赖性[20-23]. 灰色线是MEVSIM模型估计的与电荷无关的背景贡献Fig. 2.
$ \gamma_{112} $ correlator as a function of centrality for Au+Au collisions at 7.7–200 GeV from RHIC-STAR, and for Pb+Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV from LHC-ALICE[20-23]. Gray curves are the charge-independent results from MEVSIM calculations图 3 RHIC-STAR 7.7—200 GeV Au+Au以及LHC-ALICE 2.76 TeV Pb+Pb碰撞中
$ \kappa_{112} $ 关联函数的中心度依赖性[20-23]. 灰色粗实线是AMPT模型估计的与CME无关的背景贡献[28-30]Fig. 3.
$ \kappa_{112} $ correlator as a function of centrality for Au+Au collisions at 7.7–200 GeV from RHIC-STAR, and for Pb+Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV from LHC-ALICE[20-23]. Gray curves are the non-CME background estimations from AMPT[28-30]图 4 (a) LHC-CMS合作组在5.02 TeV p+Pb和 Pb+Pb碰撞中测量的
$ \gamma_{112} $ 关联函数随多重数的依赖性[32]; (b) RHIC-STAR合作组测量的小系统p+Au, d+Au碰撞中$ \gamma_{112} $ 关联函数与Au+Au碰撞结果的对比[33]. 图中的灰色标记代表实验测量的系统误差Fig. 4. (a)
$ \gamma_{112} $ as a function of N in p+Pb and Pb+Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV from LHC-CMS collaboration[32]; (b)$ \gamma_{112} $ as a function of N in p+Au, d+Au and Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV from RHIC-STAR collaboration[33]. Systematic uncertainties are indicated by the shaded regions图 6 LHC-ALICE合作组(a)通过事件形状筛选方法在2.76 TeV Pb+Pb碰撞中测量的按粒子多重数缩放的
$ \Delta\gamma_{112} $ 关联函数($\Delta\gamma_{112} \cdot {\rm{d}}N_{\rm ch}/{\rm{d}}\eta$ )在不同中心度下随$ v_{2} $ 的关系, (b)通过事件形状筛选方法比较关联函数以及不同模型下磁场强度和$ v_{2} $ 的关系, 提取的手征磁效应的贡献[37]Fig. 6. (a) Charge-particle density scaled correlator (
$\Delta\gamma_{112} \cdot {\rm{d}}N_{\rm ch}/{\rm{d}}\eta$ ) as a function of$ v_{2} $ for shape selected events in 2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collisions from LHC-ALICE; (b) extracted CME fraction ($ f_{\rm CME} $ ) by comparing the correlator and magnetic field dependence on$ v_{2} $ with different models[37]图 7 LHC-CMS合作组(a)通过事件形状筛选方法在5.02 TeV Pb+Pb碰撞中测量的按
$ \Delta\delta $ 缩放的关联函数($ \Delta\gamma_{112}/\Delta\delta $ )在不同中心度下随$ v_{2} $ 的关系, (b)通过事件形状筛选方法研究关联函数在$ v_{2}=0 $ 的结果, 提取的Pb+Pb以及p+Pb碰撞中手征磁效应的贡献[38]Fig. 7. (a) Scaled correlator,
$ \Delta\gamma_{112}/\Delta\delta $ , as a function of$ v_{2} $ evaluated with the ESE method, for different multiplicity ranges in Pb+Pb collisions from LHC-CMS; (b) extracted CME contributions,$ v_{2} $ -independent component, in Pb+Pb and p+Pb collisions[38]图 8 RHIC-STAR合作组(a)通过事件形状筛选方法选择的不同
$ q_{2} $ 事件(A: large$ q_{2} $ , B: small$ q_{2} $ )中$ \Delta\gamma_{112} $ 关联函数与不变质量的关系, (b) A-B与无事件形状筛选的测量结果的比较[41]Fig. 8. (a)
$ \Delta\gamma_{112} $ as functions of mass in different$ q_{2} $ events (A: large$ q_{2} $ , B: small$ q_{2} $ ) using the event shape selection method; (b) inclusive measurement compared with the A-B[41]图 12 基于EBE-AVFD模拟数据计算的
$ \Delta \gamma_{112} $ (a),$ \sigma^{-1}_{R2} $ ($ \sigma_{R2} $ 为R关联函数宽度) (c) 和$ r_{\mathrm{lab}} $ (e) 关于$ n_{5}/s $ 的函数.$ n_{5}/s $ 在AVFD里表示原始植入的CME强度. 该计算是针对30%—40% 中心度同位异素$ \sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 200 $ GeV核核对撞. (b), (d), (f)观测量在Ru+Ru对Zr+Zr比值[49]Fig. 12.
$ \Delta \gamma_{112} $ (a),$ \sigma^{-1}_{R2} $ (c) and$ r_{\mathrm{lab}} $ (e) as functions of$ n_{5}/s $ in EBE-AVFD model simulation. (b), (d), (f) Corresponding ratios between Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr[49]图 13 (a) STAR实验200 GeV Au+Au对撞中
$ v_2^\pm $ -$ A_{\rm ch} $ 的关系和(b)$ \Delta v_2 $ -$ A_{\rm ch} $ 的关系[73]; (c) ALICE实验2.76 TeV Pb+ Pb对撞中$ \Delta v_2 $ -$ A_{\rm ch} $ 的关系 [74]Fig. 13. (a)
$ v_2^\pm $ , (b)$ \Delta v_2 $ as functions of$ A_{\rm ch} $ in 200 GeV Au+Au collisions from STAR [73]; (c)$ \Delta v_2 $ as functions of$ A_{\rm ch} $ in 2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collisions from ALICE[74]图 15 (a) STAR实验200 GeVAu+Au对撞和(b) CMS实验5.02 TeV Pb+Pb对撞中观测到的
$ r_2 $ 、$ r_3 $ 斜率, 在误差范围内基本一致[76,77]Fig. 15. Measured
$ r_2 $ ,$ r_3 $ slopes as functions of centrality in 200 GeV Au+Au collisions from STAR (a), and in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions from CMS (b), within the uncertainties, the slopes of$ r_2 $ ,$ r_3 $ are consistent with each other[76,77]图 16 (a) STAR实验200 GeVAu+Au、U+U、p+Au和d+Au对撞和(b) CMS实验5.02 TeV Pb+Pb和p+Pb对撞中观测到的
$ r_2 $ 斜率[76,77]Fig. 16. Measured
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