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邢晔 李娜 杨翎彬 胡晓会



邢晔, 李娜, 杨翎彬, 胡晓会

Production of single charm pentaquark based on molecular configuration

Xing Ye, Li Na, Yang Ling-Bin, Hu Xiao-Hui
  • 基于有效拉氏量方法, 本文研究了自旋宇称为$J^P={{1}/{2}}^{-}$的单粲味五夸克态的产生. 本文根据强子可能的分子态图像, 分别以$ND_{\mathrm{s}}$$ND^*_{\mathrm{s}}$不同的分子态构型, 讨论了$B_{\mathrm{s}}$介子产生单粲味五夸克态${c\bar suud}$和十重态重子$\bar \varDelta$, 以及该五夸克态的两体强衰变过程. 通过复合粒子判据, 计算出与单粲味五夸克态${c\bar suud}$相关的强耦合常数. 借助于强子的有效拉氏量方法, 最终得到了单粲味五夸克态的产生分支比. 结果表明, 在单粲味五夸克态${c\bar suud}$$ND_{\mathrm{s}}$的构型下, 具有Cabibbo允许的产生过程: $\bar B_{\mathrm{s}} \rightarrow P_{{\mathrm{c }}\bar{{\mathrm{s}}}} \bar \varDelta$的分支比可以达到$10^{-5}$量级, 而在$ND^*_{\mathrm{s}}$的构型下, 该过程的分支比仅为$10^{-8}$量级. 本文的研究结果可以为单粲味五夸克态的实验搜寻和深入研究提供参考, 并期望在将来的实验探测诸如LHCb, Belle II, BaBar等B工厂中得到验证.
    In this work, the authors use the effective Lagrangian method to investigate the production of singly charm pentaquark state with spin parity $J ^ P={1/2}^{-} $. Based on the possible molecular state images of hadrons, the author discusses the production of singly charm pentaquark state ${c\bar suud}$ and decuplet baryon $\bar \varDelta$ by $B_{\mathrm{s}}$ meson with different molecular state configurations of $ND_{\mathrm{s}} $ or $ND ^ * _{\mathrm{s}} $. To determine the coupling between pentaquark and their constituents in the molecular scheme, the authors follow the Weinberg compositeness condition to estimate the self-energy diagram of the singly charmed pentaquark. Further study on the production of pentaquark from $B_{\mathrm{s}}$ meson can be propeled by computing the transition matrix elements, or the triangle diagrams, which can be careful divided into two part subprocess, one associated with weak transition can be represented into form factor and decay constant, another one related to strong coupling of hadrons can be described by effective Lagrangian. Selecting the scale parameter α (10–200 MeV) and binding energy ε (5, 20, 50 MeV), the authors can find the branching ratio of the production $\bar B_{\mathrm{s}} \to P_ {{\mathrm{c}}\bar {{\mathrm{s}}}}\bar \varDelta $. Under the configuration of $ND_{\mathrm{s}}$ molecule, the branching ratio of the Cabibbo allowed process $\bar B_{\mathrm{s}} \rightarrow P_{{{\mathrm{c}} \bar{{\mathrm{s}}}}} \bar \varDelta$ can reach to order of $10^{-5}$. Moreover, the production branching ratio of $ND^*_{\mathrm{s}}$ molecule is only at the order of $10^{-8}$. A increasing scale parameter α can significantly improve the production branching ratio of the singly charm pentaquark. In addition, the binding energy and the coupling constants will also affect the magnitude of production. Therefore, considering the above factors, the production branching ratio of singly charm pentaquark in $B_{\mathrm{s}}$ decays have considerable results, which is worth experimental and theoretical research in the future. The findings of our work can provide a reference for the experimental search and study of singly charm pentaquark, and it is hoped that they will be verified in future experimental detections at B factories such as LHCb, Belle, and BaBar.
      通信作者: 李娜, TS22180005A31@cumt.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 12005294)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Li Na, TS22180005A31@cumt.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12005294).

    Aaij R, Advea B, Adinolfi M, et al. 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 072001Google Scholar


    Aaij R, Abellán Beteta C, Adeva B, et al. 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 222001Google Scholar


    Aaij R, Abellán Beteta C, Ackernley T, et al. 2021 Sci. Bull. 66 1278Google Scholar


    Aaij R, Abdelmotteleb A S W, Abellán Beteta C, et al. 2022 Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 062001Google Scholar


    Santopinto E, Giachino A 2017 Phys. Rev. D 96 014014Google Scholar


    Deng C R, Ping J L, Huang H X, Wang F 2017 Phys. Rev. D 95 014031Google Scholar


    Azizi K, Sarac Y, Sundu H 2023 Phys. Rev. D 107 014023Google Scholar


    Chen R, Liu X, Li X Q, Zhu S L 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 132002Google Scholar


    Guo F K, Meißner Ulf-G, Wang W, Yang Z 2015 Phys. Rev. D 92 071502Google Scholar


    Branz T, Gutsche T, Lyubovitskij V E 2021 Phys. Rev. D 104 114028Google Scholar


    Lebed R F, Martinez S R 2022 Phys. Rev. D 106 074007Google Scholar


    Zhang Y, He G Z, Ye Q X, Y D C, Hua J, Wang Q 2024 Chin. Phys. Lett. 41 021301Google Scholar


    Chen H X, Chen W Z, Shi L 2019 Phys. Rev. D 100 051501Google Scholar


    Liu M Z, Pan Y W, Peng F Z, Sánchez Sánchez M, Geng L S, Hosaka A, Pavon V M 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 242001Google Scholar


    Zhu J T, Kong S Y, He J 2023 Am. Phys. Soc. 107 034029Google Scholar


    Wu Q, Chen D Y 2019 Phys. Rev. D 100 114002Google Scholar


    Peng F Z, Yan M J, Sánchez Sánchez M, Valderrama M P 2021 Eur. Phys. J. C 81 666Google Scholar


    Xiao C W, Wu J J, Zou B S 2021 Phys. Rev. D 103 054016Google Scholar


    Lu J X, Liu M Z, Shi R X, Geng L S 2021 Phys. Rev. D 104 034022Google Scholar


    Wu Q, Chen D Y, Ji R 2021 Chin. Phys. Lett. 38 071301Google Scholar


    叶全兴, 何广朝, 王倩 2023 物理学报 72 201401Google Scholar

    Ye Q X, He G C, Wang Q 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 201401Google Scholar


    Shi P P, Baru Vadim, Guo F K, Hanhart C, Nefediev A 2024 Chin. Phys. Lett. 41 031301Google Scholar


    Li N, Xing Y, Hu X H 2023 Eur. Phys. J. C 83 1013Google Scholar


    Huang Y, Xiao C J, Lü Q F, Wang R, He J, Geng L S 2018 Phys. Rev. D 97 094013Google Scholar


    Zhu H Q, Ma N N, Huang Y 2020 Eur. Phys. J. C 80 1184Google Scholar


    Yan Y, Hu X H, Huang H X, Ping J L 2023 Phys. Rev. D 108 094045Google Scholar


    Xin Q, Yang X, Wang Z G 2023 Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 38 2350123Google Scholar


    Yan M J, Peng F Z, Pavon V M 2024 Phys. Rev. D 109 014023Google Scholar


    Steven W 1963 Phys. Rev. 130 776Google Scholar


    Tanja B, Thomas G, Valery E L 2009 Phys. Rev. D 79 014035Google Scholar


    Xiao C J, Huang Y, Dong Y B, Geng L S, Chen D Y 2019 Phys. Rev. D 100 014022Google Scholar


    Shen C W, Wu J J, Zou B S 2019 Phys. Rev. D 100 056006Google Scholar


    Yalikun N, Zou B S 2022 Phys. Rev. D 105 094026Google Scholar


    McLean E, Davies C T H, Koponen J, Lytle A T 2020 Phys. Rev. D 101 074513Google Scholar


    Harrison J D, Christine T H 2022 Phys. Rev. D 105 094506Google Scholar


    Heng H Y 1997 Phys. Rev. D 56 2799Google Scholar


    Thomas G, Mikhail A I, Jürgen G K, et al. 2015 Phys. Rev. D 91 074001Google Scholar


    Wu S M, Wang F, Zou B S 2023 Phys. Rev. C 108 045201Google Scholar


    Li H N, Lu C D, Yu F S 2012 Phys. Rev. D 86 036012Google Scholar


    Xing Y, Xing Z P 2019 Chin. Phys. C 43 073103Google Scholar


    Xu Y J, Cui C Y, Liu Y L, Huang M Q 2020 Phys. Rev. D 102 034028Google Scholar

  • 图 1  具有$ ND^{(*)}_{\mathrm{s}} $分子态构型的单粲味五夸克态的自能图

    Fig. 1.  Self-energy diagram of singly charm pentaquark as hadronic molecules $ ND^{(*)}_{\mathrm{s}} $.

    图 2  $ \bar B_{\mathrm{s}} $介子产生单粲五夸克的三角图 (a), (b)具有$ ND_{\mathrm{s}} $分子态构型的单粲五夸克; (c), (d) 具有$ ND^*_{\mathrm{s}} $分子态构型的单粲五夸克

    Fig. 2.  Triangle diagrams of singly charm pentaquark produced by $ \bar B_{\mathrm{s}} $ meson: (a), (b) Singly charm pentaquark with $ ND_{\mathrm{s }}$ molecular state configuration; (c), (d) singly charm pentaquark with $ ND^*_{\mathrm{s}} $ molecular state configuration.

    图 3  $ \bar B_{\mathrm{s}} $介子弱衰变过程的W发射图

    Fig. 3.  W emission diagram of $ \bar B_{\mathrm{s}} $ meson weak decay

    图 4  $ \bar B_{\mathrm{s}} \xrightarrow[]{N} P_{{\mathrm{c}} \bar{{\mathrm{s}}}} \bar \varDelta $的分支比随参数α的变化曲线 (a) $ P_{{\mathrm{c}} \bar{{\mathrm{s}}}} $为$ ND_{\mathrm{s}} $分子态; (b) $ P_{{\mathrm{c}} \bar{{\mathrm{s}}}} $为$ N{D^*_{\mathrm{s}}} $分子态

    Fig. 4.  Branching ratios of $ \bar B_{\mathrm{s}} \xrightarrow[]{N} P_{{\mathrm{c}} \bar{{\mathrm{s}}}} \bar \varDelta $ vary with the parameter α: (a) $ P_{{\mathrm{c}} \bar{{\mathrm{s}}}} $ as hadronic molecule $ ND_{\mathrm{s}} $; (b) $ P_{{\mathrm{c}} \bar{{\mathrm{s}}}} $ as hadronic molecule $ ND^*_{\mathrm{s}} $

    表 1  形状因子$ F_{1}(k^2) $, $ F_{2}(k^2) $和$ A_i(k^2) $(i = 1, 2, 3)的拟合展开参数$ a_i $和$ m_{{\mathrm{pole}}} $[34,35]

    Table 1.  Fitted parameters $ a_i $ and pole mass $ m_{{\mathrm{pole}}} $ of form factors $ F_{1}(k^2) $, $ F_{2}(k^2) $ and $ A_i(k^2) $(i = 1, 2, 3)[34,35].

    参数 $ {\bar B_{\mathrm{s}}\to D} $ $ {\bar B_{\mathrm{s}}\to D^*} $
    $ F_1(k_1) $ $ F_2(k_1) $ $ A_{0}(k_1) $ $ A_{1}(k_1) $ $ A_{2}(k_1) $ $ A_{3}(k_1) $
    $ a_{0} $ $ 0.666 $ $ 0.666 $ $ 0.100 $ $ 0.105 $ $ 0.055 $ $ 0.059 $
    $ a_{1} $ $ -0.206 $ $ -3.236 $ $ -0.180 $ $ -0.430 $ $ -0.010 $ $ -0.110 $
    $ a_{2} $ $ -0.106 $ $ -0.075 $ $ -0.006 $ $ -0.100 $ $ -0.030 $ $ -0.250 $
    $ a_{3} $ $ 0.00 $ $ -0.00 $ $ 0.00 $ $ -0.030 $ $ 0.060 $ $ -0.050 $
    $ m_{{\mathrm{pole}}} $/GeV $ — $ $ — $ $ 6.335 $ $ 6.275 $ $ 6.745 $ $ 6.745 $
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    表 2  单粲味五夸克态的产生分支比(α = 100 MeV)

    Table 2.  Production branching ratio of singly charm pentaquark state (α = 100 MeV).

    分子态 产生道 分支比($ \times 10^{-6} $)
    $ \varepsilon $/MeV
    5 20 50
    $ ND_{\mathrm{s}} $ $ \bar B_{\mathrm{s}} \xrightarrow[]{N} P_{{\mathrm{c}} \bar{{\mathrm{s}}}} \bar \varDelta $ 29.40 31.37 24.51
    $ \bar B_{\mathrm{s}}\xrightarrow[]{N} P_{{\mathrm{c}} \bar{{\mathrm{s}}}}(\to \varLambda_{\mathrm{c}} K) \bar \varDelta $ 0.223 0.194 0.137
    $ ND^*_{\mathrm{s}} $ $ \bar B_{\mathrm{s}}\xrightarrow[]{N} P_{{\mathrm{c}} \bar{{\mathrm{s}}}} \bar \varDelta $ 0.055 0.408 1.570
    $ \bar B_{\mathrm{s}}\xrightarrow[]{N} P_{{\mathrm{c}} \bar{{\mathrm{s}}}}(\to \varLambda_{\mathrm{c}} K) \bar \varDelta $ 0.0006 0.0041 0.0157
    $ \bar B_{\mathrm{s}}\xrightarrow[]{N} P_{{\mathrm{c}} \bar{{\mathrm{s}}}}(\to \Sigma_{\mathrm{c}} K) \bar \varDelta $ 0.0004 0.0024 0.0072
    $ \bar B_{\mathrm{s}}\xrightarrow[]{N} P_{{\mathrm{c}} \bar{{\mathrm{s}}}}(\to p D_{\mathrm{s}}) \bar \varDelta $ 0.0002 0.0015 0.0050
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    Aaij R, Advea B, Adinolfi M, et al. 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 072001Google Scholar


    Aaij R, Abellán Beteta C, Adeva B, et al. 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 222001Google Scholar


    Aaij R, Abellán Beteta C, Ackernley T, et al. 2021 Sci. Bull. 66 1278Google Scholar


    Aaij R, Abdelmotteleb A S W, Abellán Beteta C, et al. 2022 Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 062001Google Scholar


    Santopinto E, Giachino A 2017 Phys. Rev. D 96 014014Google Scholar


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    Chen R, Liu X, Li X Q, Zhu S L 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 132002Google Scholar


    Guo F K, Meißner Ulf-G, Wang W, Yang Z 2015 Phys. Rev. D 92 071502Google Scholar


    Branz T, Gutsche T, Lyubovitskij V E 2021 Phys. Rev. D 104 114028Google Scholar


    Lebed R F, Martinez S R 2022 Phys. Rev. D 106 074007Google Scholar


    Zhang Y, He G Z, Ye Q X, Y D C, Hua J, Wang Q 2024 Chin. Phys. Lett. 41 021301Google Scholar


    Chen H X, Chen W Z, Shi L 2019 Phys. Rev. D 100 051501Google Scholar


    Liu M Z, Pan Y W, Peng F Z, Sánchez Sánchez M, Geng L S, Hosaka A, Pavon V M 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 242001Google Scholar


    Zhu J T, Kong S Y, He J 2023 Am. Phys. Soc. 107 034029Google Scholar


    Wu Q, Chen D Y 2019 Phys. Rev. D 100 114002Google Scholar


    Peng F Z, Yan M J, Sánchez Sánchez M, Valderrama M P 2021 Eur. Phys. J. C 81 666Google Scholar


    Xiao C W, Wu J J, Zou B S 2021 Phys. Rev. D 103 054016Google Scholar


    Lu J X, Liu M Z, Shi R X, Geng L S 2021 Phys. Rev. D 104 034022Google Scholar


    Wu Q, Chen D Y, Ji R 2021 Chin. Phys. Lett. 38 071301Google Scholar


    叶全兴, 何广朝, 王倩 2023 物理学报 72 201401Google Scholar

    Ye Q X, He G C, Wang Q 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 201401Google Scholar


    Shi P P, Baru Vadim, Guo F K, Hanhart C, Nefediev A 2024 Chin. Phys. Lett. 41 031301Google Scholar


    Li N, Xing Y, Hu X H 2023 Eur. Phys. J. C 83 1013Google Scholar


    Huang Y, Xiao C J, Lü Q F, Wang R, He J, Geng L S 2018 Phys. Rev. D 97 094013Google Scholar


    Zhu H Q, Ma N N, Huang Y 2020 Eur. Phys. J. C 80 1184Google Scholar


    Yan Y, Hu X H, Huang H X, Ping J L 2023 Phys. Rev. D 108 094045Google Scholar


    Xin Q, Yang X, Wang Z G 2023 Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 38 2350123Google Scholar


    Yan M J, Peng F Z, Pavon V M 2024 Phys. Rev. D 109 014023Google Scholar


    Steven W 1963 Phys. Rev. 130 776Google Scholar


    Tanja B, Thomas G, Valery E L 2009 Phys. Rev. D 79 014035Google Scholar


    Xiao C J, Huang Y, Dong Y B, Geng L S, Chen D Y 2019 Phys. Rev. D 100 014022Google Scholar


    Shen C W, Wu J J, Zou B S 2019 Phys. Rev. D 100 056006Google Scholar


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    McLean E, Davies C T H, Koponen J, Lytle A T 2020 Phys. Rev. D 101 074513Google Scholar


    Harrison J D, Christine T H 2022 Phys. Rev. D 105 094506Google Scholar


    Heng H Y 1997 Phys. Rev. D 56 2799Google Scholar


    Thomas G, Mikhail A I, Jürgen G K, et al. 2015 Phys. Rev. D 91 074001Google Scholar


    Wu S M, Wang F, Zou B S 2023 Phys. Rev. C 108 045201Google Scholar


    Li H N, Lu C D, Yu F S 2012 Phys. Rev. D 86 036012Google Scholar


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