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胡飞飞 李思莹 朱顺 黄昱 林旭斌 张思拓 范云茹 周强 刘云



胡飞飞, 李思莹, 朱顺, 黄昱, 林旭斌, 张思拓, 范云茹, 周强, 刘云
cstr: 32037.14.aps.73.20241274

Generation of multiwavelength quantum correlated photon pair for quantum entanglement key distribution

Hu Fei-Fei, Li Si-Ying, Zhu Shun, Huang Yu, Lin Xu-Bin, Zhang Si-Tuo, Fan Yun-Ru, Zhou Qiang, Liu Yun
cstr: 32037.14.aps.73.20241274
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 随着量子信息技术的发展, 多用户量子纠缠密钥分发网络受到越来越多的关注. 其中, 多波长量子光源是建立多用户连接的关键器件. 尽管近年来在多波长量子光源的研究上取得了显著的进展, 但受限于非线性光学器件的设计和制备技术, 增加量子光源的输出波长数仍然具有挑战性. 本文系统分析了氮化硅微环谐振腔的色散和尺寸等关键参数; 设计并制备得到了自由光谱范围为20 GHz的氮化硅微环谐振腔, 实验测试了氮化硅微环腔中量子关联光子对的产生和输出特性. 实验结果表明, 该光源在25.6 nm的波长范围内实现了71对波长上的关联光子对产生.
    With the rapid development of quantum information technology, fully connected multi-user quantum entanglement distribution networks have received increasing attention. Among these, multi-wavelength quantum light sources are key devices for establishing connections between multiple users. Despite recent impressive advances, there are still challenges in increasing the wavelength number of photon pairs due to limitations in the design and fabrication of nonlinear optical devices. The potentials of silicon nitride (Si3N4) microring resonators (MRRs), as scalable platforms for multi-wavelength quantum light sources, are explored in this work.The key design parameters of the Si3N4 MRRs, including waveguide dimension, resonator dispersion, and coupling condition, are comprehensively analyzed to optimize photon-pair generation. Based on these parameters, a Si3N4 MRR with a free spectral range of 20 GHz and an average quality factor of 1.6 million is designed and fabricated. This small free spectral range can generate more channels of correlated photon pairs by using the same wavelength resources. The high-quality resonator contributes to the enhancement of the rate of generating high photon pairs , which are critical for quantum entanglement distribution. With a continuous-wave pump laser, correlated photon pairs across a wide spectral range are generated through the spontaneous four-wave mixing (SFWM). The coincidence-to-accidental ratio (CAR) measurements verify the strong quantum correlation between photon pairs, highlighting the reliability of the system for entanglement distribution. Furthermore, the generation and output characteristics of quantum-correlated photon pairs are experimentally investigated with a tunable bandpass filter. The results demonstrate that 71 wavelength-correlated photon pairs within a 25.6 nm spectral range are successively generated as shown in the Fig. A. Our results pave the way for developing the multi-wavelength quantum light sources with Si3N4 platform, thereby advancing the multi-user quantum networks.
      通信作者: 范云茹, yunrufan@gmail.com
    • 基金项目: 中国南方电网有限责任公司科技项目(批准号: 000005KK52220034 (ZDKJXM20222036))资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Fan Yun-Ru, yunrufan@gmail.com
    • Funds: Project supported by China Southern Power Grid Project of Science and Technology (Grant No. 000005KK52220034 (ZDKJXM20222036)).

    O'brien J L 2007 Science 318 1567Google Scholar


    Sheng Y B, Zhou L, Long G L 2022 Sci. Bull. 67 367Google Scholar


    Hu X M, Guo Y, Liu B H, Li C F, Guo G C 2023 Nat. Rev. Phys. 5 339Google Scholar


    Córcoles A D, Takita M, Inoue K, Lekuch S, Minev Z K, Chow J M, Gambetta J M 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 100501Google Scholar


    Schupp J, Krcmarsky V, Krutyanskiy V, Meraner M, Northup T E, Lanyon B P 2021 PRX Quantum 2 020331Google Scholar


    Duan L M, Lukin M D, Cirac J I, Zoller P 2001 Nature 414 413Google Scholar


    Politi A, Matthews J C, Thompson M G, O'brien J L 2009 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 15 1673Google Scholar


    Wang J, Sciarrino F, Laing A, Thompson M G 2020 Nat. Photonics 14 273Google Scholar


    Lu L, Zheng X, Lu Y, Zhu S, Ma X S 2021 Adv. Quantum Technol. 4 2100068Google Scholar


    Wengerowsky S, Joshi S K, Steinlechner F, Hübel H, Ursin R 2018 Nature 564 225Google Scholar


    Roslund J, De Araujo R M, Jiang S, Fabre C, Treps N 2014 Nat. Photonics 8 109Google Scholar


    Joshi S K, Aktas D, Wengerowsky S, Lončarić M, Neumann S P, Liu B, Scheidl T, Lorenzo G C, Samec Ž, Kling L J S A 2020 Sci. Adv. 6 eaba0959Google Scholar


    Ma Z, Chen J Y, Li Z, Tang C, Sua Y M, Fan H, Huang Y P 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 263602Google Scholar


    Yin Z, Sugiura K, Takashima H, Okamoto R, Qiu F, Yokoyama S, Takeuchi S 2021 Opt. Express 29 4821Google Scholar


    Rahmouni A, Wang R, Li J, Tang X, Gerrits T, Slattery O, Li Q, Ma L 2024 Light Sci. Appl. 13 110Google Scholar


    Fan Y R, Lyu C, Yuan C Z, Deng G W, Zhou Z Y, Geng Y, Song H Z, Wang Y, Zhang Y F, Jin R B 2023 Laser Photonics Rev. 17 2300172Google Scholar


    Zeng H, He Z Q, Fan Y R, Luo Y, Lyu C, Wu J P, Li Y B, Liu S, Wang D, Zhang D C 2024 Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 133603Google Scholar


    范云茹 2022 博士学位论文 (成都: 电子科技大学)

    Fan Y R 2022 Ph. D. Dissertation (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China


    Wang H, Zeng Q, Ma H, Yuan Z 2024 Adv. Devices Instrum. 5 0032Google Scholar


    Samara F, Maring N, Martin A, Raja A S, Kippenberg T J, Zbinden H, Thew R 2021 Quantum Sci. Technol. 6 045024Google Scholar


    Ou Z Y, Lu Y J 1999 Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 2556Google Scholar

  • 图 1  氮化硅微环器件 (a) 理论设计的氮化硅波导的截面尺寸; (b) 氮化硅微环器件的显微图片; (c) 尾纤耦合和温控封装后的器件实物图

    Fig. 1.  Si3N4 microring device: (a) Designed cross-sectional dimensions of the Si3N4 waveguide; (b) image of the Si3N4 microring device; (c) picture of the Si3N4 device after fiber pigtail coupling and temperature control packaging.

    图 2  氮化硅微环谐振特性测试原理装置图. CW laser: 连续激光器; MRR: 微环谐振腔; PD: 光电探测器; Oscilloscope: 示波器

    Fig. 2.  Schematic of measuring the resonance property of Si3N4 MRR. MRR: microring resonator; PD: photodetector.

    图 3  测量得到的氮化硅微环腔的谐振特性

    Fig. 3.  Measured resonance property of the Si3N4 MRR.

    图 5  自发四波混频过程[18] (a) 三阶非线性光学材料中的自发四波混频过程; (b) 能量守恒条件; (c) 动量守恒条件

    Fig. 5.  Spontaneous four-wave mixing process: (a) Spontaneous four-wave mixing process in the third order nonlinear optical materials; (b) energy conservation condition; (c) momentum conservation condition.

    图 4  测量得到的1540.5 nm附近光学传输谱线

    Fig. 4.  Measured transmission spectrum around 1540.5 nm.

    图 6  氮化硅微环的关联光子对产生和测试实验原理装置图. CW laser: 连续激光器; VOA: 可调光衰减器;EDFA:掺铒光纤放大器; PC: 偏振控制器; BS: 分束器; PM: 功率计; DWDM: 密集波分复用器; MRR: 微环谐振腔; WSS: 波长选择开关; SNSPD: 超导纳米线单光子探测器; TDC: 时间-数字转换器

    Fig. 6.  Experimental setup for generating and measuring correlated photon pairs in Si3N4 MRR. VOA: variable optical attenuator; EDFA: erbium-doped fiber amplifier; PC: polarization controller; BS: beam splitter; PM: power meter; DWDM: dense wavelength division multiplexer; WSS: wavelength selective switch; SNSPD: superconducting nanowire single-photon detector; TDC: time-to-digital converter

    图 7  不同泵浦功率水平下, 信号光子与闲频光子的单边计数率

    Fig. 7.  Single side count rates of signal photons and idler photons at different pump power levels.

    图 8  泵浦功率为2 mW时, 信号光子与闲频光子的符合测量结果

    Fig. 8.  Histogram of coincidence counts between signal photons and idler photons at a pump power of 2 mW.

    图 9  光子对量子关联特性测量 (a) 不同泵浦功率下信号光子与闲频光子的符合计数与偶然符合计数; (b) 不同泵浦功率下的CAR

    Fig. 9.  Quantum correlation measurements of photon pairs: (a) Coincidence count rate and accidental coincidence count rate between signal photons and idler photons; (b) CAR at different pump powers.

    图 10  测量得到的多波长对量子关联光子对的符合计数

    Fig. 10.  Measured coincidence count rate with multiple paired wavelengths.

  • [1]

    O'brien J L 2007 Science 318 1567Google Scholar


    Sheng Y B, Zhou L, Long G L 2022 Sci. Bull. 67 367Google Scholar


    Hu X M, Guo Y, Liu B H, Li C F, Guo G C 2023 Nat. Rev. Phys. 5 339Google Scholar


    Córcoles A D, Takita M, Inoue K, Lekuch S, Minev Z K, Chow J M, Gambetta J M 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 100501Google Scholar


    Schupp J, Krcmarsky V, Krutyanskiy V, Meraner M, Northup T E, Lanyon B P 2021 PRX Quantum 2 020331Google Scholar


    Duan L M, Lukin M D, Cirac J I, Zoller P 2001 Nature 414 413Google Scholar


    Politi A, Matthews J C, Thompson M G, O'brien J L 2009 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 15 1673Google Scholar


    Wang J, Sciarrino F, Laing A, Thompson M G 2020 Nat. Photonics 14 273Google Scholar


    Lu L, Zheng X, Lu Y, Zhu S, Ma X S 2021 Adv. Quantum Technol. 4 2100068Google Scholar


    Wengerowsky S, Joshi S K, Steinlechner F, Hübel H, Ursin R 2018 Nature 564 225Google Scholar


    Roslund J, De Araujo R M, Jiang S, Fabre C, Treps N 2014 Nat. Photonics 8 109Google Scholar


    Joshi S K, Aktas D, Wengerowsky S, Lončarić M, Neumann S P, Liu B, Scheidl T, Lorenzo G C, Samec Ž, Kling L J S A 2020 Sci. Adv. 6 eaba0959Google Scholar


    Ma Z, Chen J Y, Li Z, Tang C, Sua Y M, Fan H, Huang Y P 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 263602Google Scholar


    Yin Z, Sugiura K, Takashima H, Okamoto R, Qiu F, Yokoyama S, Takeuchi S 2021 Opt. Express 29 4821Google Scholar


    Rahmouni A, Wang R, Li J, Tang X, Gerrits T, Slattery O, Li Q, Ma L 2024 Light Sci. Appl. 13 110Google Scholar


    Fan Y R, Lyu C, Yuan C Z, Deng G W, Zhou Z Y, Geng Y, Song H Z, Wang Y, Zhang Y F, Jin R B 2023 Laser Photonics Rev. 17 2300172Google Scholar


    Zeng H, He Z Q, Fan Y R, Luo Y, Lyu C, Wu J P, Li Y B, Liu S, Wang D, Zhang D C 2024 Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 133603Google Scholar


    范云茹 2022 博士学位论文 (成都: 电子科技大学)

    Fan Y R 2022 Ph. D. Dissertation (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China


    Wang H, Zeng Q, Ma H, Yuan Z 2024 Adv. Devices Instrum. 5 0032Google Scholar


    Samara F, Maring N, Martin A, Raja A S, Kippenberg T J, Zbinden H, Thew R 2021 Quantum Sci. Technol. 6 045024Google Scholar


    Ou Z Y, Lu Y J 1999 Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 2556Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2024-09-10
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